Final Day

9/30/2023, 3:19:00 PM

Tan Ong Kwan Eliminated By Jason Tan

Level 20: 8,000 / 16,000 ante: 16,000

From cutoff, Tan Ong Kwan shoves (130,000) holding A 4 , big blind Jason Tan calls with T T . Board runs 9 6 4 Q 7 .

Chip Counts

900,000(56 BB)
9/30/2023, 2:25:00 PM

Duy Ho Doubles Up Through Tan Ong Kwan

Level 18: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000

Utg Tan Ong Kwan raises 22,0000, utg+1 Duy Ho calls, utg+2 calls, flop comes Q 2 4 . Ong Kwan c-bets 25,000, Ho all in (49,000), utg+2 folds. Ho opens Q 9 top pair, Ong Kwan with T T . The turn 8 and river 6 , are good to Ho for double up.

Chip Counts

189,000(19 BB)
120,000(12 BB)
9/30/2023, 1:59:00 PM

Jason Tan and Tan Ong Kwan In Two Hands

Level 17: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Hijack Jason Tan raises 16,000, Tan Ong Kwan defends the big blind. At the flop 7 A 8 , Tan bets 17,000, Ong Kwan calls, then both check the turn Q . On the river 3 , Ong Kwan leads out 25,000, Tan folds.

Next hand, Tan raises 16,000 from utg, small blind Ong Kwan and big blind call, flop runs Q T 5 . Action is checked to Tan who c-bets 20,000, only Ong Kwan continues. On the turn 2 , Tan c-bets another 60,000 and gets called. On the river 3 , Tan shoves, Ong Kwan check-folds.

Chip Counts

484,000(61 BB)
360,000(45 BB)
235,000(29 BB)
125,000(16 BB)