Day 3

11/27/2023, 4:10:00 PM

Nguyen Quang Huy with aces again, Seonguk Huh down to 4 bb

Level 42: 100,000 / 250,000 ante: 250,000
nguyenquanghuy 7
Nguyen Quang Huy

Nguyen Quang Huy doubles up with aces again! All in with A A against Seonguk Huh’s 6 6 . Board runs Q 8 T K 8 .

Chip Counts

5,550,000(22 BB)
1,000,000(4 BB)
11/27/2023, 4:00:00 PM

Nguyen Trung Ha pushes out Seonguk Huh

Level 42: 100,000 / 250,000 ante: 250,000

Small blind Seonguk Huh limps, big bind Nguyen Trung Ha checks, flop comes Q J 3 , both check. On the turn 4 , Huh checks, Nguyen bets 625,000, Huh raises 1,500,000, Nguyen jams, Huh tank-folds.

Chip Counts

10,000,000(40 BB)
3,600,000(14 BB)
11/27/2023, 3:50:00 PM

Lu Ning outdraws to survive

Level 42: 100,000 / 250,000 ante: 250,000

On a min-raised pot preflop and no bets on the flop, turn board is 5 8 Q 8 , Lu Ning is all in holding Q 4 top pair and faces Seonguk Huh with A 9 . The river is T for a double up.

Chip Counts

4,300,000(17 BB)
1,500,000(6 BB)
11/27/2023, 3:40:00 PM

Konstantin Held wins battle of the blinds

Level 42: 100,000 / 250,000 ante: 250,000

Small blind Konstantin Held limps, big blind Seonguk Huh checks, flop is 8 A K . Both players check. The turn J sees Held bet 500,000, Huh calls. On the river K , Held bets 550,000, Huh calls then mucks to A 7 .

Chip Counts

9,100,000(36 BB)
5,100,000(20 BB)
11/27/2023, 3:00:00 PM

Nguyen Trung Ha wins another pot

Level 41: 100,000 / 200,000 ante: 200,000

Utg Nguyen Trung Ha opens 400,000, big blind Seonguk Huh defends. Both players proceed to check down the board 7 4 K 9 3 . Nguyen wins the pot with A 7 top pair over Huh’s 2 2 .

Chip Counts

10,150,000(51 BB)
7,300,000(37 BB)
11/27/2023, 2:30:00 PM

Lu Ning drags in a big pot against Seonguk Huh

Level 41: 100,000 / 200,000 ante: 200,000

By the turn board 5 6 9 Q , the pot was at 2M, big blind Lu Ning checks, button Seonguk Huh bets 800,000, Lu shoves 2,925,000, Huh folds.

Chip Counts

7,800,000(39 BB)
4,930,000(25 BB)
11/27/2023, 1:50:00 PM

Daewoong Song eliminated in 14th place - VN₫ 331,700,000 (~$13,660)

Level 40: 100,000 / 150,000 ante: 150,000
daewoongsong 5
Daewoong Song

Small blind Seonguk Huh shoves his big stack, big blind Daewoong Song risks his 7 bb stack with K 7 and is ahead of Huh’s J 6 . The board runs out 2 A A T J . Huh spikes a pair on the river to oust Song in 14th place.

Chip Counts

8,800,000(59 BB)
11/27/2023, 1:40:00 PM

Nguyen Quang Huy doubles up

Level 40: 100,000 / 150,000 ante: 150,000

Utg Seonguk Huh opens 330,000, button Nguyen Quang Huy three-bets all in for 885,000, Huh calls. Nguyen has a dominating A A , Huh with 6 6 . No bad beats on the board for a double up to Nguyen.

Chip Counts

7,500,000(50 BB)
1,920,000(13 BB)
11/27/2023, 12:35:00 PM

Doan Quang Trung eliminated in 19th place- VN₫ 211,300,000 (~$8,700)

Level 39: 60,000 / 120,000 ante: 120,000

34 Main Event D3 29

Short stacked sb Doan Quang Trung goes all in Q 8 , big blind Seonguk Huh calls holding A 2 , window card is a Ace as it completes Q 3 A 4 9 . Trung is eliminated in 19th place.

Chip Counts

6,400,000(53 BB)

Day 2

11/26/2023, 11:11:00 PM

Seungmook Jung versus Seonguk Huh

Level 37: 40,000 / 80,000 ante: 80,000


Utg+1 Seonguk Huh raises 175,000, big blind Seungmook Jung calls, flop runs Q 9 6 . First to act Jung checks to aggressor Huh who c-bets 85,000, Jung calls. Both players check the turn 2 . Jung bets the 4 river. Huh folds.

Chip Counts

4,100,000(51 BB)
2,300,000(29 BB)
11/26/2023, 10:37:00 PM

Konstantin Held slams into Seonguk Huh’s Aces

Level 36: 30,000 / 60,000 ante: 60,000

Utg+1 Seonguk Huh opens 125,000, cutoff Konstantin Held three-bets 310,000, Huh four-bets 825,000, Held five-bets all in, Huh with less chips commits his remaining 2,065,000.

Konstantin Held A 2 Seonguk Huh A A

The board runs A 9 K T 8 , Held plunges to 10 bb.

Chip Counts

4,880,000(81 BB)
650,000(11 BB)
11/26/2023, 8:55:00 PM

Seonguk Huh rivers top pair against Guy Taylor

Level 35: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000

Cutoff Seonguk Huh ups it to 100,000, big blind Guy Taylor calls, the flop lands Q 7 5 . Seonguk c-bets 75,000, Taylor check-calls to bring the 4 turn. Taylor leads out 125,000, Seonguk flats. Both check the river K . Seonguk claims the pot with A K top pair over 7 8 mid pair.

Chip Counts

2,800,000(56 BB)
2,400,000(48 BB)

Day 2

11/26/2023, 11:11:00 PM

Seungmook Jung đấu với Seonguk Huh

Level 37: 40,000 / 80,000 ante: 80,000

Utg+1 Seonguk Huh raise 175.000, big blind Seungmook Jung call, flop ra Q 9 6 . Jung check đối thủ Huh c-bet 85.000, Jung call. Cả hai người chơi đều check ở turn lượt 2 . Jung bet ở river 4 . Huh fold.

Chip Counts

4,100,000(51 BB)
2,300,000(29 BB)
11/26/2023, 10:37:00 PM

Konstantin Held tấn công đôi Át của Seonguk Huh

Level 36: 30,000 / 60,000 ante: 60,000

Utg+1 Seonguk Huh open 125.000, cut off Konstantin Held 3-bet 310.000, Huh 4-bet 825.000, Held 5-bet all-in, Huh all in với ít chip hơn 2.065.000.

Konstantin Held A 2 Seonguk Huh A A

Mặt bài là A 9 K T 8 , Held tụt xuống 10 bb.

Chip Counts

4,880,000(81 BB)
650,000(11 BB)
11/26/2023, 8:55:00 PM

Seonguk Huh river top pair gặp Guy Taylor

Level 35: 25,000 / 50,000 ante: 50,000

Cut-off Seonguk Huh raise lên 100.000 chip, big blind Guy Taylor call, flop về Q 7 5 . Seonguk c-bet 75.000, Taylor check-call để mang về turn 4 . Taylor dẫn đầu 125.000 Seonguk. Cả hai đều check tại turn K . Seonguk giành được pot với đôi trên A K đôi giữa 7 8 .

Chip Counts

2,800,000(56 BB)
2,400,000(48 BB)