Day 1
Day 1 Survivors
Player | Chips |
CC Chee Chen | 589,000(196 BB) |
WW Wilson Wang | 467,000(156 BB) |
HT Hidenari Tomita | 438,000(146 BB) |
KS Kristof Segers | 438,000(146 BB) |
LS Liang Sheng Yeh | 353,000(118 BB) |
CW Chih Wang (2) | 340,000(113 BB) |
HJ Hyunsick Jang | 334,000(111 BB) |
YL Yoda Lin | 314,000(105 BB) |
DK Daniel Kwon | 300,000(100 BB) |
YS Yuhan Su | 251,000(84 BB) |
TH Tom Henricus Verbruggen | 240,000(80 BB) |
HC Hao Cheng | 229,000(76 BB) |
EN Erwin Ng | 189,000(63 BB) |
CJ Chi Jen Chen | 187,000(62 BB) |
JK Joe Keating | 177,000(59 BB) |
WC Wu Chiayun | 174,000(58 BB) |
KH Kun Han Lee | 172,000(57 BB) |
GK Gilsoo Kim | 160,000(53 BB) |
EC Eddy Cheng | 153,000(51 BB) |
MZ Mu Ze Li | 151,000(50 BB) |
ML Mao Lun Yu | 146,000(49 BB) |
MI Masaaki Izushima (2) | 132,000(44 BB) |
LH Lai Hsuan Yu | 130,000(43 BB) |
TN Tang Ngong | 100,000(33 BB) |
WY Winfred Yu | 96,000(32 BB) |
LW Lam Wei-Ming | 87,000(29 BB) |
CC Chun Chiu (2) | 87,000(29 BB) |
PY Paul Yugendra | 76,000(25 BB) |
OK Ori Kossonogi | 66,000(22 BB) |
JL Jun-Zhong Loo | 64,000(21 BB) |
BH Baron Ha | 62,000(21 BB) |
JY Jun Yi | 56,000(19 BB) |
GF Gerald Foo | 55,000(18 BB) |
AW Anson Wong | 54,000(18 BB) |
DY Daniel Yang | 52,000(17 BB) |
KS Ka Shing Leung | 52,000(17 BB) |
Top Pair Lands Hisashi Yoshimoto in Trouble

Gerald Foo opened 5,000 on the cutoff, called by Hisashi Yoshimoto behind along with Paul Yugendra on the big blind.
Foo continued for 6,000 on flop Q♥ 2♣ 2♦ , called once more by Yoshimoto. Action back to Yugendra, he raised to 15,000, and saw both stick around to turn 5♦ .
Yugendra checked, prompting Foo to bet 30,000 and call Yoshimoto's shove behind for 68,500 total.
Hisashi Yoshimoto Q♣ T♠
Gerald Foo K♣ Q♦
A top pair battle, Foo's better kicker ran in play as river 7♣ offered no salvation for Yoshimoto.
Player | Chips |
GF Gerald Foo | 265,000(106 BB) |
PY Paul Yugendra | 90,000(36 BB) |
HY Hisashi Yoshimoto | busted |
Paul Yugendra Puts Tournament Life on the Line

A pot of 40,000 brewed across board K♠ Q♥ 2♠ 5♣ . Initial raiser Hisashi Yoshimoto led 15,000, and followed with a final 20,000 on river 3♠ . Paul Yugendra behind, called the initial street but shoved the rest by the second bet, denying Yoshimoto showdown.
Player | Chips |
HY Hisashi Yoshimoto | 165,000(83 BB) |
PY Paul Yugendra | 152,500(76 BB) |
Final Day
Paul Yugendra Struck Down By Ducks

Tang Chi Ngong looks at 2♠ 2♥ in +1 and decides it is go-time with a 167,000 jam. SB Paul Yugendra happily calls for his remaining 109,000 with A♠ Q♥ and we go flipping. No high cards on T♣ 8♣ 6♦ 3♣ 4♠ has Paul Yugendra start gathering his things.
Player | Chips |
TN Tang Ngong | 288,000(48 BB) |
PY Paul Yugendra | busted |
Gerald Foo Hands Out Double Elimination

UTG Daniel Yang jams 12,000 with 5♥ 2♠ , Paul Yugendra overshoves 26,000 holding A♦ 2♥ and BB Gerald Foo calls with Q♥ T♦ . With two players at risk, the dealer hits the felt K♣ T♣ 7♣ 6♦ 6♣ and thins out the field by two.
Player | Chips |
GF Gerald Foo | 136,000(34 BB) |
DY Daniel Yang | busted |
PY Paul Yugendra | busted |
Paul Yugendra Doubles Up

Gary Tan kicks off the action with a raise to 9,000 out of the HJ with A♥ T♥ and Paul Yugendra jams 63,000 from SB with K♠ J♦ . A call has the dealer table A♦ K♣ J♣ 4♠ 2♠ to keep the field intact.
Player | Chips |
PY Paul Yugendra | 134,000(34 BB) |
GT Gary Tan | 27,000(7 BB) |