Day 1B
Alfonso Baja Caught Bluffing

Alfonso Baja raises 7000, Pratik Modi re-raises 15,500, Baja calls and they see a flop J♥ J♦ Q♣ . No bets land for a free turn 3♠ . Baja checks, Modi bets 16,500, Baja raises 37,000, Modi calls to head to the river 8♠ . Baja leads out 126,000, Modi tanks then calls for his tournament life with 109,000 behind.
A♠ the cards are revealed, Baja is bluffing, Modi ships a double.
Player | Hand | Chips |
AB Alfonso Baja | T♣2♣ | 120,000(40 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | A♠A♦ | 289,500(97 BB) |
Irvan Iliadi Hard-Bets His Draw
Irvan Iliadi opens, the blinds call, flop runs T♦ 4♣ 5♣ . Iliadi c-bets 2000, one player folds, Pratik Modi from the big blind calls. Turn 8♥ sees a snap-shove from Iliadi for 32,500, Modi calls it after tanking.
Both players are drawing for a flush while Modi has a gutshot, the river 2♥ change nothing for Iliadi to double through.
Player | Hand | Chips |
II Irvan Iliadi | A♣7♣ | 111,500(37 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | Q♣J♣ | 173,000(58 BB) |
Random Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 375,000(125 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 328,000(109 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 325,000(108 BB) |
ED Emamanuel Derecho | 305,000(102 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 300,000(100 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 265,000(88 BB) |
MM Mac Mantos | 249,000(83 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 240,000(80 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 225,000(75 BB) |
TK Timothy Kuok | 215,000(72 BB) |
RE Redentor Edoc | 211,000(70 BB) |
AW Alex Ward | 190,000(63 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 190,000(63 BB) |
TF Tobias Fabech | 182,000(61 BB) |
CS Christopher Soyza | 172,000(57 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 169,000(56 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 161,000(54 BB) |
RM Rebel Magdagasang | 160,000(53 BB) |
VT Van Tung Nguyen | 157,000(52 BB) |
LH Lars Hougaard | 156,000(52 BB) |
VM Vamerdino Magsakay | 155,000(52 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 151,000(50 BB) |
KJ Kim Jitae | 150,000(50 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 150,000(50 BB) |
JP Juliever Pelayo | 145,000(48 BB) |
TN Thanh Nguyen | 137,000(46 BB) |
SH Seokchul Hwang | 135,000(45 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 135,000(45 BB) |
HT Henrik Tollefsen | 135,000(45 BB) |
FZ Feng Zhao | 130,000(43 BB) |
BB Bobby Byran | 128,000(43 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 120,000(40 BB) |
TK Tony Khoang | 120,000(40 BB) |
NK Nikhil Kedia | 115,000(38 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 110,000(37 BB) |
KK Kim Kiyoung | 47,000(16 BB) |
Big Stack Around The Room
Player | Chips |
LE Lester Edoc | 390,000(156 BB) |
AB Alfonso Baja | 355,000(142 BB) |
ES Emmanuel Segismundo | 325,000(130 BB) |
TL Thomas Lee | 285,500(114 BB) |
LP Liao Po Hsun | 280,000(112 BB) |
BK Beng Ker | 250,000(100 BB) |
TK Timothy Kuok | 216,000(86 BB) |
VT Van Tran Thinh | 204,000(82 BB) |
II Irvan Iliadi | 194,000(78 BB) |
SK Sanjeev Kapoor | 186,000(74 BB) |
LS Lee Sunghak | 183,000(73 BB) |
KL Kolja Lucking | 180,000(72 BB) |
TN Thanh Nguyen | 176,000(70 BB) |
NT Natalie Teh | 170,000(68 BB) |
JT John Tech (2) | 167,000(67 BB) |
HD Huu Dung Nguyen | 155,000(62 BB) |
KJ Kim Jitae | 150,000(60 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 148,000(59 BB) |
JW Julian Warhurst | 141,000(56 BB) |
137,000(55 BB) | |
CS Christopher Soyza | 135,000(54 BB) |
DL Daehyung Lee | 130,000(52 BB) |
TK Tony Khoang | 120,000(48 BB) |
DC Daniel Callaghan (2) | 119,000(48 BB) |
RG Raymundo Gomez | 115,000(46 BB) |
JM Joris Michl | 110,000(44 BB) |
RA Rommel Angeles | 110,000(44 BB) |
RM Richard Marquez | 105,000(42 BB) |
MJ Minwoong Jeong | 100,000(40 BB) |
No Show For Pratik Modi

Iliadi Irvan raises 2200 then bets every street. Lone caller from the big blind Pratik Modi check-calls down 2500, 3500, and 12,000 of a board 3♠ Q♣ 4♥ K♠ K♥ . Iliadi mucks.
Day 1A
Random Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
VT Victorino Torres | 327,100(273 BB) |
PK Pyeongkang Kim | 237,000(198 BB) |
CL Christian Lortie | 210,000(175 BB) |
WT William Teoh | 132,000(110 BB) |
AF Aldous Formanes | 88,900(74 BB) |
QH Quang Huy Nguyen | 50,500(42 BB) |
PC Patrick Crivell | 43,800(37 BB) |
PM Pratik Modi | 31,300(26 BB) |
GS George Salud | 20,200(17 BB) |