Day 2
Day 1E - 37 Survivors
Player | Chips |
AC Anson Choy | 180,000(120 BB) |
CS Corine Shi | 162,500(108 BB) |
WY Wu Yi Syuan | 162,000(108 BB) |
YL Yoda Lin | 140,000(93 BB) |
WC Wei Cheng Wen | 125,000(83 BB) |
YJ Yoon Jae Seoung | 124,000(83 BB) |
KC Kalki Chien | 119,500(80 BB) |
CL Chen Lin (2) | 116,500(78 BB) |
PK Philip King Chung Wang | 116,500(78 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 115,000(77 BB) |
CY Chun Yu Ma | 110,000(73 BB) |
LC Lok Chan | 90,500(60 BB) |
PY Pu Yen Fang | 82,000(55 BB) |
CD Chien Dow Houng | 77,000(51 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 76,500(51 BB) |
PZ Poh Zi Jie | 74,500(50 BB) |
TC Tsai Chia Ta | 73,000(49 BB) |
CL Chia Lin Huang | 69,500(46 BB) |
CW Chong Wun Han | 68,000(45 BB) |
PY Po Yung Hui | 66,500(44 BB) |
RJ Ruei Jiun Liang | 59,000(39 BB) |
YH Yue Hin Lam | 54,000(36 BB) |
YJ Yun Jihee | 51,000(34 BB) |
SE Shung Er Sua | 48,000(32 BB) |
HL Ho Lin Ting | 43,500(29 BB) |
CW Chia Wei Kuo | 43,000(29 BB) |
NC Ngai Chung Ng | 42,000(28 BB) |
CH Chung Heng Chan | 39,000(26 BB) |
PS Pau Sanroma | 37,000(25 BB) |
HT Hsiao Tsui Han | 37,000(25 BB) |
MT Med Tseng | 34,500(23 BB) |
AD Andrew de Ocampo | 33,000(22 BB) |
EF Edmond Fung | 32,000(21 BB) |
HC Hung Cheng Lin | 30,000(20 BB) |
ZS Zhen Shun Cian | 23,000(15 BB) |
LJ Lin Jian Hong | 21,000(14 BB) |
YC Yong Cing Zeng | 18,500(12 BB) |
Day 1D
Toshio Kataoka Rises Out Of The Danger Zone

Down to just 10 bb, Toshio Katao[ka three-bets it all. Acting next, Tang Ngong joins with a jam which is enough to push out the early initial raiser and caller. At the flip, Kataoka is ahead and goes on to ship a double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | Q♦4♥ SB | 21,300(43 BB) |
TK Toshio Kataoka | A♥T♥ D | 13,000(26 BB) |
Anson Choy Takes It Preflop

Following a min-raise by Tang Ngong, Anson Choy sends it to 3000, Tang answers with a 12,000 four-bet, Choy pushes for 26,000 and rakes in the pot without a showdown.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 65,200(163 BB) |
AC Anson Choy | 39,000(98 BB) |
Top Stacks At the New Level
Player | Chips |
RC | 108,600(272 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 86,500(216 BB) |
CH Chien Hsun Wang | 64,300(161 BB) |
PY Po Yung Hui | 49,800(125 BB) |
JK Jinsoo Kim | 49,600(124 BB) |
TC Tang Chun Wai | 48,500(121 BB) |
FD Francesco Dastici | 47,600(119 BB) |
LZ Liu Zong Yu | 42,400(106 BB) |
YC Yu Chun Wang | 40,700(102 BB) |
CL Casper Lee | 40,700(102 BB) |
YC Yu Chen Huang | 40,000(100 BB) |
Nonstop Firing By Tang Ngong

Tang Ngong three-bets 6500 and initial raiser Dexter Santos calls to go post flop T♥ 9♥ 4♦ . Tang fires 1300 and gets called again. On the turn 5♦ , Tang makes it 4600. This time Santos let's go of his hand.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 35,800(179 BB) |
DS Dexter Santos | 21,600(108 BB) |
Mark Gruendemann Wastes No Time

Mark Gruendemann just sat down and immediately raised it up on his first hand. This found a caller from lojack then button player Tang Ngong made it a higher 1500 to continue. Gruendemann and lojack tossed it in and they go to the flop 7♥ 2♥ 2♦ .
More chips go in with Gruendemann leading out 2500, lojack steps off while Tang sends it up again to 7000. Gruendemann sticks around and calls for the turn 4♦ . This time both opt to tone down and check however on the river Q♠, Gruendemann's check is met with a shove of 21,100. Gruendemann gives up his stake on the pot.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 39,900(399 BB) |
MG Mark Gruendemann | 21,500(215 BB) |
Tang Ngong Continues To Get Involved

Four players in a raised pot of 1400, two checks are followed by hijack Tang Ngong's bet of 800 that's called only by button Masaaki Izushima. Dealer drops the turn 5♥ and again Tang fires out for 1300, Izushima makes it 4000, Tang answers with a three-bet shove that earns the pot without a showdown.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 29,300(293 BB) |
MI Masaaki Izushima (2) | 24,100(241 BB) |
Big Cards Early For Zong Yu Liu

Just minutes in, Zong Yu Liu is dealt A♣ Q♣ and honors it with a bump to 300. Button player Tang Ngong likes his cards too and drives it higher to 1200. Liu flats to see the flop 5♥ 4♠4♣ . Liu check-calls another 1200 then both knock the turn A♦ for a free river 4♥ . Liu leads out 2500, Tang snaps it off then mucks to the top pair.
Player | Chips |
LZ Liu Zong Yu | 35,800(358 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 24,800(248 BB) |
Players In The Field

Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 30,000(300 BB) |
ZP Zhang Pu Shao | 30,000(300 BB) |
LZ Liu Zong Yu | 30,000(300 BB) |
MI Masaaki Izushima (2) | 30,000(300 BB) |
Day 1E
End of Day 1E - 37 Survivors
Player | Chips |
AC Anson Choy | 180,000(120 BB) |
CS Corine Shi | 162,500(108 BB) |
WY Wu Yi Syuan | 162,000(108 BB) |
YL Yoda Lin | 140,000(93 BB) |
WC Wei Cheng Wen | 125,000(83 BB) |
YJ Yoon Jae Seoung | 124,000(83 BB) |
KC Kalki Chien | 119,500(80 BB) |
CL Chen Lin (2) | 116,500(78 BB) |
PK Philip King Chung Wang | 116,500(78 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 115,000(77 BB) |
CY Chun Yu Ma | 110,000(73 BB) |
LC Lok Chan | 90,500(60 BB) |
PY Pu Yen Fang | 82,000(55 BB) |
CD Chien Dow Houng | 77,000(51 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 76,500(51 BB) |
PZ Poh Zi Jie | 74,500(50 BB) |
TC Tsai Chia Ta | 73,000(49 BB) |
CL Chia Lin Huang | 69,500(46 BB) |
CW Chong Wun Han | 68,000(45 BB) |
PY Po Yung Hui | 66,500(44 BB) |
RJ Ruei Jiun Liang | 59,000(39 BB) |
YH Yue Hin Lam | 54,000(36 BB) |
YJ Yun Jihee | 51,000(34 BB) |
SE Shung Er Sua | 48,000(32 BB) |
HL Ho Lin Ting | 43,500(29 BB) |
CW Chia Wei Kuo | 43,000(29 BB) |
NC Ngai Chung Ng | 42,000(28 BB) |
CH Chung Heng Chan | 39,000(26 BB) |
PS Pau Sanroma | 37,000(25 BB) |
HT Hsiao Tsui Han | 37,000(25 BB) |
MT Med Tseng | 34,500(23 BB) |
AD Andrew de Ocampo | 33,000(22 BB) |
EF Edmond Fung | 32,000(21 BB) |
HC Hung Cheng Lin | 30,000(20 BB) |
ZS Zhen Shun Cian | 23,000(15 BB) |
LJ Lin Jian Hong | 21,000(14 BB) |
YC Yong Cing Zeng | 18,500(12 BB) |
Tang Ngong Cracks Kings

Tang Ngong min-raises 1600, gets called, then Wu Yi Syuan defends from the big blind with a shove of 22,800. Back to Tang who answers with a jam of his own to successfully isolate.
Though Tang is behind cowboys, the board switches them up to give Tang the win on a straight.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | J♣T♣ UTG | 49,600(62 BB) |
K♦K♣ BB | busted |
Day 1C
Tang Ngong Exits Close To The End Of The Day

Kicking us off with a 3,000 raise from +1, Tang Ngong four-bets 22,000 after HJ Daniel Yang pumped it to 9,000. The same jams with A♣ 8♥ to put Tang Ngong all-in who calls with Q♦ 6♦ . The dealer tables 7♥ 5♣ 5♦ K♠J♠to eliminate Tang Ngong and hand Mystery Bounty champ and HR Final 4 Daniel Yang a decent sized pot.
Player | Chips |
DY Daniel Yang | 152,300(102 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | busted |
Marciel Cerbito Flops FullHouse

Opening 2,500 from UTG, Marciel Cerbito takes three customers to the flop Q♥ Q♣ 8♣ where a tiny 2,000 c-bet takes him heads up with Tang Ngong to his left. The turn 4♦ has him check-min-raise to 10,000 and Tang Ngong fills up to see the board complete with the 2♣ . A 15,000 lead with 8♦ 8♠gets called by Tang Ngong who mucks.
Player | Chips |
MC Marciel Cerbito | 88,000(73 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 61,000(51 BB) |
Day 1C Live Coverage Begins
We pick up the action on level 11 with 34 out of 65 players left in the running.
Top stacks are :
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 142,000(118 BB) |
113,000(94 BB) | |
KC Kai Cheng Hsu | 103,000(86 BB) |
JY Jun Yi | 97,600(81 BB) |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 93,000(78 BB) |
ZC Zong Chi He | 86,000(72 BB) |
PL Patrick Liang | 78,000(65 BB) |
Day 1B
Murly Manokharan Is Unstoppable

With a 5,400 pot to fight for and 5♣ 3♦ 2♦ already on the board, CO Murly Manokharan leads 3,000, faces a 9,000 raise from our action player Tang Ngong in the SB and announces all-in with 6♠6♦ . Tang Ngong goes deep in the tank, but finds a call for his remaining 41,500 with bottom pair and back door flush draw Q♦ 2♠. The dealer completes the board 5♠and J♠to push another massive pot into Murly Manokharan's direction.
Player | Chips |
179,000(448 BB) | |
TN Tang Ngong | busted |
Murly Manokharan Is On A Tear

With a raise to 600 from CO and a call from the button, SB Tang Ngong three-bets to 3,000 and takes his two opponents to the flop K♣ J♦ 7♦ where he c-bets 3,000. CO Murly Manokharan calls and Wu Chiayun increases to 8,000 which has only the cutoff pay up to see the turn 2♦ that gets checked to complete the board A♠. Taking over the reins, Murly Manokharan leads 16,000 with A♥ J♣ two pair, gets called and is allowed to scoop the pot against a muck.
Player | Chips |
131,000(437 BB) | |
TN Tang Ngong | 46,400(155 BB) |
WC Wu Chiayun | 6,500(22 BB) |
Chip Count
Player | Chips |
97,400(487 BB) | |
LC Lin Chien Wei | 57,600(288 BB) |
HN Hin Ng | 55,600(278 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 52,400(262 BB) |
51,100(256 BB) | |
LD Leonardo Drago | 48,700(244 BB) |
CL Chen Lin (2) | 43,700(219 BB) |
JK Joe Keating | 39,900(200 BB) |
Three Way All-in Pre

Having a pristine stack in front, Ko Chia Hsiang initiates the action with a 500 raise from UTG and watches LJ Tang Ngong pump it to 1,700 with BB Murly Manokharan defending big. Ko Chia Hsiang tries to end the hand with a 30,000 jam holding 4♣ 4♥ , but is rather perplexed when Tang Ngong jams with 8♣ 8♥ and Murly Manokharan calls for 22,200 with Q♦ 9♦ . With two players at risk, the dealer tables A♣ J♣ J♠K♦ T♠, giving Murly Manokharan a straight for a triple up, Tang Ngong a small side pot with his under pair and sends Ko Chia Hsiang to the rail after having just taken a seat.
Player | Chips |
66,900(335 BB) | |
TN Tang Ngong | 24,300(122 BB) |
KC Ko Chia Hsiang | busted |
Tang Ngong Hands Out First Elimination Of The Day

With a limp from UTG and a raise to 800 out of the button in front, BB Tang Ngong increases the fee to 2,800 and both opponents pay up to see the flop A♣ 9♠5♦ . A 2,600 lead is only called by BU Chun Wai Chan for the turn 6♦ where the chips go flying. Tang Ngong jams his remaining 21,200 and puts Chun Wai Chan in a tough spot, but eventually makes the call for 19,000 with A♥ 7♥ , falls short of Tang Ngong's A♦ Q♣ and needs a reload to continue after the river 5♣ didn't help him.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 54,100(271 BB) |
CW Chen Wen Ming | 26,700(134 BB) |
CC Chan Chun Wai | busted |
Tang Ngong Back In Action

Picking up the action on A♦ 4♦ 7♣ and 7,400 in the pot, it is Tang Ngong making the first move from +2 with a 3,200 bet to take BU Hin Ng to the turn 8♠. Another 7,000 get called again for the board to complete T♥ and a friendly check check. Hin Ng's top pair A♣ K♥ is good against a missed flush and straight draw for Tang Ngong with 5♦ 2♦ .
Player | Chips |
HN | 57,300(573 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 23,100(231 BB) |
Day 1A
Ngong Chips Up Through Chen

The action was picked up on the turn with a board showing J♠9♠5♦ 5♠and around 13,000 chips in the middle. C.J. Chen checked over from the big blind, and Tang Chi Ngong fired out 7,000, sending Chen into the tank. After long consideration, Chen eventually threw his cards into the muck.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 77,500(78 BB) |
73,000(73 BB) |