Blind level
Level 17: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000
Total Chips
Main event - Day 1E
10/3/2024, 11:56:57 AM
Big Check-Raise Sends One Tanking
Level 10: 800 / 1,600 ante: 1,600
Jiang Ming opens then calls Xuan Yang's 12,000 three-bet. At the flop 2♣ 5♠ 6♠ , Yang continues for 10,000 then goes deep in the tank on Ming's check-raise of 33,000. After using three time banks, Yang folds to award Ming the pot.
10/3/2024, 10:46:42 AM
Current Top Stacks
Level 9: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Player | Chips |
WZ Wenjin Zhang | 210,000(175 BB) |
TQ Tao Qiang | 191,000(159 BB) |
XZ Xie Zibao | 170,000(142 BB) |
CP Chan Ping San | 156,000(130 BB) |
GX Gu Xiao Chun | 155,000(129 BB) |
ZJ Zheng Jie | 152,000(127 BB) |
YY Yuan Yiwen | 141,000(118 BB) |
WL Wenjie Liu | 140,000(117 BB) |
TX Tao Xincheng | 129,000(108 BB) |
SR Soriano Ramos | 124,000(103 BB) |
CZ Chunhao Zhang | 121,000(101 BB) |
VP Valeriy Pak | 120,000(100 BB) |
ML Ma Lianjun | 108,000(90 BB) |
FG Fang Guoqiang | 105,000(88 BB) |
JZ Jin Zhou (2) | 103,000(86 BB) |
JP Jiacheng Pang | 93,000(78 BB) |
JM Jiang Ming | 91,500(76 BB) |
WC Wenqing Cai | 91,000(76 BB) |
WW Wang Wuyi | 91,000(76 BB) |
LQ Lan Qi Hui | 90,000(75 BB) |
DZ Dajie Zhuo | 88,500(74 BB) |
CJ Chen Jianbin | 85,000(71 BB) |
30,000(25 BB) |
Blind level
Level 18: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Main event - Day 1C
10/2/2024, 1:26:53 PM
Bubble Bursts At Main Event Day 1C
Level 18: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Barely a small blind, Jiang Ming is forced all in on the big blind and fall on the bubble as two player check down the board 3♠ 3♣ 6♦ 4♥ 9♣ . Shee Ji Hong wins the pot.
14 players remaining. It's bagging time.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JM Jiang Ming | K♠5♦ BB | busted |
SJ Shee Ji Hong | J♥4♠ SB | 28,000(3 BB) |
JH Junjie He | A♠2♦ HJ | 45,000(5 BB) |
10/2/2024, 5:56:13 AM
Top Stacks
Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400
Player | Chips |
CY Che Yixian | 74,400(186 BB) |
HH Hu Haoran | 53,900(135 BB) |
CJ Che Jiaming | 53,400(134 BB) |
ZC Zhang Chuan | 48,800(122 BB) |
PR Pang Ruizhi | 46,100(115 BB) |
JN Jargalsaikhan Nyam-Ochir | 41,600(104 BB) |
LX Li Xialin | 40,200(101 BB) |
LW Li Wei | 38,500(96 BB) |
AL Anqi Luo | 38,300(96 BB) |
JM Jiang Ming | 37,000(93 BB) |
ZC Zhang Chuan | 34,300(86 BB) |
10/2/2024, 5:45:47 AM
Maximum Pay For Jiang Ming's Set
Level 4: 200 / 400 ante: 400
Two players stare down a board T♣ 7♥ 7♣ Q♥ A♠ with 15,700 in the pot. Small blind position Jiang Ming shoves for 10,500, big blind Huang Hobo uses a time extension then calls. Ming doubles up with a set.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JM Jiang Ming | T♠T♥ SB | 36,700(92 BB) |
HH Huang Haobo | 1? BB | 14,000(35 BB) |