Flight A
Paul Elliott Bubbles Main Event Flight A

Mark Almusajin opened 8,000 utg, called by player a seat after along with Paul Elliott on the big blind. On flop 3♣ 5♣ J♠ , Elliott led all-in for 49,500, called by Almusajin with his premium pair.
Paul Elliott Q♥ J♣
Mark Almusajin K♦ K♥
Elliott in rough shape, failed to catch up on either turn 8♥ or river 7♠ , sending him out as the flight's stone cold bubble.
Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 520,000(130 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | busted |
Paul Elliott Bets to Win

Sergei Korzhenko opened 6,000 utg and was joined by both players on the blinds onto flop T♣ 6♣ T♠ . Korzhenko continued for 3,000, check called by Paul Elliott on the small blind. Both players checked turn 4♦ through to river Q♣ , where Elliott led 10,000. Korzhenko surrendered, giving up the pot to his opponent.
Player | Chips |
115,000(38 BB) | |
PE Paul Elliott | 75,000(25 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Flight A action is close to wrapping up, with five more eliminations to go before bagging time. 13 players out of the 83-entry field are set to advance to Day 2 on Sunday, January 26. Leading the charge is local grinder Mark Almusajin, who has consistently kept the lead all throughout the day.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 433,500(145 BB) |
TA Teruhisa Aoyama | 225,000(75 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 180,000(60 BB) |
NA Naohiro Arita | 172,000(57 BB) |
DM Darren Moves | 155,500(52 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 148,000(49 BB) |
141,000(47 BB) | |
IT Ilia Timofeev | 132,000(44 BB) |
MT Masahiro Toyoda | 127,500(43 BB) |
MF Maxim Fana | 127,500(43 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 107,500(36 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 106,000(35 BB) |
100,000(33 BB) | |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 70,000(23 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 64,000(21 BB) |
57,500(19 BB) | |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 53,000(18 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 33,500(11 BB) |
Paul Elliott Snowballs to Victory

Paul Elliott pushed all-in for 48,000 against an utg open and saw Sergei Korzhenko cold call on the small blind. Initial raiser went out of the way, leaving the two to showdown.
Running a flip, Korzhenko instantly spiked the advantage on board 6♦ A♠ 3♣ Q♣ , up until the river 8h landed Elliot a set to turn the tables.
Player | Hand | Chips |
PE Paul Elliott | 8♦8♠ CO | 106,000(42 BB) |
A♥K♣ SB | 141,000(56 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 287,500(192 BB) |
177,000(118 BB) | |
DM Darren Moves | 165,000(110 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 141,000(94 BB) |
RT Ricardo Torres (2) | 138,000(92 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 123,000(82 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 120,000(80 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 118,000(79 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 107,000(71 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 101,000(67 BB) |
MT Masahiro Toyoda | 98,000(65 BB) |
TA Teruhisa Aoyama | 93,200(62 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 70,000(47 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 70,000(47 BB) |
MF Maxim Fana | 58,000(39 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 53,000(35 BB) |
PE Paul Elliott | 53,000(35 BB) |
IT Ilia Timofeev | 48,000(32 BB) |
43,000(29 BB) | |
33,000(22 BB) | |
30,000(20 BB) | |
30,000(20 BB) | |
LT Leslie Tsui | 30,000(20 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 30,000(20 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 30,000(20 BB) |
NA Naohiro Arita | 25,500(17 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 22,000(15 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
MA Mark Almusajin | 160,100(160 BB) |
140,000(140 BB) | |
IT Ilia Timofeev | 108,000(108 BB) |
DK Daito Kamei | 102,000(102 BB) |
BB Brenton Buttigieg | 84,200(84 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 79,500(80 BB) |
CQ Cezar Quiambao | 79,000(79 BB) |
79,000(79 BB) | |
MT Masahiro Toyoda | 79,000(79 BB) |
PW Patrick Wahlquist | 74,000(74 BB) |
MG Martin Gonzales | 58,000(58 BB) |
SJ Seonghun Jeong | 58,000(58 BB) |
DM Darren Moves | 55,000(55 BB) |
52,400(52 BB) | |
WJ William Jones | 48,000(48 BB) |
MF Maxim Fana | 46,200(46 BB) |
46,000(46 BB) | |
PE Paul Elliott | 44,200(44 BB) |
RR Rey Roca | 43,000(43 BB) |
RJ Rick Jason Ambata | 41,300(41 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 38,800(39 BB) |
BV Bernard Vu | 35,800(36 BB) |
HT Ho-Tai Tsai | 35,200(35 BB) |
DF Daniel Francis | 34,000(34 BB) |
JC John Constiniano | 31,900(32 BB) |
ED Emmanuel Derecho | 31,000(31 BB) |
SA Sangjin An | 30,300(30 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 30,000(30 BB) |
29,200(29 BB) | |
CK Carsten Klug | 22,000(22 BB) |
14,000(14 BB) | |
TY Taeil Yun | 13,500(14 BB) |
7,100(7 BB) |