WPT Cambodia PassportCambodia, NagaworldEVENT #22
WPT Cambodia Passport to World Championship
2024.07.18 - 2024.07.22
Blind level
Level 24: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000
Total Chips
Day 2
7/21/2024, 9:56:43 AM
Chip Counts
Level 19: 8,000 / 16,000 ante: 16,000
Player | Chips |
WK Woojin KimKorea (Republic of) | 1,800,000(113 BB) |
TH Trung Ha NguyenViet Nam | 1,580,000(99 BB) |
MC Manh Cuong LeViet Nam | 1,200,000(75 BB) |
AB Adrien BergerFrance | 1,140,000(71 BB) |
PN Pradeep NudurumatiIndia | 1,130,000(71 BB) |
ZC Zhang Cheng (3)China | 1,123,000(70 BB) |
PB Pham BaoViet Nam | 1,100,000(69 BB) |
MG Malik GagandeepIndia | 1,080,000(68 BB) |
HQ Haisheng QiuChina | 1,031,000(64 BB) |
TE Travis EndersbyAustralia | 1,027,000(64 BB) |
YK Yamamoto KazuoJapan | 1,010,000(63 BB) |
900,000(56 BB) | |
AL Alex Lee (3)Singapore | 800,000(50 BB) |
VO Vishal OjhaIndia | 800,000(50 BB) |
TE Timothy EnglishAustralia | 760,000(48 BB) |
JT Joshua TanSingapore | 756,000(47 BB) |
WK Will KwokHong Kong | 650,000(41 BB) |
JP Junpeng PanChina | 630,000(39 BB) |
PS Park Se HanKorea (Republic of) | 627,000(39 BB) |
SC Sha ChengchunChina | 620,000(39 BB) |
JL Junzhong LooMalaysia | 600,000(38 BB) |
DM Dhaval MudgalIndia | 575,000(36 BB) |
AA Amir AbbasAustralia | 570,000(36 BB) |
MT Marcus TanSingapore | 561,000(35 BB) |
LL Lun LoonMalaysia | 540,000(34 BB) |
HT Ho TuanViet Nam | 525,000(33 BB) |
JS Joseph SandaevAustralia | 500,000(31 BB) |
QN Quoc NgoViet Nam | 500,000(31 BB) |
OT Oleg TitovRussian Federation | 460,000(29 BB) |
CL Chongwei LiaoSingapore | 430,000(27 BB) |
VD Van Dan NguyenViet Nam | 423,000(26 BB) |
SO Sean OoiMalaysia | 420,000(26 BB) |
CJ Curtis JianSingapore | 410,000(26 BB) |
SC Shaun ConroyIreland | 377,000(24 BB) |
SJ Sung Jae ChoKorea (Republic of) | 340,000(21 BB) |
ZC Zhihao ChenChina | 330,000(21 BB) |
JH Jinlong HuChina | 330,000(21 BB) |
DN Duc Nhat NguyenViet Nam | 310,000(19 BB) |
AV Armon Van WijkAustralia | 256,000(16 BB) |
NW Nicholas WoodwardUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | 250,000(16 BB) |
MT Maxime TantaroFrance | 240,000(15 BB) |
DL Dmytro LytvynovUkraine | 235,000(15 BB) |
AK Amit KaushikIndia | 220,000(14 BB) |
MB Mai BienViet Nam | 202,000(13 BB) |
TB Thi Bao NguyenViet Nam | 200,000(13 BB) |
WT Wilson TanSingapore | 200,000(13 BB) |
HA Howard AppledorfUnited States of America | 195,000(12 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng ZhengChina | 180,000(11 BB) |
SK Siddharth KariaIndia | 174,000(11 BB) |
AV Akshat VermaCanada | 166,000(10 BB) |
LS Lee SunghakKorea (Republic of) | 145,000(9 BB) |
RN Rindra NorodomCambodia | 85,000(5 BB) |
SN Somashekar NahadevaIndia | 43,000(3 BB) |
30,000(2 BB) |
7/21/2024, 5:56:09 AM
Bubble Round: Gagandeep Malik Doubles Up
Level 16: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Gagandeep Malik
On a board showing 9♠3♥ A♣ 3♣ K♦ , Jinlong Hu is all in with A♥ 9♥ , Gagandeep Malik risks with A♦ 3♦ and doubles up with full house over two pair.
Player | Chips |
MG Malik GagandeepIndia | 600,000(75 BB) |
JH Jinlong HuChina | 250,000(31 BB) |
Blind level
Level 14: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Total Chips
Day 1B
7/19/2024, 6:09:50 PM
End of Day 1B Chip Counts
Level 14: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Player | Chips |
XZ Xiaosheng ZhengChina | 1,013,000(203 BB) |
SC Shaun ConroyIreland | 607,000(121 BB) |
ZC Zhang Cheng (3)China | 581,000(116 BB) |
JH Jinlong HuChina | 528,000(106 BB) |
SO Sean OoiMalaysia | 520,000(104 BB) |
TB Thi Bao NguyenViet Nam | 496,000(99 BB) |
JL Junzhong LooMalaysia | 494,000(99 BB) |
WK Woojin KimKorea (Republic of) | 477,000(95 BB) |
SS Somasekhar SanampuriIndia | 432,000(86 BB) |
YK Yamamoto KazuoJapan | 401,000(80 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan NguyenViet Nam | 397,000(79 BB) |
BW Bing WangChina | 387,000(77 BB) |
FA Faiz AlamIndia | 387,000(77 BB) |
CH Collin HoSingapore | 371,000(74 BB) |
ER Erwan RegnaultFrance | 318,000(64 BB) |
MW Matthew Wakeman (2)Australia | 314,000(63 BB) |
DH Danny HuynhAustralia | 305,000(61 BB) |
PS Phanlert SukonthachartnantThailand | 280,000(56 BB) |
CT Chao Ting ChengTaiwan | 278,000(56 BB) |
TE Timothy EnglishAustralia | 275,000(55 BB) |
TI Tse Ian LeeMalaysia | 256,000(51 BB) |
YA Yeongje AhnKorea (Republic of) | 238,000(48 BB) |
IN Ichiyo NiwaJapan | 225,000(45 BB) |
HT Ho TuanViet Nam | 209,000(42 BB) |
MB Mai BienViet Nam | 207,000(41 BB) |
JP Junpeng PanChina | 180,000(36 BB) |
DN Duc Nhat NguyenViet Nam | 172,000(34 BB) |
168,000(34 BB) | |
YH Yi HungTaiwan | 164,000(33 BB) |
DM Dhaval MudgalIndia | 162,000(32 BB) |
YC Yaxin CenChina | 150,000(30 BB) |
JH Jhon HendriIndonesia | 149,000(30 BB) |
SW Sriprathai WatcharasakThailand | 146,000(29 BB) |
SJ Sung Jae ChoKorea (Republic of) | 124,000(25 BB) |
SK Siddharth KariaIndia | 124,000(25 BB) |
HN Hoang Nguyen (2)Viet Nam | 123,000(25 BB) |
MM Max MenzelGermany | 123,000(25 BB) |
MT Michael Truong (3)Viet Nam | 119,000(24 BB) |
VT Van Thinh TranViet Nam | 105,000(21 BB) |
KK Kim Kil SooKorea (Republic of) | 103,000(21 BB) |
HC Hai ChuAustralia | 103,000(21 BB) |
SL Soo Lim (2)Singapore | 102,000(20 BB) |
PD Parikshit DhallIndia | 84,000(17 BB) |
HZ Hong Zhu (2)China | 76,000(15 BB) |
7/19/2024, 3:29:57 PM
Big Stacks Around The Room
Level 14: 2,500 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Player | Chips |
JL Junzhong LooMalaysia | 485,000(97 BB) |
TB Thi Bao NguyenViet Nam | 480,000(96 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng ZhengChina | 472,000(94 BB) |
SS Somasekhar SanampuriIndia | 450,000(90 BB) |
WK Woojin KimKorea (Republic of) | 448,000(90 BB) |
YK Yamamoto KazuoJapan | 443,000(89 BB) |
TS Tien Sang PhiViet Nam | 440,000(88 BB) |
JH Jinlong HuChina | 440,000(88 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan NguyenViet Nam | 434,000(87 BB) |
SC Shaun ConroyIreland | 415,000(83 BB) |
CH Collin HoSingapore | 390,000(78 BB) |
BW Bing WangChina | 370,000(74 BB) |
ZC Zhang Cheng (3)China | 360,000(72 BB) |
ER Erwan RegnaultFrance | 340,000(68 BB) |
IN Ichiyo NiwaJapan | 325,000(65 BB) |
MM Max MenzelGermany | 304,000(61 BB) |
SC Seongho ChoKorea (Republic of) | 300,000(60 BB) |
7/19/2024, 2:27:46 PM
Big Stacks Around The Room
Level 13: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Player | Chips |
YK Yamamoto KazuoJapan | 550,000(138 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng ZhengChina | 520,000(130 BB) |
JL Junzhong LooMalaysia | 433,000(108 BB) |
TB Thi Bao NguyenViet Nam | 430,000(108 BB) |
JH Jinlong HuChina | 411,000(103 BB) |
IN Ichiyo NiwaJapan | 390,000(98 BB) |
SC Shaun ConroyIreland | 360,000(90 BB) |
MM Max MenzelGermany | 360,000(90 BB) |
ZC Zhang Cheng (3)China | 360,000(90 BB) |
350,000(88 BB) | |
BW Bing WangChina | 350,000(88 BB) |
ER Erwan RegnaultFrance | 330,000(83 BB) |
SS Somasekhar SanampuriIndia | 300,000(75 BB) |
CH Collin HoSingapore | 280,000(70 BB) |
HC Hai ChuAustralia | 271,000(68 BB) |
TQ Trung Quan NguyenViet Nam | 270,000(68 BB) |
MW Matthew Wakeman (2)Australia | 250,000(63 BB) |
SL Soo LimKorea (Republic of) | 250,000(63 BB) |
7/19/2024, 11:32:12 AM
Big Stacks Around The Room
Level 10: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000
Trung Quan Nguyen
Player | Chips |
TQ Trung Quan NguyenViet Nam | 356,000(178 BB) |
KT Kok TeohMalaysia | 280,000(140 BB) |
WK Woojin KimKorea (Republic of) | 263,000(132 BB) |
CJ Curtis JianSingapore | 230,000(115 BB) |
TB Thi Bao NguyenViet Nam | 205,000(103 BB) |
JP Junpeng PanChina | 200,000(100 BB) |
JH Jinlong HuChina | 180,000(90 BB) |
JL Junzhong LooMalaysia | 180,000(90 BB) |
BU Bora UludagGermany | 178,000(89 BB) |
SL Soo Lim (2)Singapore | 176,000(88 BB) |
FA Faiz AlamIndia | 170,000(85 BB) |
TS Tien Sang PhiViet Nam | 170,000(85 BB) |
YC Yaxin CenChina | 166,000(83 BB) |
SC Seongho ChoKorea (Republic of) | 165,000(83 BB) |
163,000(82 BB) | |
YK Yamamoto KazuoJapan | 160,000(80 BB) |
SA Santi AdultrakulThailand | 155,000(78 BB) |
GM Guangrui MengChina | 150,000(75 BB) |
KK Kim Kil SooKorea (Republic of) | 150,000(75 BB) |
HC Hai ChuAustralia | 145,000(73 BB) |
144,000(72 BB) |
7/19/2024, 8:53:06 AM
Yaxin Cen Picks Up Another Pot
Level 5: 300 / 600 ante: 600
Catching the action as the dealer is sending the chips to Yaxin Cen with Ace-King top pair King to bring her stack to 70,000.
Player | Chips |
YC Yaxin CenChina | 70,000(117 BB) |