Flight A
Rey Roca Heads for the Exit

Teruhisa Aoyama raised all-in on the small blind and saw Rey Roca right behind, commit his last 19,000.
Roca in search of a double up, instead bowed out after failing to improve on board 6♣ 4♠ J♣ Q♣ 7♣ .
Player | Hand | Chips |
TA Teruhisa Aoyama | K♠J♠ SB | 273,000(68 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | T♦7♠ BB | busted |
Rey Roca Survives Flip

Rey Roca flicked in his last 26,000 on the cutoff and was looked up by Mark Almusajin right on the big blind.
Roca at risk, was left with no worries as board 7♣ 2♥ 9♣ K♣ 3♥ landed him a set to survive through.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RR Rey Roca | 7♦7♠ CO | 56,500(19 BB) |
MA Mark Almusajin | K♥Q♦ BB | 414,500(138 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Flight A action is close to wrapping up, with five more eliminations to go before bagging time. 13 players out of the 83-entry field are set to advance to Day 2 on Sunday, January 26. Leading the charge is local grinder Mark Almusajin, who has consistently kept the lead all throughout the day.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 433,500(145 BB) |
TA Teruhisa Aoyama | 225,000(75 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 180,000(60 BB) |
NA Naohiro Arita | 172,000(57 BB) |
DM Darren Moves | 155,500(52 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 148,000(49 BB) |
141,000(47 BB) | |
IT Ilia Timofeev | 132,000(44 BB) |
MT Masahiro Toyoda | 127,500(43 BB) |
MF Maxim Fana | 127,500(43 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 107,500(36 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 106,000(35 BB) |
100,000(33 BB) | |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 70,000(23 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 64,000(21 BB) |
57,500(19 BB) | |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 53,000(18 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 33,500(11 BB) |
Sergei Korzhenko Denies Rey Roca Showdown

Sergei Korzhenko opened 5,500 on the hijack and was joined by Rey Roca on the small blind. Action on flop Q♥ A♣ T♥ was checked round to turn 4♣ , where Korzhenko bet 10,000. Roca check called, yet gave it up by the river 3♦ after Korzhenko went for another 16,000.
Player | Chips |
171,000(68 BB) | |
RR Rey Roca | 38,000(15 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 287,500(192 BB) |
177,000(118 BB) | |
DM Darren Moves | 165,000(110 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 141,000(94 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 138,000(92 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 123,000(82 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 120,000(80 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 118,000(79 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 107,000(71 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 101,000(67 BB) |
MT Masahiro Toyoda | 98,000(65 BB) |
TA Teruhisa Aoyama | 93,200(62 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 70,000(47 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 70,000(47 BB) |
MF Maxim Fana | 58,000(39 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 53,000(35 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 53,000(35 BB) |
IT Ilia Timofeev | 48,000(32 BB) |
43,000(29 BB) | |
33,000(22 BB) | |
30,000(20 BB) | |
30,000(20 BB) | |
LT Leslie Tsui | 30,000(20 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 30,000(20 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 30,000(20 BB) |
NA Naohiro Arita | 25,500(17 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 22,000(15 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 160,100(160 BB) |
140,000(140 BB) | |
IT Ilia Timofeev | 108,000(108 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 102,000(102 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 84,200(84 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 79,500(80 BB) |
CQ Cezar Quiambao | 79,000(79 BB) |
79,000(79 BB) | |
MT Masahiro Toyoda | 79,000(79 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 74,000(74 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 58,000(58 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 58,000(58 BB) |
DM Darren Moves | 55,000(55 BB) |
52,400(52 BB) | |
WJ William Jones | 48,000(48 BB) |
MF Maxim Fana | 46,200(46 BB) |
46,000(46 BB) | |
PE Paul Elliott | 44,200(44 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 43,000(43 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 41,300(41 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 38,800(39 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 35,800(36 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 35,200(35 BB) |
DF Daniel Francis | 34,000(34 BB) |
JC John Constiniano | 31,900(32 BB) |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 31,000(31 BB) |
SA Sangjin An | 30,300(30 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 30,000(30 BB) |
29,200(29 BB) | |
CK Carsten Klug | 22,000(22 BB) |
14,000(14 BB) | |
TY Taeil Yun | 13,500(14 BB) |
7,100(7 BB) |
Darren Moves Hangs On

Following an open and a call, Darren Moves pushed his last 5,000 in the middle, and was called by both William Jones and Rey Roca. Action on board T♥ 6♠ A♣ 6♥ A♥ was checked all the way to showdown, shipping Moves the triple up for his full house.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DM Darren Moves | A♠Q♥ D | 16,000(40 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | K♠T♠ UTG+1 | 4,900(12 BB) |
WJ William Jones | J♣4♣ UTG | 8,800(22 BB) |
Patrick Wahlquist Doubles Through Rey Roca

A four way raised pot dealt a flop of 2♠ 6♣ 8♥ . Rey Roca on the small blind, led out 1,600, called by the initial raiser. Patrick Wahlquist on the button, raised it up to 5,000, and saw only Roca continue to turn 7♣ . Wahlquist went for another 10,000, and called for his remaining 10,300 after Roca moved all-in.
Rey Roca T♠ 8♠
Patrick Wahlquist 2♦ 2♥
Crushed against a set, Roca booked the loss as river 7♠ completed the board, dropping down to two big blinds.
Player | Chips |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 55,300(184 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 700(2 BB) |
Sergei Korzhenko Cracks Aces

A button vs big blind battle brewed 5,000 in the middle with action on board 2♥ 8♠ 6♥ T♣ seeing Rey Roca fire a bet of 5,000. Sergei Korzhenko check called, and arrived at showdown shortly after Roca checked back river 5♠ .
Korzhenko showed two pair T♠ 6♠ , enough to send Roca's A♦ A♠ flying towards the muck.
Player | Chips |
52,000(260 BB) | |
RR Rey Roca | 30,300(152 BB) |