Day 2 - Final
Azizjon Gets A Cooler

Rakhimov Azizjon raised to 575,000 from under the gun. Jules Rohr shoved all-in from the big blind, easily covering Azizjon with his huge stack. Azizjon called all-in for 650,000.
Azizjon showed a beautiful looking A♦ K♦, but was outshined by the A♠ A♥ of Rohr.
It was over when the turn couldn't produce a diamond to provide more outs. Azizjon tapping the table for "nice hand" and the table giving its recognition with a respectful "good game" double tape.
Rohr increased his stack and chip lead even more.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JR Jules Rohr | A♠A♥ | 5,280,000(106 BB) |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | A♦K♦ | busted |
Azizjon Gets A Cooler
Rakhimov Azizjon raised to 575,000 from under the gun. Jules Rohr shoved all-in from the big blind, easily covering Azizjon with his huge stack. Azizjon called all-in for 650,000.
Azizjon showed a beautiful looking A♦ K♦, but was outshined by the A♠ A♥ of Rohr.
It was over when the turn couldn't produce a diamond to provide more outs. Azizjon tapping the table for "nice hand" and the table giving its recognition with a respectful "good game" double tape.
Rohr increased his stack and chip lead even more.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JR Jules Rohr | A♠A♥ | 5,280,000(106 BB) |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | A♦K♦ | busted |
Azizjon Doubles With Tens

Ha Van Thien raised to 50,000 and called the three-bet all-in shove of Rakhimov Azizjon for 300,000.
Thien showed pocket sevens which was dominated by Azizjon's tens. The domination maintained until the board completed, giving Azizjon a much-needed double.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | T♣T♦ | 660,000(26 BB) |
HV Ha Van Thien | 7♠7♥ | 750,000(30 BB) |
First Break Of The Day
85 players are still in contention with each earning at least VND 46,500,000 (~USD 1,800).
Day 2 Fina Top Chip COunts
Player | Chips |
YX Yang Xudong | 1,325,000(110 BB) |
MK Michael Kim Falcon | 1,310,000(109 BB) |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 1,220,000(102 BB) |
JR Jules Rohr | 1,150,000(96 BB) |
IL Ivan Lukianov | 1,100,000(92 BB) |
VV Vu Van Tiep | 955,000(80 BB) |
WC Wang Chen | 860,000(72 BB) |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | 700,000(58 BB) |
YD Yixuan Dong | 685,000(57 BB) |
NV Nguyen Van Thanh | 680,000(57 BB) |
ZJ Zheng Jie | 680,000(57 BB) |
Three-Way All-in

Akgul Huseyin raised to 16,000 from the lo-jack and Rakhimov Azizjon called the next seat over. Short-stacked Le Giang Nam shoved his last 83,000 all-in on the button with both Huseyin and Azizjon also chiming "all-in" for a three-way showdown.
Huseyin and Azizjon both had big slicks, which two-paired when the flop came. Both players chopped the pot, which included the final chips of Nam, who gets taken out of the tournament, devoured by two sharks.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | A♦K♠ | 421,000(53 BB) |
LG Le Giang Nam | 5♥5♦ | busted |
A♣K♥ | 720,000(90 BB) |
Mini Main Event Day 2 - 144 Qualifiers
Player | Chips |
YX Yang Xudong | 899,000 |
BG Biao Guo | 715,000 |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 706,000 |
653,000 | |
NV Nguyen Van Thanh | 641,000 |
624,000 | |
LM Le Manh Cuong | 621,000 |
VK Ved Kartik Mahesh | 608,000 |
LY Li Yongxin | 594,000 |
JR Jules Rohr | 579,000 |
AC Anthony Cierco | 533,000 |
ZJ Zheng Jie | 504,000 |
DQ Do Quang Trinh | 481,000 |
KR Khanna Ritwikk | 481,000 |
VV Vu Van Tiep | 437,000 |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 408,000 |
392,000 | |
FL Ferdinand Lu | 391,000 |
AS Aditya Sushant | 380,000 |
CZ Chen Zeyu | 377,000 |
HM Ha Manh Tuong | 371,000 |
370,000 | |
HV Ha Van Thien | 366,000 |
VH Vu Hoang Dat | 361,000 |
DN Duong Ngo Linh | 361,000 |
LH Lee Hasung | 343,000 |
DT Dinh Tien Thanh | 339,000 |
GJ Gatmanee Jitlert | 337,000 |
AB Agharazi Babayev | 335,000 |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | 330,000 |
ZY Zhang Yankai | 328,000 |
LZ Long Zhentao | 326,000 |
LX Li Xinze | 322,000 |
PT Phi Tien Sang | 319,000 |
GY Gu Yuefan | 316,000 |
316,000 | |
IP Irvan Pramana Iliadi | 316,000 |
DQ Do Quang Thang | 315,000 |
NT Nguyen Tuan Anh | 312,000 |
311,000 | |
308,000 | |
NT Nguyen Thai Quang | 300,000 |
NT Nguyen Trung Ha | 300,000 |
295,000 | |
VQ Vo Quoc Hiep | 292,000 |
ND Nguyen Duy Thuc | 286,000 |
LN Le Nguyen Khanh Linh | 282,000 |
NT Nguyen Thanh Long | 278,000 |
IP Isaac Phua Chern Chze | 277,000 |
WY Waki Yasuhiro | 266,000 |
HS Haoran Sun | 265,000 |
AV Andres Vasquez (2) | 262,000 |
TV Truong Vu Tran Khanh | 260,000 |
OJ Oh Junseok | 255,000 |
JK Jungkyu Kim | 255,000 |
CH Chu Hsien Lee | 242,000 |
TL Tung Le Tien | 234,000 |
NT Nguyen Than Minh | 229,000 |
DH Dang Hung Duong | 225,000 |
PY Po Yung Hui | 224,000 |
MM Max Menzel | 224,000 |
ZC Zhang Chunhao | 221,000 |
HJ He Jiaqi | 221,000 |
EK Edgaras Kausinis | 219,000 |
PD Pham Duy Anh | 216,000 |
NT Nguyen Trung Phong | 216,000 |
ND Nguyen Dieu Phuong Linh | 216,000 |
KD Kim Doyeon | 212,000 |
ND Nguyen Duc Cuong | 211,000 |
AM | 210,000 |
TQ Tran Quang Trung | 208,000 |
DH Dang Hong Thao | 207,000 |
NH Nguyen Hoang Nam | 205,000 |
200,000 | |
SK Shin King Lun | 193,000 |
FV Felix Von Rahden | 190,000 |
MK Minku Kim | 189,000 |
PV Pham Van Xuan | 187,000 |
FY Fan Yingkun | 186,000 |
HB Harsh Bubna | 184,000 |
182,000 | |
RP Rytis Pranarauskas | 180,000 |
LH Lee Hon Cheong | 180,000 |
XY Xin Yuan | 173,000 |
YD Yixuan Dong | 173,000 |
HN Hoang nam Nguyen | 173,000 |
JW Julian Warhurst | 169,000 |
LS Liu Shuoyuan | 168,000 |
XC Xie Chengrun | 167,000 |
ZY Zhifan Ye (2) | 167,000 |
WC Wang Chen | 165,000 |
LX Li Xialin | 165,000 |
161,000 | |
AK Amit Kaushik | 160,000 |
160,000 | |
VT Van Tien Pham | 159,000 |
VD Vu Duc Trung | 158,000 |
TM Thi Minh Hong Pham | 157,000 |
YH Yang Hyunmin | 157,000 |
LV Le Van Hung | 154,000 |
ZC Zhang Cheng (3) | 148,000 |
ZW Zhiyu Wang | 147,000 |
LY Liu Yongyi | 147,000 |
TC Tran Cong Huan | 145,000 |
JS Jaemoon Seok | 143,000 |
LY Lin Yizhi | 142,000 |
142,000 | |
EC Eugene Co | 133,000 |
KS Karia Siddharth | 132,000 |
HK Haver Kamper | 131,000 |
LP Liang Peng | 126,000 |
HQ Haisheng Qiu | 124,000 |
IL Ivan Lukianov | 123,000 |
ZY Zhou Yutong | 122,000 |
MF Mai Fen | 120,000 |
HA Ho Anh Tuan | 117,000 |
WP Wu Pingfeng | 116,000 |
OS Ozturk Sencer | 115,000 |
WJ Wang Jingyi | 111,000 |
TH Tran Hai Duong | 108,000 |
NP Nguyen Phuong Tung | 105,000 |
ZW Zhao Wanhao | 104,000 |
LG Le Giang Nam | 103,000 |
GY Ge Ying Rui | 102,000 |
WJ William Jia (2) | 102,000 |
NR Natalia Rozova | 97,000 |
YS Yun Sung Jin | 96,000 |
HH Haibing Hu | 96,000 |
AA Arya Aayush | 92,000 |
GZ Guo Zhanxi | 92,000 |
JK Juwon Kim | 90,000 |
LH Lee Hyundong | 89,000 |
TC Tingjia Cao | 87,000 |
HH Hongshuang Hu | 86,000 |
NT Nguyen Thi My Phuong | 76,000 |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Khanh | 74,000 |
65,000 | |
NC Nguyen Canh Tan | 60,000 |
YC Yuanxi Chen | 56,000 |
NQ Nian Qishun | 54,000 |
DM Dang Minh Dat | 52,000 |
LJ Liu JunQiang | 48,000 |
KV Khuc Van Hung | 15,000 |
VL Vu lam Nguyen Sigma | 6,000 |
Day 1B
Le Xuan Huy Is Bubble Boy

Rakhimov Azizjon raised to 16,000 from UTG+2 then called the all-in re-raise of Le Xuan Huy from the cut-off. Huy dominated the hand of Azizjon and led most of the way until the river threw out a jack to give Azizjon two pair.
Player | Hand | Chips |
A♣K♠ | 106,000(13 BB) | |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | K♣J♣ | 330,000(41 BB) |
Azizjon's Aces Bust Cuong

Rakhimov Azizjon and Le Manh Cuong were competing for the 33,000 chips in the middle beside a flop that showed 6♦ 6♥ 8♦. Both went all-in right after.
Azizjon was way ahead with his aces, but Cuong turned a pair when the J♥ came out. It made things interesting, but the Q♠ immediately quelled the enthusiasm to bring the pot Azizjon's way and sending Cuong to the exits.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RA Rakhimov Azizjon | A♠A♣ | 317,000(63 BB) |
LM Le Manh Cuong | A♦J♠ | busted |