Prize (TWD)
Blind level
Level 32: 100,000 / 200,000 ante: 200,000
Total Chips
Day 2
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/19/2025, 4:48:38 AM
Ladies Hold for Kai Hung Hu
Level 23: 15,000 / 25,000 ante: 25,000

Facing an open and a button three bet, Chih Yang Chen squeezed all-in on the small blind for 560,000 and saw initial raiser Kai Hung Hu rise to the challenge.
In search of an ace, Chih found none on board 3♦ 3♣ 5♣ 8♦ 9♠ , ending his Main Event run entirely.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KH Kai Hung Hu | Q♦Q♥ MP | 1,480,000(59 BB) |
CY Chih Yang Chen | A♦Q♣ SB | busted |
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/19/2025, 2:44:20 AM
Ladies Stand Strong for Kai Hung Hu
Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000

Martin Gonzales opened utg+1, called behind by Kai Hung Hu. Da Xian Liou on the button, raised it up to 80,000 and Gonzales put in the call. Kai squeezed all-in for his entire 349,000, leaving only Gonzales to take the spot.
A classic NLH flip, Kai immediately scored the advantage, running quads on board Q♦ 4♦ 7♣ Q♠ 5♣ for a full double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
KH Kai Hung Hu | Q♥Q♣ CO | 808,000(67 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | A♥K♣ UTG+1 | 270,000(23 BB) |
DX Da Xian Liou | 422,000(35 BB) |