Updates written by: Asian Poker Tour
Germany’s Rene Von Reden Stands Victorious in the Record Breaking APT Main Event 2024 for TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070)

Rene von Reden from Germany was the last man standing at the TWD 50,000 APT Main Event taking home the top prize of TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070), the largest live cash of his career. Attracting 1,991 entries, the event accumulated a total prize pool of TWD 86,011,200 (~USD 2,724,460), making it the biggest and the richest international poker event in Taiwan.
In an action-packed heads-up match, Von Reden defeated Abraham Ceesvin from Singapore who had been constantly at the top five of the chip lead since Day 3. Coming into the final table with the second shortest stack, Von Reden's built his stack little by little by throughout the final table finding spots to chip up.
Final 9 Payouts:

Final Table Action
The first to leave the final table was Canada’s Andy Chen, who, coming into the final table with the shortest stack, tried to steal as much pots as he could. Without the stack to support his aggression, Chen was vanquished when he decided to jam with King-nine against Ceesvin’s Ace-Jack off-suit, which prevailed with neither player hitting the board. Chen went home with TWD 1,087,000 (~$34,196) for finishing in 9th place.
Finishing in 8th place with a cash prize of TWD 1,424,000 (~$44,798) was Junichi Hashimoto from Japan who succumbed in a battle of the blinds, holding pocket fives which was beaten by Chih Wei Fan’s Nine-eight suited, that eventually caught a straight on the flop.
Sio Fat Lau from Macau was felted by Jae Wook Shin’s Pocket fives when his Ace-Jack off-suit did not hit the board at all. For his 7th place finish, Lau took home TWD 2,021,000 (~$63,579) the largest live cash of his poker career.
Despite dominating Von Reden’s Ace-three off-suit with Big Slick, the APT Super Challenge Champion Chih Wei Fan from Taiwan got knocked out of the tournament when the German spiked a pair on the board. The newest Taiwanese poker legend walked off the final table stage with a cash prize of TWD 2,639,000 (~$83,021) for his 6th place finish.
Entering the final table as chip leader , Dhanesh Chainani from Singapore was beaten by Von Reden when the German completed a straight on the turn with his Ace-nine off-suit. Chainani exited the final table taking with him TWD 3,270,000 (~$102,872) for finishing 5th.

The battle of the final four was the longest in the final table with all players hanging on to be the victor of the tournament. After a long wait, the shortest stack Man Lok Chan from Macau was finally defeated by Ceesvin who with Nine-eight suited caught a two-pair on the board sending the Macanese to the rails with TWD 3,939,000 (~$122,700) at 4th place.
South Korean player Jae Wook Shin, who performed quite well during the final table with railbirds betting that he would win the tournament, busted out unable to pair up with his over cards Ace-Jack off against Ceesvin’s snowmen. Shin left the building claiming his 3rd place prize TWD 5,488,000 (~$171,000) on his way out.
Abraham Ceesvin, found himself in second place when, unaware of the trap he was about to fall into, jammed all-in with King-six having spiked a pair and a flush draw against Von Reden, who had a 2,5:1 chip lead when he caught a flush with Nine-deuce suited on the flop. Ceesvin went home with his biggest live cash earning TWD 7,930,000 (~$247,075) for being runner-up.
For a full list of payouts please Click here
There are two days left in the APT Taipei Poker Classic 2024. Stay tuned for more updates as we wrap up the biggest and richest international poker event in Taiwan.
Rene von Reden wins the APT Main Event for TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070)
Rene von Reden remains the last man standing at the APT Main Event for TWD 14,413,200 (~$449,070). Please come back shortly as a full tournament write-up is on the way.
Abraham Ceesvin Has Been Eliminated in 2nd Place for TWD 7,930,000 (~$247,075)

At the button Abraham Ceesvin opened to 2,400,000 with K♣ 6♦ . Rene von Reden rode along with 9♦ 2♦ . Von Reden checked his flush draw on the flop of 7♦ K♦ 3♥ while Ceesvin bet his top pair with a 2,800,000 bet. Von Reden called to see the 3♦ turn.
Von Reden, trapping, checked once again. Ceesvin, sure enough, bet 4,500,000 now with a possible flush draw with his six. Von Reden raised to 12,000,000 and Ceesvin, falling for the trap, jammed his chips in. The German snap called in the hopes of becoming the last man standing. The river Q♦ ended the hand and eliminated Ceesvin in 2nd place.
Chips Seesawing Between the Finalists
Rene von Reden completed on the button and got a check from Abraham Ceesvin. With T♣ 8♠ Ceesvin checked to Von Reden who bet his K♠ 8♦ on the flop of 7♥ K♦ 6♦ . Ceeesvin called the bet to see if he could catch his gut-shot straight draw. The turn 5♥ gave both players an open-ender and was checked by both players. The A♥ was once again checked down and Von Reden took down the pot.
On another hand, Rene von Reden sitting on the button raised to 3,000,000 with A♦ 4♦ Ceesvin called with 8♣ 6♣ to see a flop of 9♦ 9♣ 8♠ . The flop checked down, the turn 7♠ got a bet of 4,000,000 from Ceesvin and a quick fold from Von Reden.
Ceesvin Tries to Decrease the Gap

Rene von Reden raised to 2,000,000 on the button with Q♣ 5♠ to be called by Abraham Ceesvin with T♠ 7♠ . The flop came A♥ 3♣ 7♥ and got check-called by Ceesvin after a bet of 1,500,000 from Von Reden. The 8♥ got checked down to see a 3♥ river which also got a check-check. Ceesvin took down the pot.
A few hands after, Rene von Reden limped 5♥ 3♥ on the button to be raised by Abraham Ceesvin who picked up Big Chicks A♠ Q♣ in big blind. Von Reden decided to float. Ceesvin led out his top pair with 2,400,000 on a flop that ran A♣ 7♦ 6♠ Von Reden folded.
Hockey Sticks Doubles Ceesvin Up
Rene von Reden went all-in with Q♥ 4♦ at the button. Abraham Ceesvin picking up 7♠ 7♥ snap called. Both sportsmen, the two players watched the dealer deal the board side by side and the board displayed 5♠ T♣ J♠ 6♥ T♠
Both players went back to their seats with Ceesvin double in chips.
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 54,000,000(54 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 24,000,000(24 BB) |
Von Reden Chips at Ceesvin's Stack Further
Abraham Ceesvin completed at the button with K♣ 8♦ . Rene von Reden with 5♠ 3♦ checked to see a flop of 3♠ J♦ 7♣ . Both players checked the 2♠ but Von Reden value-bet the 7♦ and got called by Ceesvin. Von Reden took down the pot.
Immediately after that Von Reden picked up A♥ T♣ on the button and made quick business of it by going all-in. Ceesvin folded immediately.
Von Reden Doubles Up
Abraham Ceesvin raised to 2,000,000 with T♥ 8♣ on the buttom. Rene von Reden called with J♦ 7♦ . The flop unfurled to 9♠ J♥ 4♠ . Checked to the button, Ceesvin bet 2,000,000 for his open-ender to be raised by the German to 5,200,00 for his top-pair.
Ceesvin made the call to see the turn of A♦ . Checked to Ceesvin again, the Singaporean jammed. Von Reden threw a time bank card in, looking slightly disconcerted with the all-in he didn't expect. Eventually Von Reden made the call and evaded a possible straight with the river 6♦ and took down the pot.
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 56,000,000(56 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 22,000,000(22 BB) |
Ceesvin in a 2:1 Chip Lead
Rene von Reden woke up to A♥ A♦ at the button and opened for 2,000,000. Abraham Ceesvin picked up 4♥ 4♦ but decide to fold the hand.
On the very next hand, Ceesvin raised to 2,000,000 with T♣ 9♦ and got a three-bet from Von Reden with A♠ 8♣ . Ceesvin called.
Flop came down to Q♣ 9♠ J♦ giving Ceesvin a pair and an open ended straight draw. Von Reden led with 2,500,000 and Ceesvin called again. The turn 4♥ didn't change the situation and got a check-check from both players.
The K♠ gave Ceesvin the straight but not knowing what Singaporean has, the German continued his aggression and fired 7,200,000. Ceesvin threw in a time bank card and eventually raised to 15,000,000. Von Reden immediately folded placing Ceesvin in a 2:1 chip lead.
Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 52,000,000(52 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 27,000,000(27 BB) |
Von Reden Takes the Lead
Abraham Ceesvin completed the blind at the button with 7♦ 6♣ and Rene von Reden checked after with 9♦ 8♣ . Flop came down A♠ 5♥ 9♠ giving Von Reden a pair and Ceesvin a gut-shot straight draw. Checked to Ceesvin, the Singaporean shot out 1,000,000 and got called.
The turn J♣ had the same action from both players where Von Reden check-called Ceesvin's bet of 2,700,000. Both players slowed down on the river of 6♥ and Von Reden took the pot down
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 45,000,000(45 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 33,000,000(33 BB) |
Von Reden Takes Down a Pot
Abraham picked up A♦ 3♦ at the butto and raised 2,000,000. Rene von Reden with K♠ 8♠ three-bet at big blind for 5,500,000 and got called.
The flop came down 9♥ 8♠ K♣ and spiking a pair, Von Reden 3,500,000 and Ceesvin folded immediately.
Cards are Back in the Air
The cards are back in the air for heads-up play. Chip Counts stand:
Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 49,000,000(49 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 30,000,000(30 BB) |
Heads Up Interview
Greg from Greg Goes All-in is currently interviewing the last 2 players of the tournament. Heads-up play will commence soon.
Players are on a 10-minute break to allow for the set-up of the heads-up table.
Jae Wook Shin Has Been Eliminated in 3rd Place for TWD 5,488,000 (~$171,000)

At the dealer button Jae Wook Shin picked up A♣ T♠ and went all-in for his tournament life. Abraham Ceesvin made the call with snowmen 8♠ 8♥ .
At risk, Shin prayed for an Ace but the flop unfurled into Q♣ 8♦ 2♥ giving Ceesvin a set. Jae Wook Shin started shaking the hands of the other two players as the turn 3♦ and 9♣ river were being dealt.
Ceesvin Tries to Bluff Von Reden
Three handed, Rene von Reden 6♦ 4♦ completed on the small blind and Abraham Ceesvin raised to 3,000,000 with 9♠ 8♠ . Von Reden called to see a flop of K♠ 3♦ K♦ giving Von Reden a flush draw who check-called Ceesvin bet of 2,000,000.
The 6♣ saw another check-call from Von Reden to the Singaporean's 4,500,000 bet. The J♥ was checked down by both players. Von Reden became the new chip leader as he scooped his chips.
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 38,000,000(38 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 24,000,000(24 BB) |
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 34,000,000(43 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 28,000,000(35 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 16,000,000(20 BB) |
Players are in a 6-minute break
Man Lok Chan Has Been Eliminated in 4th Place for TWD 3,939,000 (~$122,700)

In the very next hand, with action folded to the small blind, Abraham Ceesvin announced all-in once again to be called by Man Lok Chan who held A♦ J♦ against the Singaporean's 8♦ 7♦ . Ceesvin moved off the stage once again and stayed with his friend unable to see the board.
The flop came 7♥ 8♣ K♣ giving Ceesvin two-pair. Chan with a smile raised his hands indicating his resignation to his fate and started picking up his card protector. The turn 6♥ sealed the deal for Chan and Chan started moving off the stage while the river Q♣ came out.
Ceesvin Doubles Up with Jacks
Jae Wook Shin at the button shoved all-in with A♥ T♠ when Abraham Ceesvin loudly jammed his chips as well in the middle of the felt tabling J♠ J♣ Not being able to take the excitement, Ceesvin moved away from the table and looked away.
Finally the dealer dealt a board of 3♥ 8♣ 4♣ T♥ 5♦ . Avoiding elimination and doubling up Ceesvin hugged his railbirds and went back to the table with a huge smile. Fixing his chips, he greeted the table, "Hello everyone. How's everyone doing?"
Shin Back at Chip Lead
Rene von Reden opened for 1,600,000 under-the-gun with A♠ 4♠ to be called by Jae Wook Shin at big blind with Q♥ T♣ . The flop ran 9♣ J♠ K♠ giving Shin, who checked, a straight on the flop.
But Von Reden with a flush draw bet 1,500,000. Trying to trap Von Reden, Shin flat called. The 7♥ turn didn't change the situation and Shin continued with his trap and threw in a time bank card, posing weakness after Von Reden fired a huge 5,200,000 bet.
The Korean decided to raise to 12,000,000. Now it was the German's turn to throw in a time bank card but he couldn't take the heat and gave up the hand.
Shin Mucks the Winning Hand
With K♠ 4♠ Jae Wook Shin completed at the small blind. Rene von Reden at big blind checked to see the flop of 3♦ 6♣ 4♥ . Chan bet 1,100,000 and Von Reden called. Shin checked the Q♣ and so did Von Reden.
At the river K♣ with a two-pair, Shin bet 3,400,000 and got a raise from Von Reden for 9,000,000. Taking his time to consider his action, Shin folded the winning hand. Just to rub it in, Von Reden showed his hand.
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 32,000,000(40 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 24,000,000(30 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 18,000,000(23 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 4,600,000(6 BB) |
Shin Gets Some Chips Back
Abraham Ceesvin opened for 1,600,000 on the button with Q♠ 3♠ and got called by the big blind with A♣ 9♠ from Jae Wook Shin. The flop came 2♣ K♠ 7♥ and Shin floated after Ceesvin bet 1,200,000.
Shin spiked a pair with the turn A♥ but continued his check-call after Ceesvin bet 2,800,000. At the river 9♣ both players checked and after Shin showed his hands, Ceesvin couldn't help but snicker at Shin, proud that he didn't fall into the Korean's trap.
Chip Count Update

Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 29,000,000(36 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 29,000,000(36 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 16,000,000(20 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 4,500,000(6 BB) |
Top 4 Payouts

Place | Payout (USD) |
1 | $449,400 |
2 | $247,260 |
3 | $171,110 |
4 | $122,810 |
Players are on a 15-minute break.
Chan Getting Chips to Get Out of the Danger Zone

After a raise of Jae Wook Shin from under-the-gun with A♠ 2♣ , Man Lok Chan called with 5♦ 5♣ at the big blind. The flop came 9♠ 3♦ 6♥ which was checked by both players. With the turn 4 and now with an open-ender, Chan led out with 1,100,000 then scooped the pot after Shin folded.
Ceesvin Squeezes

Jae Wook Shin opened for 1,200,000 with Q♣ J♠ at the button which got called by small blind Rene von Reden with K♦ T♦ . Abraham Ceesvian defended his big blind by three-betting with his A♦ 9♦ for 4,500,000 making both Shin and Von Reden fold.
Gutsy Ceesvin Takes Pot Down
Abraham Ceesvin with K♠ J♠ four-bet Jae Wook Shin and Rene von Reden after the chip leader raised to 1,200,000 with 3♠ 3♣ and the German three-bet to 3,400,000 with Q♣ J♦ . The aggression was enough to take the pot down and make Ceesvin the chip leader.
Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 29,000,000(48 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 29,000,000(48 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 16,000,000(27 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 4,500,000(8 BB) |
Chan Triples Up and Hangs On
Man Lok Chan finally got an A♥ 4♠ at the button and went all-in with only three big blinds. Both blinds made the call with Jae Wook Shin holding Q♠ 8♠ and Rene von Reden with K♣ T♥ .
Both Shin and Von Reden checked Chan down on a board of J♠ 3♦ A♣ 8♦ 6♦ giving Chan a much needed triple up.
Chan Bleeding Out

Man Lok Chan, the shortest stack with 2,100,000 behind, was getting blinded out four-handed as he couldn't get a good enough hand to fight with.
Ceesvin Takes Advantage of Passive Shin
Jae Wook Shin found 5♥ 5♣ on the button and opened for 1,500,000. Abraham Ceesvin defended his big blind with K♠ J♠ . The flop 7♣ 3♠ 8♦ got Ceesvin with King-high lead out with 2,800,000 to be called by Shin. Ceesvin continued with a bet of 3,500,000 on the turn 9♥ and Shin folded.
The Rich Get Richer

Jae Wook Shin opened for 1,000,000 with Q♦ 6♦ on the button. Abraham Ceesvin at big blind defended with K♣ T♦ . The flop came Q♥ 2♣ J♣ giving Shin a pair who bet 900,000 and got a call from Ceesvin after an initial check.. The T♥ turn and river 3♣ was checked down by both players and Shin became a little bit richer in chips after the cards have been tabled.
Final Table Quartet

Player | Chips |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 30,000,000(60 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 24,000,000(48 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 20,000,000(40 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 5,100,000(10 BB) |
Von Reden Cripples Chan

Q♥ J♦ was good enough for Man Lok Chan to open with 1,000,000 under-the-gun. Folded to small blind, Rene Von Reden picked up A♦ T♦ and called the raise. The flop 5♠ A♥ K♦ gave Von Reden a pair with a gut-show draw and a draw for Chan as well.
Von Reden check-called Chan's 1,000,000 bet. Both players checked the turn to see the 4♦ river. Von Reden led out with 500,000 which made Chan throw in a time bank card. Chan made the call and got crippled by doing so as Von Reden scooped the pot.
Dhanesh Chainani Has Been Eliminated in 5th Place for TWD 3,270,000 (~$102,872)

Dhanesh Chainani jammed all in at small blind with A♣ 8♦ and got called by the big blind Rene von Reden with A♦ 9♣ . Chainani spiked a pair on the flop of 6♥ T♦ 8♣ but it gave Von Reden a gut-shot straight draw.
The turn 7♦ gave Von Reden the straight, disappointing the chip leader entering the final table. The unimportant river K♣ was dealt and Chainani finished his tournament at 5th place.
Ceesvin Wins Huge Pot
Rene von Reden picked up A♣ Q♠ when action was folded to the small blind where he sat and completed. Abrhaam Ceesvin with Q♦ 6♦ checked to see a flop of 9♦ J♠ 3♦ . With a flush Ceesvin bet 500,000 after Von Reden checked.
The German called the bet to see a turn 3♥ where both players checked. At the river K♦ , Von Reden checked once again and now catching a flush, Ceesvin bet 2,100,000. Von Reden threw a time bank in and finally made call. Ceesvin scooped the pot.
Shin Getting More Chips
Abraham Ceesvin under-the-gun raised to 1,000,00 with A♥ J♠ and got a caller in Jae Wook Shin at the button with K♦ Q♥ . The blinds got out of the way and the flop was dealt 6♥ 5♠ 3♥ .
It was checked by both player to see the T♣ turn. It got checked down once again for a K♠ river where Ceesvin led with 700,000. Shin raised to 2,200,000 and got a fold from Ceesvin.
Snowmen Not Good Enough for Chainani
Dhanesh Chainini picked up snowmen 8♥ 8♦ under-the-gun and raised to 1,000,000. Rene von Reden jammed all-in after a few seconds of thinking holding 9♦ 9♣ . When action got folded back to Chainani, the Singaporean asked for a count and took his time before he made the fold.
Players are on a 15-minute break
Chan Evades Elimination

Man Lok Chan woke up with K♠ K♦ at the button where he opened for 800,000. Chip Leader Jae Wook Shin jammed all in at small blind holding Big Chicks A♦ Q♣ . Chan threw in a time bank to call his friends over then called.
The board showed 6♠ 3♠ 2♦ 7♦ 5♥ and with a cheer from his railbirds, Chan sat back down on his chair saved.
Player | Chips |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 25,000,000(63 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 12,000,000(30 BB) |
Shin Catches a Boat
Dhanesh Chainani under-the-gun opened with 800,000 holding 9♦ 9♣ to be solely called by Jae Wook Shin at big blind with 8♣ 6♦ . Shin caught a two-pair on the flop of 6♣ J♣ 8♦ but both players just checked.
Adding a bit of value to his hand, Shin shot out 1,500,000 on the turn of 2♣ to be called by Chainani. At the river 8♠ , Shin checked hoping to trap but Chainani checked after. Shin showed his boat to the frustration of Chainani.
Ceesvin Takes Down a Pot
At button Dhanesh Chainani opened for 800,000 with K♠ Q♥ and Abraham Ceesvin defended at big blind with 8♠ 7♣ . The flop came down 3♥ 4♣ 6♠ got checked by both players. Ceesvin bet out 600,000 at the turn 2♦ for his straight draw making Chainini fold only with King-high hand.
Chainani Steals the Pot
At the button, Jae Wook Shin opened for 800,000 with A♠ 8♠ to be bullied by the former chip lead Dhanesh Chainani with Q♠ 8♣ with a three-bet from the small blind for 2,600,000. Rene von Reden at big blind folded and so did Shin.
Final 5 Chip Counts

Player | Chips |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 30,000,000(75 BB) |
DC Dhanesh Chainani | 14,000,000(35 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 14,000,000(35 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 11,000,000(28 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 10,000,000(25 BB) |
Chih Wei Fan Eliminated in 6th Place for TWD 2,639,000 (~$83,021)

With action on Rene von Reden at dealer button, the German jammed all-in with A♥ 3♦ . Defending his big blind, Chih Wei Fan found the perfect hand in A♣ K♣ to call the all-in with.
The flop revealed the window card of 3♠ 7♥ 9♣ with Von Reden spiking a three. Fan needing a King, watched the turn 2♦ and the river 6♦ with disappointment. Still in good spirits, Fan shook all the other players' hands and walked off the stage.
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 11,000,000(28 BB) |
CF Chih Fan | busted |
Sio Lau Fat Has Been Eliminated in 7th Place for TWD 2,021,000 (~$63,579)

Sio Lau Fat had gone all-in at hi-jack with A♠ J♣ after action was folded to him. Jae Wook Shin at small blind asked for a count before he called with 7♥ 7♣ Dhanesh Chainani at big blind with 5♠ 5♥ decided to get out of the way.
The board displayed 4♦ 6♦ Q♠ 3♥ and with no Ace, Fat exits the tournament at 7th place.
Player | Chips |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 32,000,000(80 BB) |
SL Sio Lau | busted |
A New Chip Leader in the Final Table
Jae Wook Shin opened with K♠ Q♠ in middle position for 600,000. Dhanesh Chainani flat called from the hi-jack with A♦ K♣ and the rest still in the hand got out of the way of a possible battle between the two big stacks.
The flop 3♣ 9♠ 6♦ was check-called by Shin after Chainani shot out 450,000. The turn 5♠ gave Shin a flush draw but just checked. Feeling weakness Chainani bet another 1,100,000 and got called. The river 8♠ gave Shin the flush and Chainani unknowingly made a huge bet of 3,500,000 to try and steal the pot. Shin raised him 8,000,000 making Chainani fold after a huge donation to Shin's cause.
Player | Chips |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 23,000,000(77 BB) |
DC Dhanesh Chainani | 12,000,000(40 BB) |
What a Sick Hand!

Chih Wei Fan opened under-the gun +1 with A♠ Q♣ and got called by Jae Wook Shin at cut-off with A♣ T♣ and Dhanesh Chainani at the button with K♣ 6♣ . Abraham Ceesvin decided to ride along with 4♦ 2♦ .
The flop came down 2♣ 5♣ 4♣ with Fan with the Queen-high flush draw, Shin with the nut flush, Chainani with the 2nd nut flush, and Ceesvin with two-pair on the board. Despite this, the flop got checked around to see a turn Q♥
Ceesvin led with 900,000 and got flat called by Fan and Shin. Adding a bit of exciting to an already thrilling hand, Chainani raised to 3,000,000. Ceesvin, with everyone still in the hand, threw in a time bank card and made a good fold. Fan also gave up on the hand leaving Shin in the hand.
Shin shoved all-in and got a snap call from the chip leader to see that he was beat. The river 6♦ ended the hand with 10,000,000 chips going to Shin.
Player | Chips |
DC Dhanesh Chainani | 19,000,000(63 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 17,000,000(57 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 15,000,000(50 BB) |
CF Chih Fan | 4,300,000(14 BB) |
Chainani Gets Straight on the Turn
Under-the Gun Dhanesh Chainani opened to 600,000 with J♦ T♠ to be called only by Jae Wook Shin with A♦ J♣ at big blind. The flop came 7♠ 9♥ K♦ and got a check-call from Shin after a 500,000 bet from Chainani who was looking at a gut-shot straight draw. The turn Q♦ was once again checked by Shin and Chainani with a straight bet 1,100,000. Shin folded and Chainani adds more to the huge stack in front of him.
Big Slick Cripples Fan
Chih Wei Fan three-bet to 2,000,000 at big blind with J♠ J♣ after Man Lok Chan opened for 600,000 under-the-gun with A♥ K♣ . Chan had no choice but jam his chips with his Big Slick to be snap called by Fan.
Chan at risk prayed for an Ace or King but got a flop of 6♥ 6♦ 9♦ . The turn K♥ was exactly what the Macanese had been praying for. The river 9♠ ended the hand with Chan doubled up and Fan crippled.
Player | Chips |
MC Manlok Chan | 12,000,000(40 BB) |
CF Chih Fan | 5,900,000(20 BB) |
Fan's Aggression Pays Off

Chih Wei Fan opened on hi-jack with A♥ Q♥ to be called solely by the chip leader Dhanesh Chainani with 6♠ 6♦ . The dealer dealt a flop of 9♥ A♦ 9♣ giving Fan two-pair with the board. Chainani check-called Fan who bet 450,000. The turn 3♥ got another check from Chainani which made Fan 1,400,000. Chainani folded to the aggression of Fan.
Remaining Player Chip Stacks

Player | Chips |
DC Dhanesh Chainani | 24,000,000(80 BB) |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 16,000,000(53 BB) |
CF Chih Fan | 10,000,000(33 BB) |
SL Sio Lau | 8,100,000(27 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 7,100,000(24 BB) |
RV René von Reden | 6,600,000(22 BB) |
MC Manlok Chan | 5,900,000(20 BB) |
Players are on a 15-minute break
Junichi Hashimoto Has Been Eliminated in 8th Place for TWD 1,424,000 (~$44,798)

With action folded to the small blind, Chih Wei Fan with 9♠ 8♠ jammed his chips all-in hoping to steal the blinds. But Junichi Hashimoto at big blind made a snap call holding 5♦ 5♣ .
Fan flopped a straight with 6♦ T♠ 7♦ . Fan, ever so friendly, started asking for a diamond to give the at risk player Hashimoto more outs to win the hand. Unfortunately, the river of 3♥ ends the tournament for the Japanese.
Player | Chips |
CF Chih Fan | 10,000,000(40 BB) |
JH Junichiro Hashimoto | busted |
Andy Chen Has Been Eliminated in 9th Place for TWD 1,087,000 (~$34,196)

Rene von Reden opened for 500,000 at the button with K♠ 7♣ just to get a jam from Andy Chen K♦ 9♦ in small blind. Abraham Ceesvin at big blind woke up with A♠ J♥ and made the call. The initial raiser got out of the way and the board was dealt 2♣ Q♣ 3♣ 7♥ 4♠ making the Canadian the first elimination of the final table.
Player | Chips |
AC Abraham Ceesvin | 16,000,000(64 BB) |
AC Andy Chen | busted |
Chainani Good Run Continues

With cowboys K♠ K♥ in the hole, Jae Wook Shin initiated action to 500,000 to be called by Dhanesh Chainani, on his immediate left, with 7♠ 7♣ . The flop displayed 8♥ T♠ 9♣ giving Chainani an open-ended traight draw but with Shin still ahead, the South Korean bet 400,000 to be called by the chip leader. The turn of Q♦ was checked by both players to see a river of 6♣ which gave Chainani a straight. Shin checked to Chainani who shot out 1,400,000 making Shin give up on the hand.
Player | Chips |
DC Dhanesh Chainani | 26,000,000(104 BB) |
JW Jae Wook Shin | 6,500,000(26 BB) |
Von Reden Doubles Up

Junichi Hashimoto found himself snowmen 8♠ 8♥ and opened for 500,000 at hi-jack, and Rene von Reden at big blind, replied to this raise with a shove all-in with A♦ T♥ Hashimoto made the call and the flop was dealt T♦ 4♠ 5♥ giving Von Reden top pair. The turn and river of J♣ and 9♣ didn't help Hashimoto, doubling Von Reden in the process.
Player | Chips |
RV René von Reden | 6,000,000(24 BB) |
JH Junichiro Hashimoto | 2,300,000(9 BB) |
Chainani Defends his Blinds
Seeing K♥ J♣ in the hole, Junichi Hashimoto raised to 500,000 at cut-off. Chainani defending his big blind three-bet to 1,500,000 with K♦ 6♥ and got Hashimoto to fold.
Lau Catches Straight at the River

Sio Fat Lau completed the blinds at small blind with K♦ T♥ and Chih Wei Fan with J♥ 2♠ in big blind just checked to see a flop of 9♣ J♦ 3♣ . With action passed to him, Fan bet just the big blind which got a call from Lau.
The 7♥ turn, once again checked to Fan, the big blind bet out 650,000 and got called once again by Lau. The river 8♥ , giving Lau the straight that he was waiting for, led out with 1,900,000 making Fan fold the hand.
Chainani Wins a Pot
Man Lok Chan at middle position got a A♦ Q♣ and opened for 400,000. Dhanesh Chainani with J♦ T♠ called at cut off while other players got out of the way. The flop came down with 8♠ 7♥ 5♠ which Chan checked to Chainani. With a gut shot draw, the Singaporean shot out 500,000 and scooped the pot after Chan folded.
Chen Attempts to Go Against the Chip Leader

Andy Chen threw in a time bank at big blind when Dhanesh Chainani at the button opened for 400,000 with K♥ T♣ . Holding 4♦ 2♦ , Chen checked on the board of K♣ 4♣ A♣ and got a check after from Chainani. The chip leader shot out 450,000 at the turn Q♦ when action was passed to him and Chen folded.
Chainani Wins with Aces
Dhanesh Chainani woke up with A♥ A♣ in the hole and opened for 400,000 in middle posiiton to be called by Chih Wei Fan at the big blind with 5♣ 2♣ . The flop came down with K♠ 8♣ 3♣ giving Fan a flush draw.
Fan check-raised Chainani's bet of 300,000 for 1,100,000 which the latter called. The turn K♦ was checked by both players for a 5♦ river. Despite not getting his draw, Fan bet a big blind amount of 200,000 but Chainani raised him to 1,300,000 and won the pot with his aces as Fan folded.
Shuffle Up and Deal
Cards are in the air. Play at the Final Table has started.
APT Main Event Final 9

The Final Day featuring the final table will be starting today at 11:00am.
The final table will definitely be exciting to watch as each player in the final table will be fierce in their attempt to win the coveted top prize of TWD 14,413,200 (~$453,430), the APT Lion trophy and be the Champion of a historic APT Main Event.
The stacks for the final table can be found below.

The payouts for the final table can be found below.

The final table will be streamed live with a 30-minute delay and you can watch the action by clicking on the following links.
Due to the stream having a 30-minute delay, we will also be delaying our posts by 30 minutes so there are no spoilers for those following the live report instead of the stream.