Day 2
Ryan Platon Knocks Two Out
Yongkyun Kim open shoved 80,000 on the hijack, followed by another all-in from Hyundong Lee for 247,000. Ryan Platon on the big blind, made the final call for a three way showdown.
Platon landed a set on board 7♦ 4♦ T♥ J♦ 8♥ and easily delivered the double bust.
Player | Hand | Chips |
RP Ryan Platon | J♥J♠ BB | 1,178,000(118 BB) |
YK Yongkyun Kim | A♦J♣ HJ | busted |
LH Lee Hyundong | A♣K♥ SB | busted |
Hand #11: Gerald Lubas Bows Out
Gerald Lubas opened 60,000, leaving himself 3,000 behind. Hyundong Lee called on the button, and flicked in for the rest on flop K♣ Q♣ 3♣ .
Lubas J♠ J♣
Lee A♥ A♠
Dead against the pair battle, Lubas had some flush outs with his club but bricked runout Q♥ T♠ , sealing his elimination.
Player | Chips |
LH Lee Hyundong | 392,000(49 BB) |
GL Gerardo Lubas Iii | busted |
Hyundong Lee Surrenders
A button vs blind battle on flop A♠ 5♠ 2♥ saw Hoseung Jung fire a half pot bet of 15,000. Hyundong Lee check raised to 45,000 and led 34,000 on turn 5♥ after Lee put in the call. Lee this time, raised to 95,000, bloating up the pot even further. Lee completed, yet ultimately surrendered on river 9♠ after Jung bet all-in for 210,000.
Player | Chips |
HJ Hoseung Jung | 519,500(104 BB) |
LH Lee Hyundong | 223,000(45 BB) |