Blind level
Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Total Chips

Day 1/D

1/16/2025, 1:49:01 PM

Oh Jun Seok Outbets Chen Weiting

Level 13: 1,500 / 2,500 ante: 2,500
Oh Jun Seok

Oh Jun Seok (UTG+1) raises 5,000 while Chen Weiting (SB) and BTN call. The flop brings 9 4 4 . Chen Weiting checks to see Oh Junseok bet 4,500 and BTN folds. The turn brings 5 . Weiting checks and Junseok bets 11,500 causing Weiting to fold.

260,000(104 BB)
39,900(16 BB)
1/16/2025, 1:27:18 PM

Hsu Kung Shuo Doubles Up

Level 12: 1,000 / 2,000 ante: 2,000

Hsu Kung Shuo (CO) raises all-in 21,500 pre-flop. Oh Jun Seok (BB) calls to showdown. Kung Shuo had 3 3 and Jin Seok, K 5 . The board brings A A 9 3 7 . Kung Shuo snatches the pot with a fullhouse.

260,000(130 BB)
48,000(24 BB)
Janette BeeJanette Bee
1/16/2025, 12:34:43 PM

Oh Jun Seok Bets to Win

Level 10: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Oh Jun Seok

Oh Jun Seok opened 2,500 utg and called a 7,000 three bet from Hu Chung I behind. On flop K 8 3 , Oh check called another 3,900, revealing turn A . Both checked it through to river 5 , where Oh gunned for a hefty 22,000. Hu gave up the fight and tossed his hand in the muck.

145,000(121 BB)
52,000(43 BB)