Day 1E
Jingxuan Zhu Bags Day 1E Lead, Set The Bar For Next Flights

Despite a slow start, Day 1E ended up with a total of 234 entries and 36 players advancing to day 2, more than doubling the 35 qualifiers from the first 4 flights combined.
After a long bubble with every short stack doubling up for a while we finally reached the 36 qualifiers at level 16 with an average stack of 195,000 and the top two in chips being overall leaders in the cumulative Day 2 list.
Jingxuan Zhu came out on top bagging a whopping 586,000 chips after a late charge including the elimination of William Li with A♦ K♠ against Li's 5♦ 5♣ .
Second in chips Ya Na accumulated 511,000 with a stellar run starting at level 10 with less that 50 bigs where she came out of nowhere with a flurry of great hands in level 12 with 200 big blinds, eliminating Guo Xin with A♠ A♦ against K♣ K♥ in a blind battle at the end.
Third in chips Li Bing made his 374,000 on the bubble, a few outs away from busting when he had K♠ Q♣ against Ju Yuhang's Q♦ J♦ who three-bet-jammed 30 big blinds on K♦ 5♦ 6♠ which Li Bing snapped and evaded the diamonds for a massive double up and left Ju Yuhang with so few chips that he bubbled a few hands later.
Four starting flights remain with Day 1H starting at 13:00 which has the same structure as Day 1E.
Ju Yuhang Crippled

Under the gun Ju Yuhang makes it 12,000 and big blind Li Bing defends for the action flop 6♠ K♦ 5♦ . Ju continues for 12,000, Li check-raises to 30,000, Ju jams Q♦ J♦ flush draw to put Li all-in, who snaps with K♠ Q♣ for a total of 172,000 and the board completes Q♠ and 2♣ , leaving Ju Yuhang with 27,000 in chips.
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
YN | 502,000(126 BB) |
WK Wong Ka Fai | 437,000(109 BB) |
SO Sean Ooi | 291,000(73 BB) |
NY Ng Yi Wen Nicholas Michael | 277,500(69 BB) |
JX Jing Xu | 252,000(63 BB) |
BL Bing Li | 216,000(54 BB) |
ZJ Zhu Jie | 180,000(45 BB) |
MH Ma Haohui | 158,000(40 BB) |
152,000(38 BB) | |
KC Kong Chung Lam Allan | 144,000(36 BB) |
CH Chu Hsien Lee | 139,000(35 BB) |
DJ Daqiao Jiang | 139,000(35 BB) |
MZ Mingzhi Zheng | 137,000(34 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 135,000(34 BB) |
JX Jiang Xinxin | 129,000(32 BB) |
CJ Chan Jeremy Je Min | 125,000(31 BB) |
ZY Zhang Yankai | 124,000(31 BB) |
ZL Zehao Li | 116,500(29 BB) |
JY Jia Yuequan | 116,000(29 BB) |
105,000(26 BB) | |
YX Yu Xiangyu | 103,000(26 BB) |
Chip Counts With Ya Na And Wong Ka Fai Running Circles Around The Field
Player | Chips |
YN | 502,000(201 BB) |
WK Wong Ka Fai | 437,000(175 BB) |
SO Sean Ooi | 291,000(116 BB) |
NY Ng Yi Wen Nicholas Michael | 277,500(111 BB) |
JX Jing Xu | 252,000(101 BB) |
BL Bing Li | 216,000(86 BB) |
ZJ | 180,000(72 BB) |
MH Ma Haohui | 158,000(63 BB) |
152,000(61 BB) | |
KC Kong Chung Lam Allan | 144,000(58 BB) |
CH Chu Hsien Lee | 139,000(56 BB) |
DJ Daqiao Jiang | 139,000(56 BB) |
MZ Mingzhi Zheng | 137,000(55 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 135,000(54 BB) |
JX Jiang Xinxin | 129,000(52 BB) |
CJ Chan Jeremy Je Min | 125,000(50 BB) |
ZY Zhang Yankai | 124,000(50 BB) |
ZL Zehao Li | 116,500(47 BB) |
JY Jia Yuequan | 116,000(46 BB) |
105,000(42 BB) | |
YX Yu Xiangyu | 103,000(41 BB) |
Massive Cooler For Rainer Kempe Busting With Rockets

Li Bing with Q♥ Q♣ and Rainer Kempe with A♣ A♦ are all-in pre with Kempe being at risk for his 89,200 (70bb) . The dealer keeps it interesting until the the turn K♥ 8♥ 4♦ A♥ with the set for Kempe giving Li a flush draw and a bunch of additional outs and the river J♥ being one of them, Kempe has his rockets experience a rapid unscheduled disassembly and crashes out of the tournament just after late registration closed.
Player | Chips |
BL Bing Li | 192,800(121 BB) |
RK Rainer Kempe | busted |
Top Chip Counts At The End Of Late Registration
Player | Chips |
WK Wong Ka Fai | 246,000(205 BB) |
CJ Chan Jeremy Je Min | 189,600(158 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 172,700(144 BB) |
CH Chuang Hao | 158,000(132 BB) |
ZY Zhiyong Yan | 147,300(123 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 144,600(121 BB) |
CM Chen Muyi | 130,600(109 BB) |
CH Chu Hsien Lee | 124,300(104 BB) |
YW Yilong Wang | 119,000(99 BB) |
JY Jia Yuequan | 117,500(98 BB) |
NM Neel Murthy | 115,300(96 BB) |
DJ Daqiao Jiang | 111,400(93 BB) |
LX Lim Xin Ann | 97,500(81 BB) |
GX Guo Xin | 95,600(80 BB) |
RK Rainer Kempe | 93,800(78 BB) |
YJ Yuhang Ju | 93,000(78 BB) |
CH Chi Ho Yeung | 91,600(76 BB) |
YN | 89,800(75 BB) |
87,600(73 BB) | |
DD Dongxu Dai | 87,000(73 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 85,500(71 BB) |
BL Bing Li | 85,500(71 BB) |
LL Li Lei | 85,200(71 BB) |
HH Huang Hua | 85,000(71 BB) |
84,200(70 BB) | |
ZP Zhao Peng | 83,400(70 BB) |
WZ Wenbao Zeng | 78,500(65 BB) |
74,200(62 BB) | |
LK Lee Kuanhan | 73,900(62 BB) |
73,400(61 BB) | |
73,000(61 BB) | |
MH Ma Haohui | 68,700(57 BB) |
LC Lun Chun Chiu | 68,300(57 BB) |
KD Kang Daming | 65,000(54 BB) |
63,000(53 BB) |
Chip Counts Going Into Level 7
Player | Chips |
AI Alessio Isaia | 140,200(234 BB) |
CM Chen Muyi | 124,600(208 BB) |
HW Huang Weiwei | 114,000(190 BB) |
BL Bing Li | 95,200(159 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 80,600(134 BB) |
JX Jin Xudong | 74,300(124 BB) |
LL Li Lei | 74,300(124 BB) |
WY Wang Yang (4) | 72,300(121 BB) |
67,500(113 BB) | |
CJ Chan Jeremy Je Min | 64,800(108 BB) |
SO Sean Ooi | 64,500(108 BB) |
KD Kang Daming | 63,300(106 BB) |
NM Neel Murthy | 59,800(100 BB) |
GY Ge Yunqing | 59,500(99 BB) |
JL Ji Linrui | 56,700(95 BB) |
GH Gary Hyemyong Moon | 54,600(91 BB) |
CJ Chen Jianbin | 53,600(89 BB) |
53,200(89 BB) | |
CB Cheng Bo | 48,200(80 BB) |
RK Rainer Kempe | 45,700(76 BB) |
KC Kong Chung Lam Allan | 43,300(72 BB) |
DD Dongxu Dai | 43,000(72 BB) |
Top Stacks
Player | Chips |
CH Chu Hsien Lee | 84,500(282 BB) |
AI Alessio Isaia | 82,600(275 BB) |
68,200(227 BB) | |
LX Li Xiang (2) | 63,200(211 BB) |
LX Lim Xin Ann | 61,400(205 BB) |
CM Chen Muyi | 60,200(201 BB) |
59,200(197 BB) | |
YC Yingjie Chen | 58,800(196 BB) |
YZ Yifan Zhang | 56,700(189 BB) |
53,600(179 BB) | |
ZP Zhao Peng | 47,200(157 BB) |
GY Ge Yunqing | 46,400(155 BB) |
YQ Yi Qin | 46,200(154 BB) |
ZY Zhao Yong | 44,500(148 BB) |
44,200(147 BB) | |
RH Ruida Hu | 40,400(135 BB) |
CJ Chen Jianbin | 39,600(132 BB) |
LK Lee Kuanhan | 39,400(131 BB) |
JX Jin Xudong | 39,100(130 BB) |
LW Lu Wei | 38,400(128 BB) |
BL Bing Li | 37,200(124 BB) |
37,000(123 BB) | |
36,700(122 BB) | |
RZ Ran Zhou | 33,400(111 BB) |
31,000(103 BB) |