Final Day

5/2/2023, 7:20:00 PM

Ogura Takashi doubles through Tang

Level 18: 30,000 / 60,000

60,000 ante

52864182385 673c86e03c k
Ogura Takahashi

Hijack Danny Tang raises to 170,000, button Ogura Takashi three-bet jams, big blind calls, Tang calls. At the flop 5 7 2 , Tang bets 220,000, big blind check-folds. Takashi A 5 , Tang A 8 . The turn 2s} and river 6 is a double up for Takashi .

Chip Counts

1,600,000(27 BB)
600,000(10 BB)
5/2/2023, 6:45:00 PM

Danny Tang eliminates Sriharsha Doddapaneni

Level 18: 30,000 / 60,000

60,000 ante

52864231138 4c431e67a4 k
Sriharsha Doddapaneni

Hijack raises to 100,000, small blind Sriharsha Doddapaneni three-bet jams K Q , big blind Danny Tang four-bet jams with 9 9 , hijack folds. The board runs 6 6 2 2 3 .

Chip Counts

2,000,000(33 BB)
5/2/2023, 5:55:00 PM

Gary Thompson takes some from Tang

Level 18: 30,000 / 60,000

60,000 ante

52863957669 ac82f60956 k

From under the gun Gary Thompson raises to 100,000, button Danny Tang calls, the flop is 3 7 3 . Thompson bets 240,000, Tang calls. On the turn 8 , Thompson fires another 470,000. Tang calls. On the river 9 , Thompson checks, Tang jams, Thompson calls for his tournament life. Tang has {d6d} 7 bluff, Thompson ships a double with 8 Q two pair.

Chip Counts

3,200,000(53 BB)
1,200,000(20 BB)