Day 1H
Zhang Shouda Falls Next

Button Zhang Shouda tries to pick up some chips with a 54,000 jam from the button, but big blind Ben Miller is looking for a knockout.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♠T♥ | busted | |
BM Ben Miller | 8♦8♣ | 297,000(59 BB) |
Zhang Shouda Rivers Straight

Tian Haonan raises to 700 from the cutoff and takes both blinds to the flop 7♥ 5♠ 4♠ where a 1,500 c-bet gets rid of the big blind to see the turn 3♦ heads up. Zhang Shouda in the small blind takes over the reins with a 2,000 lead, Tian calls to complete the board 6♣ where Zhang forks out a hefty 8,000 with his newly acquired straight Q♥ 8♥ . Tian calls but throws it in the muck.
Player | Chips |
40,400(135 BB) | |
13,800(46 BB) |
Lam Ji Ho's Big Slick Gets There

Lam Ji Ho opens 300 from cutoff and Zhang Shouda defends big for the flop 4♦ 7♦ 3♣ to be checked to the turn 3♦ where Zhang leads with a delayed donk bet of 400 that gets called by Lam to complete the board A♠ . Zhang forks out another 1,200 with Q♠ 7♥ but gets called by Lam's A♣ K♠ and has to surrender the pot.
Player | Chips |
LJ Lam Ji Ho | 32,700(327 BB) |
27,700(277 BB) |
Tan Keng Yong Hits Late Two Pair

Tan Keng Yong raises 300 from the cutoff and takes two players to the flop 6♠ 3♥ K♠ where button Zhang Shouda makes it 500. Tan tags along for the turn 8♠ that gets checked around to the river A♠ when Tan leads 300 with A♥ 8♥ and his opponent calls and mucks.
Player | Chips |
TK Tan Keng Yong | 30,600(306 BB) |
28,300(283 BB) |