Day 3
Ben Miller Eliminated In 16th for KRW 16,700,000 ($11,595)

Ben Miller almost jams from under the gun for 350,000, Huang Weiwei calls from the cutoff and the flop hits K♣ A♦ Q♣ with Miller going all-in for 5,000 holding A♣ T♦ and Huang calling with Q♦ Q♠ . The board completes A♥ and 8♦ to send Ben Miller packing.
Player | Chips |
HW Huang Weiwei | 890,000(18 BB) |
BM Ben Miller | busted |
Chip Counts Going Into Level 25 With 19 Players Left
Bai Yunpeng was just catapulted into 2nd place after winning a massive pot against a disgusted Ma Yi with 2♥ 4♠ on 7♣ 8♣ 4♥ 2♠ 4♣ .
Player | Chips |
LD Li Dong | 7,185,000(180 BB) |
YB Yunpeng Bai | 5,215,000(130 BB) |
HY Haibo Yang | 3,170,000(79 BB) |
2,625,000(66 BB) | |
ZH Zhao Hongjun | 2,425,000(61 BB) |
JZ Jason Zhang | 1,700,000(43 BB) |
LA Lu Anton Zhen Zhao | 1,520,000(38 BB) |
ZY Zhiyong Yan | 1,380,000(35 BB) |
SO Sean Ooi | 1,165,000(29 BB) |
SY Song Ying | 970,000(24 BB) |
YN Ya Na | 940,000(24 BB) |
LJ Lam Ji Ho | 895,000(22 BB) |
JX Jin Xudong | 775,000(19 BB) |
ZL Zhongyao Li | 660,000(17 BB) |
YM Yi Ma | 605,000(15 BB) |
YZ Yang Zhang | 580,000(15 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 530,000(13 BB) |
XY Xu Yuan | 515,000(13 BB) |
BM Ben Miller | 485,000(12 BB) |
Huang Weiwei At Risk

Under the gun Huang Weiwei wakes up with 7♠ 7♣ and jams 305,000, small blind Ben Miller has a monster with A♥ Q♣ , fills up his small blind and starts digging. He doesnt strike gold on 2♥ 8♥ 9♦ 7♦ 9♥ and Huang Weiwei doubles up.
Player | Chips |
BM Ben Miller | 850,000(21 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 690,000(17 BB) |
Ben Miller Stays Active

A 65,000 raise from the cutoff takes both blinds to the flop 3♥ 5♦ 6♥ where the big blinds takes a stab for 65,000, cutoff calls, but small blind Ben Miller scoops the pot with a 230,000 check-raise.
Player | Chips |
BM Ben Miller | 1,150,000(38 BB) |
Sua Shung Er Eliminated

Under the gun +1 Sua Shung Er jams for 60,000 and Ben Miller fills up his big blind to to dominate and put Sua at risk.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SS Sua Shung Er | busted | |
BM Ben Miller | 860,000(29 BB) |
Day 2
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
YW Yilong Wang | 2,530,000(158 BB) |
SO Sean Ooi | 1,950,000(122 BB) |
LA Lu Anton Zhen Zhao | 1,740,000(109 BB) |
HY Haibo Yang | 1,420,000(89 BB) |
1,415,000(88 BB) | |
LK Lee Kyung Min | 1,255,000(78 BB) |
YM Yi Ma | 1,250,000(78 BB) |
ZX Zhang Xiang | 1,200,000(75 BB) |
ZT Zheng Tianhao | 1,200,000(75 BB) |
YC Ye Chen | 1,155,000(72 BB) |
CP Chen Peng | 1,155,000(72 BB) |
YZ Yang Zhang | 1,135,000(71 BB) |
YN Ya Na | 970,000(61 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 930,000(58 BB) |
XY Xu Yuan | 880,000(55 BB) |
LC Lim Chin Yu | 865,000(54 BB) |
YB Yunpeng Bai | 803,000(50 BB) |
ZY Zhiyong Yan | 775,000(48 BB) |
ZH Zhao Hongjun | 760,000(48 BB) |
SY Song Ying | 735,000(46 BB) |
LX Li Xinze | 710,000(44 BB) |
YX Yu Xiaotong | 665,000(42 BB) |
SS Sua Shung Er | 640,000(40 BB) |
ZL Zhongyao Li | 555,000(35 BB) |
PZ Peng Zhou | 545,000(34 BB) |
BM Ben Miller | 540,000(34 BB) |
DD Dongxu Dai | 530,000(33 BB) |
JX Jin Xudong | 515,000(32 BB) |
CX Chen Xiong | 510,000(32 BB) |
YW Yucheng Wang | 480,000(30 BB) |
YZ Yang Zhihua | 382,000(24 BB) |
JX Jing Xu | 365,000(23 BB) |
JY Jia Yuequan | 305,000(19 BB) |
JL Jason Li | 292,000(18 BB) |
LJ Lam Ji Ho | 225,000(14 BB) |
ZJ Zhu Jie | 170,000(11 BB) |
Ben Miller Stays Afloat

With the action folded to Ma Yi in the small blind, he puts big blind Ben Miller allin for 121,000 who grabs the opportunity for a double up.
Player | Hand | Chips |
YM Yi Ma | K♣7♥ | 316,000(26 BB) |
BM Ben Miller | A♠T♥ | 254,000(21 BB) |
Chip Counts Going Into Level 3 With Zheng Tianhao As Runaway Chip Leader
Defending champ Kong Qingtao and fan favorite John Juanda unfortunately had their runs cut short in 102nd and 149th place.
Player | Chips |
ZT Zheng Tianhao | 1,560,000(260 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 945,000(158 BB) |
812,000(135 BB) | |
LA Lu Anton Zhen Zhao | 807,000(135 BB) |
LY Liu Yu | 761,000(127 BB) |
JZ Jason Zhang | 688,000(115 BB) |
YL Yayun Liu | 685,000(114 BB) |
LD Li Dong | 663,000(111 BB) |
JS Jie Su | 653,000(109 BB) |
ZY Zhiyong Yan | 611,000(102 BB) |
YW Yilong Wang | 600,000(100 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 584,000(97 BB) |
SY Song Ying | 583,000(97 BB) |
JZ Jingxuan Zhu | 570,000(95 BB) |
JX Jing Xu | 550,000(92 BB) |
DJ Daqiao Jiang | 541,000(90 BB) |
YX Yu Xiaotong | 535,000(89 BB) |
BL Bing Li | 523,000(87 BB) |
XS Xiao Shizi | 488,000(81 BB) |
JL Ji Linrui | 478,000(80 BB) |
YZ Yang Zhihua | 471,000(79 BB) |
LJ Lam Ji Ho | 466,000(78 BB) |
JX Jin Xudong | 463,000(77 BB) |
SS Sua Shung Er | 447,000(75 BB) |
WS Wai Sim Kok | 447,000(75 BB) |
YN Ya Na | 443,000(74 BB) |
XX Xiao Xian | 443,000(74 BB) |
PH Peng Huang | 435,000(73 BB) |
JY Jia Yuequan | 427,000(71 BB) |
PG Peng Guo | 423,000(71 BB) |
CH Chuang Hao | 418,000(70 BB) |
XY Xu Yuan | 412,000(69 BB) |
BM Ben Miller | 398,000(66 BB) |
PZ Peng Zhou | 386,000(64 BB) |
371,000(62 BB) |
Ben Miller Increases His Stack

Zhao Ziangyu starts us off with a raise from under the gun +1, Ben Miller ups it to 35,000 from the small blind and Zhao calls to lay eyes on the flop 9♥ 4♠ 9♣ . Miller continues for 25,000, which is enough to end the hand right there.
Player | Chips |
BM Ben Miller | 445,000(89 BB) |
XY Xiangyu Yu | 163,000(33 BB) |