Final Day
Victor Chong Shoves Into Aces
After paying a double up to Scott Black, Victor Chong three-bets 80,000, initial raiser Ronato Alcano four-bets 175,000, Chong shoves 405,000, Alcano calls and covers.
Player | Hand | Chips |
VC Victor ChongMalaysia | K♥Q♠ | busted |
RA Ronato AlcanoPhilippines | A♣A♥ | 1,200,000(75 BB) |
Scott Black Wins The Flip
Utg Scott Black opens 32,000, big blind Victor Chong shoves for 759,000, Black commits his last 317,000.
Player | Hand | Chips |
SB Scott BlackUnited States of America | A♣K♥ | 664,000(42 BB) |
VC Victor ChongMalaysia | T♣T♦ | 422,000(26 BB) |
Random Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
MR Martin Rundulf GonzalesPhilippines | 847,000(85 BB) |
VC Victor ChongMalaysia | 810,000(81 BB) |
MD Michael De LeonPhilippines | 780,000(78 BB) |
VB Vinayak BajajIndia | 767,000(77 BB) |
PS Park SeonghunKorea (Republic of) | 702,000(70 BB) |
LE Lester EdocPhilippines | 535,000(54 BB) |
VM Vamerdino MagsakayPhilippines | 510,000(51 BB) |
JC Jose ColadaPhilippines | 495,000(50 BB) |
SB Scott BlackUnited States of America | 450,000(45 BB) |
CL Ching Li LokHong Kong | 380,000(38 BB) |
RM Richard MarquezPhilippines | 365,000(37 BB) |
RH Ronald HaverkampNetherlands | 365,000(37 BB) |
RA Rommel AngelesPhilippines | 361,000(36 BB) |
DB Daniel BenorIsrael | 360,000(36 BB) |
LX Lai Xin HuaChina | 350,000(35 BB) |
CI Czar Ian MarcosPhilippines | 283,000(28 BB) |
GR Gabriel RohKorea (Republic of) | 277,000(28 BB) |
SA Seitaro AsoJapan | 260,000(26 BB) |
LW Louis WongSingapore | 255,000(26 BB) |
FO Francisco OsunaSpain | 248,000(25 BB) |
MR Maxwell RosetePhilippines | 240,000(24 BB) |
UD Uday DuggalSingapore | 187,000(19 BB) |
LH Lin Hao (2)Hong Kong | 185,000(19 BB) |
KS Keisuke ShibachiJapan | 162,000(16 BB) |
IS Isidro SifuentesUnited States of America | 46,000(5 BB) |
Victor Chong Puts Pressure On Park
From utg+1 Victor Chong opens, cutoff Rommel Angeles calls, big blind Seonghun Park bumps it up to 100,000, only Chong chooses to continue to the flop J♠ Q♣ Q♠ . Park resumes with a 25,000 bet, Chong answers with a 75,000 raise, Park calls and they head to the turn J♥ . Sending the action to Chong, he bets 75,000 again, this time Park opts to surrender his hand.
Player | Chips |
RA Rommel AngelesPhilippines | 867,000(87 BB) |
VC Victor ChongMalaysia | 792,000(79 BB) |
PS Park SeonghunKorea (Republic of) | 355,000(36 BB) |
Bubble Bursts: William Teoh Eliminated
Hijack Taeil Han opens 15,000, button Victor Chong shoves (293,000), big blind William Teoh calls for his last 46,000, Ahn folds.
Player | Hand | Chips |
WT William TeohMalaysia | A♥K♦ | busted |
VC Victor ChongMalaysia | K♥5♥ | 357,000(60 BB) |
TA Taeil AhnKorea (Republic of) | 88,000(15 BB) |
With Chong's small card pairing up, Teoh falls as the stone cold bubble.