Prize (PHP)
Blind level
Level 27: 30,000 / 6,000 ante: 60,000
Total Chips
Final Day
7/29/2024, 12:08:43 PM
Daniel Benor Next To Get Paid
Level 21: 8,000 / 16,000 ante: 16,000

Maxwell Rosete opens then calls Daniel Benor's 265,000 shove.
Player | Hand | Chips |
DB Daniel Benor | A♠Q♦ | 575,000(36 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | K♦Q♣ | 25,000(2 BB) |
Benor doubles through while Rosete plunges to 1.5 bb. Next hand, Benor takes the rest of Rosete's chips.
7/29/2024, 10:02:10 AM
Random Chip Counts
Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Player | Chips |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 847,000(85 BB) |
VC Victor Chong | 810,000(81 BB) |
MD Michael De Leon | 780,000(78 BB) |
VB Vinayak Bajaj | 767,000(77 BB) |
PS Park Seonghun | 702,000(70 BB) |
LE Lester Edoc | 535,000(54 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 510,000(51 BB) |
JC Jose Colada | 495,000(50 BB) |
SB Scott Black | 450,000(45 BB) |
CL Ching Li Lok | 380,000(38 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 365,000(37 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 365,000(37 BB) |
RA Rommel Angeles | 361,000(36 BB) |
DB Daniel Benor | 360,000(36 BB) |
LX Lai Xin Hua | 350,000(35 BB) |
CI Czar Ian Marcos | 283,000(28 BB) |
GR Gabriel Roh | 277,000(28 BB) |
SA Seitaro Aso | 260,000(26 BB) |
LW Louis Wong | 255,000(26 BB) |
FO Francisco Osuna | 248,000(25 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 240,000(24 BB) |
UD Uday Duggal | 187,000(19 BB) |
LH Lin Hao (2) | 185,000(19 BB) |
KS Keisuke Shibachi | 162,000(16 BB) |
IS Isidro Sifuentes | 46,000(5 BB) |
7/29/2024, 9:49:34 AM
Maxwell Rosete Doubles Up
Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000

More preflop shoves. Next to score a boost is Maxwell Rosete off Uday Duggal.
Player | Hand | Chips |
MR Maxwell Rosete | A♥7♠ | 136,000(14 BB) |
UD Uday Duggal | T♠9♠ | 137,000(14 BB) |
7/29/2024, 8:28:02 AM
Jessie Leonarez Doubles Up
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Small blind Maxwell Rosete attempts to steal with an open jam for 123,000, big blind Jessie Leonarez calls for about half that behind. At the runout, Leonarez doubles up and Rosete plunges to 7 bb.
Player | Hand | Chips |
JL Jessie Leonarez | Q♦9♦ | 144,000(18 BB) |
MR Maxwell Rosete | K♦9♣ | 55,000(7 BB) |
7/29/2024, 8:24:35 AM
Top Pair For Gabriel Roh
Level 18: 4,000 / 8,000 ante: 8,000

Gabriel Roh opens and Maxwell Rosete calls. A♠ the board completes 2♣ 4♠ Q♣ 3♠ 8♥ , Roh bets 16,000, 37,000 that's check-called by Rosete. Then both knock on the river. Roh has Q♦ T♠ to pair to win the pot.
Player | Chips |
MR Maxwell Rosete | 123,000(15 BB) |
GR Gabriel Roh | 22,800(3 BB) |