Flght B
End of Flight B - 17 Survivors
Player | Chips |
OK Oliver Kubalek Richert | 389,000(78 BB) |
JA Janno Alvarez | 361,000(72 BB) |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 318,000(64 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 313,000(63 BB) |
JS Joseph Sia | 251,000(50 BB) |
HC Haw-Jong Chin | 229,000(46 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 203,000(41 BB) |
MS Muhammad Shamsudin | 189,000(38 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 171,000(34 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismindo | 141,000(28 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 140,000(28 BB) |
CS Christoph Schumann | 140,000(28 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 126,000(25 BB) |
CR Christian Relucio | 124,000(25 BB) |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 95,000(19 BB) |
SC Shah Chirag | 88,000(18 BB) |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 83,000(17 BB) |
Magbanua Gets Another Double Through Nakamura
Yoshiki Nakamura opened to 10,000 from the hijack, Jason Kyle Magbanua three-bet shoved for 42,000 from the small blind and Nakamura called with a covering stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | K♠J♠ | 196,000(49 BB) |
JK Jason Kyle Magbanua | K♣K♥ | 92,000(23 BB) |
Magbanua remains ahead with pocket kings on the A♣ 9♠ 2♦ 2♠ T♥ runout to double up through Nakamura.
Magbanua Doubles Through Nakamura

Jason Kyle Magbanua shoved from under the gun for 20,000 and Yoshiki Nakamura called from the button with a covering stack.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JK Jason Kyle Magbanua | Q♣2♣ | 50,000(13 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | A♦5♦ | 236,000(59 BB) |
The board ran out Q♠ 5♣ 6♣ J♠ 7♣ giving Magbanua a flush to double up.
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
OK Oliver Kubalek Richert | 297,000(74 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 265,000(66 BB) |
CR Christian Relucio | 211,000(53 BB) |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 189,000(47 BB) |
MS Muhammad Shamsudin | 182,000(46 BB) |
ED Edwin Dela Cruz | 179,000(45 BB) |
JS Joseph Sia | 166,000(42 BB) |
CS Christoph Schumann | 162,000(41 BB) |
HC Haw-Jong Chin | 145,000(36 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismindo | 138,000(35 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 126,000(32 BB) |
BY Benhur Ybarsabal | 119,000(30 BB) |
AC Anthony Castro | 118,000(30 BB) |
JA Janno Alvarez | 112,000(28 BB) |
JP | 110,000(28 BB) |
SC Shah Chirag | 108,000(27 BB) |
MN Munkh Natsagdorj | 96,000(24 BB) |
MG Michael Gabby Concepcion | 94,000(24 BB) |
RT Ryan Tan | 89,500(22 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 82,000(21 BB) |
SW Sham Wing Sheuk | 66,000(17 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 52,000(13 BB) |
43,000(11 BB) | |
KH Kenji Hamamoto | 33,000(8 BB) |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | 28,000(7 BB) |
AG Anthony Gabitan | 28,000(7 BB) |
JR Jannodin Riga | 24,000(6 BB) |
JK Jason Kyle Magbanua | 20,000(5 BB) |
Nakamura Straightens Out Villa

With two players seeing a board of T♥ 6♥ K♦ 9♦ and 35,000 in the middle, Yoshiki Nakamura checked from the big blind and Hernan Jaybee Villa bet 24,000 from the cutoff. Nakamura shoved for 107,500 and Villa, who had Nakamura very slightly covered, made the call.
Player | Hand | Chips |
HV Hernan Villa | K♠J♠ | 1,500(1 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | Q♠J♣ | 250,000(100 BB) |
Villa had top pair but could only chop at best against Nakamura who had turned a straight. The T♦ river changed nothing for either player and Nakamura doubled up while Villa was left with less than one big blind.
Nakamura Doubles Through Belikov

In a preflop confrontation Yoshiki Nakamura is all in for 61,000 from the hijack and is up against Dmitrii Belikov who has him covered from the cutoff.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DB Dmitrii Belikov | J♦J♥ | 24,000(12 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | A♠K♦ | 131,000(66 BB) |
The board runs out 5♣ 3♠ 6♥ A♦ 8♥ giving Nakamura top pair to double up through Belikov.
Flight A
Stack of Remaining Players
Player | Chips |
MG Marc Gagne | 297,000(99 BB) |
KE Kim Enriquez | 260,000(87 BB) |
MS Maestro Sim | 245,000(82 BB) |
243,000(81 BB) | |
ME Marco Espela | 240,000(80 BB) |
BG Bazil Gimalay | 218,000(73 BB) |
KS Kei Shinagawa | 186,000(62 BB) |
CH Claude Henoud | 183,000(61 BB) |
TS Taro Sakai | 177,000(59 BB) |
CL Christian Lortie | 168,000(56 BB) |
AI Alvir Inocentes | 140,000(47 BB) |
PL Patricio Lizano | 126,000(42 BB) |
HF Haruna Fujita | 116,000(39 BB) |
JG Jonald Garcia | 108,000(36 BB) |
JP | 106,000(35 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 89,000(30 BB) |
MG Muthukumaran Govindasamy | 86,000(29 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 84,500(28 BB) |
83,000(28 BB) | |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 81,000(27 BB) |
AT Atsushi Takeuchi | 74,000(25 BB) |
SG Stephane Graffin | 72,000(24 BB) |
HK Harish Kumar Asnani | 71,000(24 BB) |
PB Patrick Barnay | 67,000(22 BB) |
TN Tamon Nakamura | 53,000(18 BB) |
NB Nikolai Babushkin | 47,000(16 BB) |
43,000(14 BB) | |
42,000(14 BB) | |
KS Karia Siddharth | 40,000(13 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 36,000(12 BB) |
AC AJ Cris Acdal | 24,000(8 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
CH Claude Henoud | 95,600(120 BB) |
AK Alari Kunnapuu | 89,000(111 BB) |
HE Howard Everett | 88,900(111 BB) |
MG Marc Gagne | 86,400(108 BB) |
CJ Craig Jones | 84,500(106 BB) |
PL Patricio Lizano | 83,000(104 BB) |
CL Christian Lortie | 74,000(93 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 73,800(92 BB) |
JM Joseph Magnotti | 69,800(87 BB) |
DE David Evans (3) | 62,800(79 BB) |
BG Bazil Gimalay | 60,100(75 BB) |
GB Ganbold Battulga | 55,400(69 BB) |
TS Taro Sakai | 53,700(67 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 53,200(67 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 49,300(62 BB) |
NB Nikolai Babushkin | 48,800(61 BB) |
HF Haruna Fujita | 47,500(59 BB) |
Nakamura Fires Three Barrels

With two players seeing a board of K♣ 3♠ T♥ and 7,700 in the middle, Yoshiki Nakamura bets 1,500 from the big blind and Howard Everett calls from under the gun. Nakamura continues for 2,500 on the 9♥ turn and Everett calls again. On the T♣ river Nakamura bets 4,500 and this time it’s enough to get a fold from Everett.
Player | Chips |
HE Howard Everett | 88,900(148 BB) |
YN Yoshiki Nakamura | 49,300(82 BB) |