Blind level
Level 17: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Day 1H
2/18/2025, 7:55:54 AM
Chen Ping Bites The Dust
Level 5: 300 / 500 ante: 500

The hijack opens 1,000 and takes 3 players to the flop Q♦ K♣ 6♦ where the action gets checked to Chen Ping on the button, taking a stab for 2,000. Big blind Gao Sheng raises to 30,000 with K♦ 4♥ and the action is folded back to Chen who calls for 11,500 and is at risk holding A♦ 9♦ . No diamond on 8♠ and K♥ has Gao Sheng scoop the pot.
2/18/2025, 6:20:21 AM
Chen Ping Takes Two To The River
Level 3: 200 / 300 ante: 300

Under the gun +2 opens 700 and takes three players to the flop 5♦ 9♦ 8♣ that gets checked to the button Chen Ping who lays out 1,500. Li Wei and Yap Jun Wah call from the blinds and we see the turn 3♠. Chen forks out another 4,500 taking us heads up with big blind Yap for the river J♦ that gets checked around. Chen's 8♥ 9♠ prevails against Yap's 7♣ 7♠ .