Blind level
Level 18: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
Total Chips
Day 1B
11/2/2024, 7:40:51 AM
Chao Che Yeh Wins Preflop Battle
Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800

Hsieh Chou Kai makes it 1600 to go, Chao Che Yeh re-raises to 5600, Hsieh replies with a move of 20,000, Yeh shoves, Hsieh tank-folds.
Player | Chips |
CC Chao Che Yeh | 80,300(100 BB) |
HC Hsieh Chou Kai | 20,400(26 BB) |
11/2/2024, 5:02:02 AM
Post Flop Aggression From Lam Ka Fai
Level 2: 200 / 300 ante: 300

From cutoff, Lam Ka Fai calls Yeh Chao Che's raise, small blind Ping Yi Tsai three-bets 4000, Yeh and Lam both make the call. On the flop Q♣ 3♠ 6♦ , Tsai continues with a 3000 bet, Yeh calls again, Lam bumps it up to 10,000 inducing a fold from Tsai while Yeh tosses in the chips. After both players knock on the turn 5♦ , Lam shoves all in on the river Q♦ and finally takes the pot unchallenged.
Player | Chips |
LK Lam Ka Fai | 57,600(192 BB) |
PY Ping Yi Tsai | 41,400(138 BB) |
CC Chao Che Yeh | 30,600(102 BB) |