Final Day

9/30/2023, 1:20:00 PM

Tran Hoang Nam Eliminated By Chu Wei Chien

Level 16: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000

Hijack raises 12,000, button Chu Wei Chien and big blind Tran Hoang Nam call, flop comes 5 3 4 . Action is checked to Chien who bets 36,000, only Tran calls. On the turn 2 , Tran checks, Chien goes all in, Tran tanks then calls for his tournament life.

Tran Hoang Nam {4d5s} two pair Chu Wei Chien 3 3 set

The river is K to eliminate Tran.

Chip Counts

360,000(60 BB)