Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Day 1C
11/3/2024, 6:30:37 AM
Eric Jiang's Turn Re-raise Wins The Pot
Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Cutoff player Lu Yu Cheng bets 7000 into a pot of 16,300 on a board 6♣ 6♠ 3♦ . Eric Jiang on the button raises to 15,200 and takes it down on Lu's fold.
Player | Chips |
LY Lu Yu Cheng | 105,000(210 BB) |
71,200(142 BB) |
11/3/2024, 6:08:21 AM
Top Stacks
Level 4: 300 / 500 ante: 500

Player | Chips |
CL Chen Long Sing | 168,300(337 BB) |
RJ Ruei Jiun Liang | 148,200(296 BB) |
138,900(278 BB) | |
LY Lu Yu Cheng | 133,500(267 BB) |
ML Michael Lin (2) | 118,000(236 BB) |
LC Lin Chin Chia | 105,700(211 BB) |
SH Shen Hao | 105,700(211 BB) |
PK Poon Khai Loon | 91,500(183 BB) |
AC Alexander Charron | 91,100(182 BB) |
90,200(180 BB) | |
PC Poi Chen | 89,600(179 BB) |
YT Yang Tzu Yi | 84,300(169 BB) |
JP Joohyun Park | 80,200(160 BB) |
11/3/2024, 5:19:49 AM
Lu Yu Cheng Overbets The River For The Win
Level 2: 200 / 300 ante: 300

Jung In Jae opens from cutoff for 1100 and gets called by two players. When the flop brings J♠ 8♥ 3♥ , Jung check-calls a bet of 1000 from Lu as one player folds. Jung and Lu then check the turn 6♠ and the river comes J♥ . Jung snap folds to Lu's 12,400 bet.
Player | Chips |
LY Lu Yu Cheng | 59,300(198 BB) |
JI Jung In Jae | 55,300(184 BB) |
11/3/2024, 4:11:53 AM
Lu Yu Cheng Takes Control On The Turn
Level 1: 100 / 200 ante: 200

Utg opens 500 and gets 4 callers. Flop comes T♥ 2♣ J♦ , utg+1 In Jung Su takes over the betting for 1000 and gets two callers. The turn 5♦ sees In fire again for 2600 losing one player while cutoff Lu Yu Cheng raises to 7000. In calls and they both head to the river 3♠ . Lu bets 13,000 to take down the pot.
Player | Chips |
LY Lu Yu Cheng | 60,100(301 BB) |
IJ In Jung Su | 43,000(215 BB) |