



WPT Vietnam 2018 : Live Updates

WPT Vietnam 2018 : Live Updates


22:50: Dhaval Mudgal wins the WPT Vietnam Main Event

Level 35: Blinds 150K – 300K – ante 300K

Dhaval Mudgal - WPT Vietnam Main Event Champion
Dhaval Mudgal – WPT Vietnam Main Event Champion

The inaugural WPT Vietnam Main Event champion has emerged! Congratulations to Dhaval Mudgal! He makes history as the first player to win a WPT championship title in Vietnam. The final hand saw Mudgal shove with 9c8d and Takao Shimizu called for his tournament life with Qc4c. The board ran 5h4sTc9h5c to end it all and crown the champion.

Mudgal earned the VND 2,4287,580,000 first place prize money and the gorgeous WPT trophy.

For Shimizu’s impressive performance, he earned VND 1,702,030,000 for runner-up.

We will have a recap for you shortly. You can relive all the action leading up to Mudgal’s victory right here in our live updates.

22:45: Dhaval Mudgal inches further ahead

Level 35: Blinds 150K – 300K – ante 300K

Dhaval Mudgal takes more chips from Takao Shimizu to reach 13.1M. Shimizu raised to 650k and Mudgal called. The flop 3dQh6s, Mudgal check-called 600k. The 4h turn, Mudgal led for 1.4M, Shimizu raised to 3.8M, Mudgal shoved, and Shimizu folded up.

22:35: Dhaval Mudgal takes the lead

Level 35: Blinds 150K – 300K – ante 300K

Chip stacks have switched up! Dhaval Mudgal took the lead after shipping in a big pot without a showdown. The hand saw a limp by Mudgal, a raise by Takao Shimizu, and a call by Mudgal. At the flop KcKdJh, both players checked. On the 5d turn, Shimizu bet 1M, Mudgal raised to 2M, Shimizu called. The river Jc saw Shimizu check, Mudgal moved all in, and no call from Shimizu. Mudgal now at 12M while Shimizu dropped to 8.3M.

22:30: Dhaval Mudgal and Takao Shimizu go tit for tat

Level 35: Blinds 150K – 300K – ante 300K

Dhaval Mudgal goes back to work
Dhaval Mudgal goes back to work

After taking a dip in chips, it was back to the grind again for Dhaval Mudgal. He won a series of pots again with his preflop raises, this one below got much further.

Limp pot preflop, board ran 9h3c2d, Mudgal bet 300k, Shimizu called. On the 6s turn, Mudgal bet 700k and claimed it.

The next hand though went to Shimizu. Mudgal raised to 650k and Shimizu called. The flop Js6d5h brought in another bet by Mudgal and Shimizu check-called. On the Jh turn, no bets, but the river Kc got Shimizu acting up with a 600k bet. No call from Mudgal.

22:20: Takao Shimizu back up to 12M

Level 35: Blinds 150K – 300K – ante 300K

Takao Shimizu raised to 600k and Dhaval Mudgal called. At the flop Tc8hKd, Mudgal check-called 500k. Same action on the turn Qs with a 1200 bet check-called. On the Ts river, Shimizu shoved and Mudgal folded.

22:10: Seeing flops and more

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

Heads Up
Heads Up

Dhaval Mudgal and Takao Shimizu went to see a flop and more on a few hands. On the first one, Mudgal raised to 600k, Shimizu called. On the flop 4dQcJc, Shimizu checked, Mudgal bet 800k, and took it.

Next one, Shimizu raised to 550k, Mudgal called. When the board ran 4c3s2dAs9h, all stages were checked, and Shimizu won with Jh9c.

Another hand, Shimizu limped in and Mudgal checked. The flop landed 2h3dTs, Mudgal check-called Shimizu’s 300k bet. On the 3h turn and river Ks both checked. Shimizu won with JdJc over 2c5h.

Mudgal raised to 600k, Shimizu called. At the flop 9h6cJd, Shimizu checked, Mudgal bet 600k, called by Shimizu. On the Kd turn, Shimizu checked, Mudgal bet 1.1M, and that was good to scoop it with Shimizu folding.

22:00: Takao Shimizu fights back

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

Dhaval Mudgal continues to put Takao Shimizu to the test with frequent raises just to see the flop. While Shimizu has been seen folding, he took it all the way in this hand. Action began with Mudgal raising to 550k, called by Shimizu. At the flop 7s5d9s, both checked. On the Jd turn, Shimizu led for 700k and Mudgal called. On the 2h river, Shimizu fired 800k, and this time Mudgal backed off and folded.

Stacks are still pretty close with Shimizu just below 11M and Mudgal around 9.5M.

21:55: Dhaval Mudgal on the grind

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

Dhaval Mudgal
Dhaval Mudgal

Heads up action has been dominated by Dhaval Mudgal. We’ve only seen one showdown and that went to Mudgal. Mudgal has won around seven pots, successfully grinding to even up the score.

Average stack is 10,185,000 with 20,370,000 total chips in play.

21:42: HEADS UP: Takao Shimizu vs Dhaval Mudgal

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

With the elimination of Tai Hsing Hsiung, we have reached the heads up round. One of these two players, Takao Shimizu and Dhaval Mudgal, will walk away with the title and the top prize money. Here’s what’s in store:

1st VND 2,4287,580,000
2nd VND 1,702,030,000

Shimizu enters with 12,425,000, Dhaval Mudgal with 7,950,000. Good luck to both!

21:40: Tai Hsing Hsiung eliminated in 3rd place – VND 1,097,540,000

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

Tai Hsing Hsiung eliminated in 3rd place
Tai Hsing Hsiung eliminated in 3rd place

We just lost Taiwanese player David Tai Hsing Hsiung. He had a spectacular Main Event run but it ended short two spots from the title. Delivering the defeat was Dhaval Mudgal. Tai’s final hand was Qs8c and Mudgal with Kd9d. The board ran out 3cKh5sAh3h. Tai earned VND 1,097,540,00 for his great run here at WPT Vietnam.

21:30: Takao Shimizu zooms to 12.3M

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

SB Dhaval Mudgal moved all in and Takao Shimizu with the call. Mudgal had Kc9c, Shimizu with AhAd, the board offered no help to Mudgal for a big double up to Shimizu. Shimizu now at 12.3M and Mudgal down 4M.

21:25: Dhaval Mudgal bags a double through Tai Hsing

Level 34: Blinds 125K – 250K – ante 250K

Tai Hsing raised to 550k from the button, small blind Dhaval Mudgal three-bet to 1.575M, Tai jammed, snap-call by Mudgal. Tai AcJd, Mudgal KcKs. The board ran blanks for a double up to Mudgal.

21:20: Tai Hsing vs Takao Shimizu

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

Takao Shimizu
Takao Shimizu

DB Tai Hsing raised to 425k, Takao Shimizu three-bet to 1200, back to Tai who called. At the flop KdAs8c, both checked it. On the 9d turn, Shimizu bet 1600 and Tai called. The river cam 6h, Shimizu checked, Tai bet 1800, and Shimizu folded.

Tai up to 10M, Shimizu down to 3.9M.

21:15: Tai Hsing vs Dhaval Mudgal

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

Another limped pot preflop, the cards dropped 9h2cJs, Tai Hsing checked, Dhaval Mudgal bet 200k, called by Tai. On the Qc turn, action was the same with a 600k bet check-called. On the 3s river, no bets and Mudgal won it with Qs5c over TdTc.

21:10: Tai Hsing bets big on Dhaval Mudgal

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

Dhaval Mudgal wasn’t sure if Tai Hsing was bluffing him with the Taiwanese betting hard after just limping in. On a flop 8s4d6d, Tai bet 300k and Mudgal called. On the 6h turn, both checked, but on the 3s river, Tai jumped out with a 1.3M bet. Mudgal folded. Mudgal down to 5M.

21:05: Takao Shimizu rails another; Tran Cao Tam out in 4th place – VND 802,340,000

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

Takao Shimizu rails Tran Cao Tam
Takao Shimizu rails Tran Cao Tam

Takao Shimizu hadn’t even finished fixing his chips when Tran Cao Tam shoved with 1.55M. Shimizu called. Tam As8h, Shimizu KcQc, the board ran a dramatic AdKd2d to pair them both with Tam still ahead. The turn 5d was blank but another diamond would split it. But the river had other plans as it came down Ks for trips to Shimizu and 4th place for Tam. Tam earned VND 802,340,000 for his deep finish. Shimizu is at 6.4M.

That ended the hope of a Vietnamese winner with the 3 remaining players from Taiwan, India, and Japan.

21:00: Nguyen Duc Hai (Hai Chuot) railed in 5th place – VND 613,840,000

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

SB Takao Shimizu limped in and Hai Chuot checked. The flop landed 3d6sTd, Shimizu bet 325k, Hai Chuot tanked then shoved, Shimizu with a snap-call. Chuot Th5s, Shimizu JcJd, the turn Jh ended the hand with Chuot drawing dead. The river was 8c. Hai Chuot earned VND 613,840,000 for his 5th place finish.

20:45: Tai Hsing widens his lead, four-bets Mudgal

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

Dhaval Mudgal

From CO, Tai Hsing raised to 425k, DB Dhaval Mudgal three-bet to 1200, Tai four-bet to 2700, Mudgal folded. Mudgal dropped to 4.3M, Tai up to 8.8M.

20:40: Hai Chuot mucks to Tai Hsing again

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K


New round and bets sizes are pretty big. There are only two denomination chips, the 25K and the 100K. Average stack is at 20bbs. One of the biggest pots so far has been Tai Hsing’s scoop over Hai Chuot. It was battle of the blinds with Chuot limping in and Tai checking his big blind. At the flop 6hJh9h, both checked. On the Qs turn, Chuot bet 275k, Tai called. On the river Qd, Chuot with a 575k bet and after tanking, Tai called. Chuot mucked and Tai scooped it without a showdown. Tai tanked for some time in this hand and the TD advised players to speed up the action.

Tai is now the overwhelming leader with 7.6M. Chuot dropped to 2.4M.

20:25: Tai Hsing vs Tran Cao Tam

Level 33: Blinds 100K – 200K – ante 200K

The first big pot after the break went to Tai Hsing. From the button, he raised to 425k and big blind Tran Cao Tam called. On the flop As6hQc, Tam checked, Tai c-bet 250k and a smooth-call by Tam. Turn 2c brought another bet in from Tai of 750k, and Tam once again check-called. On the river Ah, Tam checked, Tai wasted no time counting out his chips and moved all in, Tam folded.

20:01: Break time chip count update

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

5 players left
5 players left

5 players remaining. Total chips in play 20,370,000. Average stack is 4,074,000.

Dhaval Mudgal – 6.025M
David Tai Hsing – 4.225M
Tran Cao Tam – 3.775M
Hai Chuot – 2.95M
Takao Shimizu – 2.4M

20:00: Dhaval Mudgal banks a big double up off Hai Chuot

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Just before heading off to a break, Dhaval Mudgal scored a huge double up. It began with him raising to 350k from cutoff and big blind Hai Chuot called. On the flop Tc2hQh, no bets by either. On the 8c turn, Chuot bet 450k and Mudgal called. On the 9h river, Mudgal moved all in for 2.1M. This sent Chuot to the tanker until he finally found the courage to call. Mudgal opened JhJc for a straight. Chuot had KcQh top pair.

19:45: Tai Hsing wins it, Hai Chuot mucks

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Tai Hsing
Tai Hsing

UTG Tai Hsing raised to 325k and BB Hai Chuot tank-called. At the flop 7dAs7c, both players checked. On the 4d turn, Chuot led for 325k and Tai called. On the Qs river Hai fired 625k and Tai made the call. Chuot mucked. Tai claimed the pot without having to show. Tai goes up to 4.2M, Chuot drops to 5.4M.

19:35: Tran Cao Tam rising

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Tran Cao Tam has won several more pots here to bring his stack to 3.8M. One pot he limped on the small blind and Takao Shimizu checked on the big blind. The flop 3d6s9c, both checked. On the 5h turn, Tam led for 250k and took it.

Next pot saw Dhaval Mudgal open with a 300k raise from the button, SB Tam three-bet to 875k, BB folded, and Mudgal folded as well.

19:25: Hai Chuot takes it with his pocket pair

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Hai Chuot
Hai Chuot

Hai Chuot hasn’t been in much of the shove fest here but he did get in on a hand and win a decent pot. He raised to 350K from UTG and got called by Tran Cao Tam on the small blind. At the flop 6h4c6s, Jc turn, and Ts river, no bets came and Chuot won with 7d7h over Tam’s AsQs.

19:20: Dhaval Mudgal wins off Takao Shimizu

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Dhaval Mudgal
Dhaval Mudgal

CO Takao Shimizu raised and Mudgal defended on the big blind. At the flop 3hJc6h, both checked it. On the 4d turn, Mudgal led for 375k and Shimizu called. The river Ts saw Mudgal fire 400k, and this time no call by Shimizu.

19:15: Tai Hsing wins one

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

After paying out, it was time to take it in. BB Tai Hsing and UTG Dhaval Mudgal were in a pot that saw a raise preflop and the cards run 7h7s6c. Tai checked, Mudgal bet 225k, Tai called. On the 9d turn, both slowed and checked and as well on the river Kc. Tai won with As7c trips.

19:10: Tran Cao Tam doubles again through Tai Hsing

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Tran Cao Tam
Tran Cao Tam

Tai Hsing continues to dish out the chips. Tran Cao Tam is the happy benefactor of yet another double up. Tam shoved his 1.45M stack with AcQd, Tai called with KcQh. The board ran very low to send a double to Tam. Tam now at 3M.

19:05: Tai Hsing the ATM machine, doubles up Mudgal and Tam

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Tai Hsing
Tai Hsing

Lots of shoves taking place in this level. After the fall of Hanh Phong, Tai Hsing shoved with Ad9s and Dhaval Mudgal with the fast call holding the nuts hole cards AhAc. The board had no bad beats arrived for a double up to Mudgal to 5M.

Next hand, Tai pushed with KsJh and Tran Cao Tam called for his tournament life with 9s9d. The board bricked running 7c5s5hQh2h and Tai paid a double up to Tam.

19:00: Hanh Phong eliminated in 6th place – VND 490,420,000

Level 32: Blinds 75K – 150K – ante 150K

Hanh Phong shoved on the button and after deliberating, David Tai Hsing made the call. Tai with Ac6s, Phong with Qd9d, the board ran dry 4s7c8c4h2h. Phong’s run has ended. He earned VND 490,240,000 for his 6th place finish.

18:55: Dhaval Mudgal survives

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Tai Hsing shoved on the small blind and Dhaval Mudgal called while putting himself at risk. Tai had 6d8h, Mudgal with KsJc. The board ran 3c7dTh8s to pair up Tai but with the river Kc, Mudgal was saved again and doubled up to 4.1M.

18:45: Takao Shimizu tanks Hanh Phong

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Small blind Takao Shimizu limped in preflop and big blind Hanh Phong checked his option. At the flop KsKd8c, Shimizu led for 150k and Phong called. On the 5s turn, Shimizu fired 450k, and Phong tank-called. On the Jd river, all in by Shimizu sent Phong to the think tank again. He took some time to decide and the TD was called for a clock countdown. Phong folded.

18:40: Dhaval Mudgal saved by the river! Split pot!

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Button player Dhaval Mudgal shoved and got snap-called by Takao Shimizu on the big blind. Mudgal was clearly looking to just steal the blinds and antes but now having to show his Th6h. Shimizu had As9s. The board ran 8c2c8h8d2h for a split pot. Mudgal was very happy to see that last card. Not so for Shimizu.

18:30: Dhaval Mudgal loses some to Tai Hsing

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Battle of the blinds, SB Tai Hsing raised to 275k and Dhaval Mudgal defended his big blind. At the flop 9cJs6h, both checked. On the 4c turn, Tai checked then called Mudgal’s 300k bet. Then on the 8d river, both slowed and checked. Tai showed K-9 to win it, Mudgal also showed a nine but mucked his lower kicker.

18:25: Takao Shimizu had the lady

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Takao Shimizu
Takao Shimizu

Action folded to the blinds, Tran Cao Tam limped in and Takao Shimizu checked. The flop ran 6c7dJc, no bets by either. On the Qs turn, Tam checked, Shimizu bet 150k, and Tam check-called. On the river Qc, action was the same with Tam check-calling a 350k raise, and Shimizu won it with Qh2h trips. That made for a very happy Japanese rail.

18:05: Tran Cao Tam doubles up

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Action folded to Dhaval Mudgal on the small blind and he announced all in. Tran Cao Tam on the big blind called for his tournament life. Mudgal had 8h4c and Tam with As8c. The board ran Jc3d6dKdQd for a double up to Tam. He now has 2.5M.

18:00: Hai Chuot in command

Level 31: 75K – 125K – ante 125K

Hai Chuot
Hai Chuot

New round brings bigger pots. We have six remaining here. Hai Chuot has just taken the lead after winning a pot off Hanh Phong. It was a battle of the blinds. Phong limped in from the small blind and checked by Chout on the big blind. At the flop 2s4h7c, Phong checked, Chuot bet 200k, and called. On the Ks turn, action was the same with a 400k bet laid out. Then on the As river, both players checked it and Chuot won it with Kc8d over 7d3d.

17:40: Tai Hsing rising

Level 30: Blinds 50,000 – 100,000 – ante 100,000

Tai Hsing Hszung
Tai Hsing Hszung

Hanh Phong raised to 300k from the button, Tai Hsing re-raised to 900k, back to Phong who called. On the flop 4c4s2d, Tai led for 490k and took it down. Tai at 4.9M and Phong at 3.7M.

17:30: Nguyen Hoang Nam (Apuweo) out in 7th place – VND 406,240,000

Level 30: Blinds 50,000 – 100,000 – ante 100,000

One of the most colorful players at the final table was Nguyen Hoang Nam aka Apu Weo. His motto, “No gamble, no glory” or “No gamble, no future”, well one of those, has done him well throughout however, the ride to the title was just cut short by fellow countryman Hanh Phong. Apu Weo raised to 350k, Phong three-bet to 700k, Apu Weo shoved, and a snap call by Phong. Apu Weo had KcKh and Phong with AdJh. The board ran Ts8c7sKd for a set to Apu Weo but with the river Qd, it was a straight for Phong to knock out Apu Weo in 7th place. Apu Weo earned VND 406,240,000 for his deep finish.

17:10: Chip count update

Level 30: Blinds 50,000 – 100,000 – ante 100,000

Hai Chuot – 5M
Tai Hsing – 2.6M
Dhaval Mudgal – 3M
Tran Cao Tam – 1.1M
Apu Weo – 900k
Takao Shimizu – 3.4M
Hanh Phong – 3.9M

17:00: Hai Chuot lands a monster double up through Dhaval Mudgal

Level 30: Blinds 50,000 – 100,000 – ante 100,000

AA vs AK
AA vs AK

UTG+1 Dhaval Mudgal raised to 300k, SB Hanh Phuong called, then BB Hai Chuot shoved with 2.36M. Mudgal called while Phuong got out of the way. Chuot had a dominating AdAs and Mudgal needed some luck to win the hand with AcKd. The board ran Jh5hJc3sKc for a huge double up to Chuot to 5M. Mudgal fell to 3.5M.

16:50: Tai Hsing gets tough on Mudgal

Level 30: Blinds 50,000 – 100,000 – ante 100,000

With action folding all the way to the blinds, Tai Hsing limped in, big blind Dhaval Mudgal raised to 400k, Tai three-bet to 1M, and Mudgal folded.

16:45: Tran Cao Tam doubles up

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Tran Cao Tam moved all in from hijack seat with Ac9s and cutoff Apu Weo called with 6h6c. The board ran 4dAsQsThQc for a higher pair to Tam and a double up to 1.5M while Apu Weo dropped to around 1.1M.

16:40: Takao Shimizu wins it

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Takao Shimizu took some chips off the leader Dhaval Mudgal who initially raised from cutoff to 160k. Shimizu defended on the big blind. At the flop 6dTh7c it was check – check. On the Jh turn, Shimizu slid out 150k and won it with a quick fold from Mudgal.

16:35: Dhaval Mudgal on the move

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Dhaval Mudgal picked up a couple of nice pots to maintain his stature at the felt. First pot was a battle of the blinds, Tai Hsing limped and big blind Mudgal checked. On the flop 6h4c8d, Tai checked, Mudgal bet 80k, Tai called. On the 8h turn, Tai checked, Mudgal slid out a bet but before the count, Tai folded.

Next pot he raised to 160k from the button and Apu Weo defended on the big blind. At the flop 4d7d5h, and 2c turn, no bets arrived. But on the 2c river, Apu Weo checked to Mudgal who bet 200k, and Apu Weo called. Mudgal opened Ad2d for trips and the pot. He now has around 5.9M.

16:30: Hai Chuot faces Mudgal again

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

From UTG+1, Dhaval Mudgal raised to 170k and big blind Hai Chuot three-bet to 370k. The flop 5d2s4s, Chuot quickly shoved and won it with Mudgal surrendering.

16:20: Norbert Koh railed in 8th place – VND 323,390,000

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Norbert Koh enjoyed a good run at the Main Event but still fell short of the title. From UTG he moved all in with his 815k stack and SB Takao Shimizu made the call. Koh Tc9d, Shimizu JdJc, the board ran 5d8d3dQsKs. Koh took 8th place and earned VND 323,390,000.

Shimizu rose to 3.2M.

16:10: Dao Duc Phong busts in 9th place – VND 242,770,000

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Dac Duc Phuong
Dac Duc Phuong

First casualty of the final table has been delivered with Dhaval Mudgal bringing down the axe on Dac Duc Phuong. It was another one of those “what the –” hands. Mudgal raised from cutoff to 160k, big blind Phuong shoved his 525k. Mudgal called. Phuong Td2h, Mudgal Th6h, the board ran Ts6d4d9sAh. Dac Duc Phuong earned VND 242,770,000 for his 9th finish.

Mudgal is now up to 5.9M in chips. He is the overwhelming chip leader.

16:05: Hai Chuot and Dhaval Mudgal

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Hai Chuot raised to 180k and button Dhaval Mudgal joined in. After the blinds folded, the flop ran 7h8c5h, Hai bet 300k and Mudgal called. On the Kc turn, Hai continued and sent out 500k, and this time Mudgal folded. Hai climbed to 2.5M. He said he had set of sevens while Mudgal said he had pocket sixes.

16:00: Hanh Phuong wins another

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Hanh Phuong raised to 190k, Tran Cao Tam called from the big blind. When the board ran out KdKhAh3s3d, no bets came and Phuong won with AsJs over Tam’s 9d9c. Phuong rose to 3.6M and Tam dropped to 940k.

15:50: Dhaval Mudgal climbs to over 5M

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

Dhaval Mudgal just got a bit richer after taking down a pot against Apu Weo. Mudgal opened with a 170k raise, Apu Weo three-bet to 350k, and Mudgal called. On the flop KsKhTs, both checked. On the 2c turn, no bets again. Then on the 5c river, Mudgal led for 275k, Apu Weo raised to 600k, Mudgal called. Apu Weo opened Ac3c but was behind Mudgal’s QdQc. Mudgal now over 5M.

15:45: Final 9 cards in the air! Hanh Phuong draws first blood

Level 29: Blinds 40000 – 80000 – ante 80000

First hand of the Final 9 saw Hanh Phuong raise from UTG and won the pot wit no callers. Second hand, he picked up much more than the blinds and antes. Action folded to the SB Takao Shimizu who raised to 170k. BB Phuong called. On the 2d4dKd flop, Shimizu c-bet 225k and Phuong called. On the 3c turn, Shimizu fired 600k, Phuong shoved 2M, and Shimizu folded. Phuong up to 2.87M while Shimizu dropped to 2.195M.

14:59: Final 9 formed!

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Final Table
Final Table

Final 9 players by chip count:

Dhaval Mudgal – India – 3,940,000
Takao Shimizu – Japan – 3,335,000
David Tai Hsing Hsiung – Taiwan – 3,295,000
Nguyen Hoang Nam (Apu Weo) – Vietnam – 2,790,000
Nguyen Thanh Phuong – Vietnam – 2,320,000
Nguyen Duc Hai (Hai Chuot) – Vietnam – 2,030,000
Tran Cao Tam – Vietnam – 1,210,000
Norbert Koh – Singapore – 815,000
Dao Duc Phuong – Vietnam – 635,000

14:58: Yik Yin Ray Chiu exits in 10th place – VND 201,540,000

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Yik Yin “Ray” Chiu entered the day as the chip leader but his run fell short in 10th place. Having just lost a majority of his stack to Tai Hsing, he moved all in on the next two hands. The first one was a double up but the next sent him out the door. Double up hand, Chiu moved all in with 8d8s and Thanh Phuong called with As5s. The board ran 8h5hTd3c2c.

With 950k, Chiu was all in with KdJs and Tai called with AdAh. No bad beats arrived. Chiu was eliminated. He earned VND 201,540,000 for his 10th place finish.

14:55: Tai Hsing rises, Ray Chiu plummets

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Ray Chiu
Ray Chiu

Tai Hsing shoved from the cutoff with with AcKs and big blind Yik Yin Ray Chiu called with AdQd. The board bricked for a huge double up to Tai amounting to 2.2M. Chiu however dropped to 330k.

14:50: Ben Andrews out in 11th place – VND 201,540,000

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Ben Andrews has just been booted out of the Main Event, he three-bet shoved his short 680k stack holding QdQc and initial raiser Thanh Phuong called with KdQs. The board ran Kc3d7d6sJc for a higher pair to Phuong. Andrews out in 11th place for a VND 201,540,000 payout.

14:45: Dhaval Mudgal rises to 4.35M

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Dhaval Mudgal widens his lead with yet another big pot won. From cutoff, he raised to 125k, Thanh Phuong three-bet to 325k, and after action folded around, Mudgal called. At the flop Kh2d6c, Mudgal checked to the aggressor Phuong who bet 175k, Mudgal called. On the 8d turn, check again by Mudgal, 445k bet by Phuong, Mudgal shoved, and Phuong folded. Mudgal now at 4.35M.

14:40: Takao Shimizu wins a big one off Hai Chuot

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Hai Chuot
Hai Chuot

Battle of the blinds, we only caught the action on the river with the board showing 2dQdKh3sJs. Small blind Takao Shimizu bet 500k onto a 980k pot, and after tanking, big blind Hai Chuot called. Shimizu opened KcQh two pair and Chuot mucked.

14:30: Johannes Felix Hoeld goes down in 12th place – VND 201,540,000

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Johannes Felix Hoeld
Johannes Felix Hoeld

Apu Weo just scored a huge pot to drive his stack to 2.8M while railing Johannes Felix Hoeld in the process. The hand kicked off with a raise to 120K by Apu Weo and called by Hoeld on the small blind. At the flop KsAd8c, Hoeld checked, Apu Weo bet 160k, and Hoeld called. On the 3d turn, Hoeld checked, Apu Weo fired 350k, and this time Hoeld tanked for quite some time. The clock was then called and on the last second, he announced all in. Apu Weo called. Hoeld KdQh second pair, Apu Weo AsTs top pair, the river 7d ensured the win and the bust. Hoeld earned VND 201,540,000 for his 12th place finish.

We are down to 11 players.

14:05: Thanh Phuong avoids the rail

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Thanh Phuong has charged up to 2.35M after shipping in a big double up on a lucky river card. The hand kicked off with a raise by Phuong to 120k, Norbert Koh three-bet to 420k, Phuong four-bet shoved for around 1.13M and Koh called. Phuong had TsKh Koh with 7s7c, the board ran Ah2hQc6dTs for a higher pair on the river for Phuong. Koh dropped to 875k.

14:00: Apu Weo doubles up through Hoeld

Level 28: Blinds 30000 – 60000 – ante 60000

Apu Weo
Apu Weo

New level kicks off with immediate celebration as one of the most animated players has just doubled up. Johannes Felix Hoeld raised to 150k, Apu Weo three-bet to 400k, Hoeld called. At the flop 5h8d3h, Hoeld shoved, and a snap call by Apu Weo. Hoeld AcQs, Apu Weo 9s9h, the turn 4h and river Jh were misses for Hoeld. Apu Weo climbed to 1.8M.

13:55: Dac Duc Phuong vs Hai Chuot

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

UTG+1 Dac Duc Phuong raised to 110k and Hai Chuot defended on the big blind. At the flop Jh8cTh, Chuot checked, Duc bet 140k, and Chuot called. On the 3c turn, no bets were fired. On the river Qc, Duc checked, Chuot slid out 310k, and won it with no challenge by Duc.

13:55: Low Kar Doi busts in 13th place – VND 160,970,000

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Heavy preflop betting led to all ins. It started with a raise to 105k by Dhaval Mudgal, called by Thanh Phuong, three-bet shove by Low Kar Doi, called by Mudgal while Phuong folded. Doi held AcQh, Mudgal QdQs, the board ran blanks 3s3d7sKcTc to send Doi packing in 13th place. He earned VND 160,970,000. Mudgal climbed to 3.5M and is our new chip leader.

13:50: Thanh Phuong vs Ray Chiu

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Yik Yin Ray Chiu has joined the action. He raised to 110k from UTG+1 then called a three-bet by Thanh Phuong from the big blind. At the flop 6h5c5d, Phuong led for 135k, Chiu called. On the 7s turn, Phuong jammed and Chiu tank-folded.

13:45: Norbert Koh doubles up through Tai Hsing

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Norbert Koh

Norbert Koh paid a double up earlier and now got his own to boost his stack to 1.8M. He shoved with AdKc, Tai Hsing called with AcQh, the board ran dry. Tai dropped to 1.030M.

13:45: Johannes Felix Hoeld bags a double off Hai Chuot

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Johannes Felix Hoeld shoved with JcJs and Hai Chuot called with AsKh. The board ran QsQh9d7sQc for a double up to 1.9M to Hoeld. Chuot dropped to 1.7M.

13:40: Tran Huu Khoi eliminated in 14th place – VND 160,970,000

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

A few hands after doubling up Takao Shimizu, Tran Huu Khoi pushed all in on the small blind and big blind Dac Duc Phuong called. Khoi Kc7h, Phuong 4s4c. The board ran 9s8h4dJcQc to end Khoi’s run in 14th place. He earned VND 160,970,000.

Down to 13 players.

13:35: Ben Andrews folds it

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Ben Andrews
Ben Andrews

Ben Andrews raised to 110k, Low Kar Doi three-bet to 495k, this sent Andrews tanking for a good minute. He then folded.

13:30: A stunner of a hand between Tai Hsing and Dhaval Mudgal

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Dhaval Mudgal
Dhaval Mudgal

At the completion of this hand, everyone was in disbelief, at the hands tabled. Recapping the action, action folded to the blinds, small blind Tai Hsing limped and Dhaval Mudgal checked. On the flop 6dKc3s, both checked. On the 7d turn, Tai led for 60k, Mudgal raised to 155k, and Tai called. On the river As, Tai checked, Mudgal fired 275k, and Tai called. Upon showing, Mudgal had 5s9c bluff, and Tai won it with 5dQh queen high. Nutty!

13:28: Le Ngoc Khanh busts in 15th place – VND 160,970,000

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Le Ngoc Khanh is the first casualty of the final day. He moved it all in the middle holding AdTd but ran into a better hand held by Takao Shimizu AsQs. The board ran Qh2cTsJd4h to pair them both up but Shimizu still had the better spread. Khanh took 15th place and earned VND 160,970,000.

13:25: Takao Shimizu doubles up

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Next double up today began with Tran Huu Khoi limping in, Dac Duc Phuong joining in, then down the orbit on the small blind Takao Shimizu jammed. Khoi with the fast call while Phuong folded. Shimizu AsKd, Khoi AcQh, the board ran Jc9d3c5hKs to double up Shimizu to 1.5M. Khoi dropped to 820k.

13:20: More uncalled shoves

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Johannes Felix Hoeld raised to 100k, Dac Duc Phuong shoved, fold Hoeld.

Le Ngoc Khanh shoved from the button, blinds folded.

13:15: Johannes Felix Hoeld wins vs Tran Huu Khoi

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Button player Johannes Felix Hoeld raised to 100k and went to see the flop with big blind caller Tran Huu Khoi. The cards 3d2c2d came down, Khoi checked, Hoeld c-bet 70k, and won the pot.

13:15: Low Kar Doi lands a double through Koh

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Norbert Koh paid the first double up of the final day. He raised to 110k, to his immediate left Low Kar Doi jammed for 435k, action folded around back to Koh who reluctantly called. Doi KcKh, Koh AhTs, the board ran 2c4d2sTc4c.

13:10: Small pots at table 2

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

From UTG+1 Nguyen Thanh Phuong raised to 110k and big blind Tai Hsing called. At the flop 9sKsTh, Tai checked, Phuong c-bet 115k, and Tai folded.

Ben Andrews raised to 110k from UTG+2, no callers.

13:10: Early shoves, no callers

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Takao Shimizu shoved from the hijack seat, no callers. He won the blinds and antes.

Apu Weo shoved his 620k stack from UTG, no callers. He won the blinds and antes.

Dac Duc Phuong next to shove and he too won the blinds and antes with no callers.

13:00: And the race is on! Who will be the first-ever WPt Vietnam Champion!

Level 27: Blinds 25000 – 50000 – ante 50000

Main Event trophy

Good afternoon everyone! Today is going to be very exciting with the crowning of the first-ever WPT Vietnam Main Event champion. One of our 15 finalists below will claim the prestigious title along with the lion’s share cut of VND 2,427,580,000 (~US$104,100). Here’s a look at them and their chip counts.

Yik Yin “Ray” Chiu – 2.43M
Dhaval Mudgal 2.355M
Hai Chuot 2.245M
Anh Khoi 1.68M
Tai Hsing Hszung 1.470M
Nguyen Thanh Phuong 1.340M
Tran Tam 1.335M
Johannes Felix Hoeld 1.180M
Ben Andrews 1.150M
Norbert Koh – 1.135M
Dao Duc Phuong 1.025M
Takao Shimizu 805K
Le Ngoc Khanh 790K
Apu Weo – 620K
Low Kar Doi 560K

This event has now set the bar as the largest-ever live tournament prize pool seen in the country of VND 13,172,600,000 (~US$565,000). Pieces of that massive pot were shaved off yesterday starting at 85th place.

Here are the remaining payouts:

1st VND 2,427,580,000
2nd VND 1,702,030,000
3rd VND 1,097,540,000
4th VND 802,340,000
5th VND 613,840,000
6th VND 490,420,000
7th VND 406,240,000
8th VND 323,390,000
9th VND 242,770,000
10th VND 201,540,000
11th VND 201,540,000
12th VND 201,540,000
13th VND 160,970,000
14th VND 160,970,000
15th VND 160,970,000

Stay with us here as we bring you all the action.

23:50: Day 2 ends with 15 players remaining

Chip Counts by rank:

1 – Yik Yin Ray Chiu – 2,430,000
2 – Dhaval Mudgal – 2,355,000
3 – Hai Chuot – 2,245,000
4 – Tran Huu Khoi – 1,680,000
5 – Nguyen Hanh Phong – 1,590,000
6 – Tai Hsing Hsiung – 1,470,000
7 – Trần Cao Tâm – 1,335,000
8 – Johannes Felix Hoeld – 1,180,000
9 – Ben Andrews – 1,150,000
10 – Norbert Koh – 1,135,000
11 – Dao Duc Phuong – 1,025,000
12 – Takao Shimizu – 805,000
13 – Le Ngoc Chanh – 790,000
14 – Apu Weo – 620,000
15 – Low Kar Ooi – 560,000

23:40: Apu Weo doubles up Johannes Hoeld

Level 26: Blinds 20000 – 40000 – ante 40000

Apu Weo

Action folded to the button Apu Weo, he raised to 105k, then two spots over on the big blind, Johannes Felix Hoeld moved all in. Apu Weo called. Hoeld AcQc, Apu Weo Ts9d, the board ran Qs6c2c8cAs for a nut flush and a double up to Hoeld. Hoeld up to 1.1M.

23:20: Romit Advami’s aces cracked, busts 16th – VND 133,970,000

Level 26: Blinds 20000 – 40000 – ante 40000

Ace Cracked

Romit Advami fell hard in 16th place with Apu Weo delivering the sick bust. Romit with AhAs, Apu Weo with KcKs. The board ran AcQcJc5c6c for a nut flush over set. Apu Weo over 1.2M.

23:15: Apu Weo doubles up through Takao Shimizu

Level 26: Blinds 20000 – 40000 – ante 40000

Immediately after paying the double up, Apu Weo was all in on his small blind and BB Takao Shimizu called. Apu Weo with ThKd, Shimizu with Ad9s, the board ran Qh2dKsJc6s for a double up to 300k.

23:10: Anh Khoi doubles up through Apu Weo

Level 26: Blinds 20000 – 40000 – ante 40000

Once again, Apu Weo takes a stand on his big blind but ended up having to pay Anh Khoi who moved all in from MP with Qc7c. Apu Weo called the 385k with 8d4d. The board ran 5c9cTh7d7h.

22:50: Lon Kar Doi doubles up to 800k

Level 26: Blinds 20000 – 40000 – ante 40000

Lon Kar Doi

Action folded around the table to the small blind Norbert Koh, he laid out a huge bet that covered BB Lon Kar Doi’s stack. Lon went ahead and moved all in. Koh 9d2d, Lon JcTs. The board ran Jh7d6cQsAd for a double up to Lon. He now has 800k. Still 16 remaining here.

22:40: Cong Le out 17th – VND 133,970,000

Level 25: Blinds 15000 – 30000 – ante 30000

Duc Phuong raised to 60k, SB Cong Le shoved, Phuong called. Cong with Ad8h, Phuong with ThKc, board ran 2d5s9d4hKd for a pair on the river for Phuong to elimined Cong in 17th place.

22:20: Tran Tam takes a big one from Nguyen Thanh Phuong

Level 25: Blinds 15000 – 30000 – ante 30000

Heavy action at table 1, a massive pot already in the middle and a flop 3hAs6c. In front of DB player Nguyen Thanh Phuong was a 502k bet. SB Tran Tam had it all in with 1.195M. Phuong in the tanker. He eventually folded showing pocket jacks. Tam scooped up a large one. He is up to 2.2M.

22:00: Final 17 players

Level 25: Blinds 15000 – 30000 – ante 30000

Final 17 players

Final 17 players and approximate chip counts:

Table 1
Norbert Koh 1.25M
Lon Kar Doi 500k
Tai Hsing Hszung 750k
Dhaval Mudgal 1.35M
Nguyen Thanh Phuong 1.2M
Tran Tam 1.45M
Ben Andrews 1.2M
Ray Chiu 2.5M

Table 2
Takao Shimizu 700k
Johannes Felix Hoeld 625k
Cong Le 280k
Hai Chuot 2.5M
Romit Advami 500k
Anh Khoi 200k
Duc Phuong 750k
Le Ngoc Khanh – 1.55M
Apu Weo – 850k

21:55: Norbert Koh rails Tran Son Thach

Level 25: Blinds 15000 – 30000 – ante 30000

Tran Son Thach shoved with 8d8c and two spots over Norbert Koh called with AhKd. The board was very gracious to Koh running QhJdJsTd4h to give him a straight. Thach out 18th. We are down to two tables with 17 remaining.

21:55: Apu Weo rails Thomas Gicquel

Level 25: Blinds 15000 – 30000 – ante 30000

Thomas Gicquel

Thomas Gicquel was all in with AdJh, Apu Weo called with KhTh. The board ran Kd4c8cTdJd. We are down to 18 players.

21:50: Dhaval Mudgal busts Dylan Wilkerson hand

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

We were able to get the lowdown on Dylan Wilkerson’s bust out. According to the executioner Dhaval Mudgal, he opened with a 55k raise, Wilkerson shoved with 405k, Mudgal called. Wilkerson Q-J offsuit, Mudgal 6-6. The board ran A-2-5-9-10.

21:45: Dhaval Mudgal goes up and down

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

We missed the action but Dhaval Mudgal eliminated Dylan Wilkerson, and nearly did the same to another player. The player shoved with A-K and Mudgal had J-J. The turn produced a king to overtake Mudgal’s pair and double up. We are at 19 players here.

21:25: Apu Weo doubles up

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

Four-way action saw a flop land Ad5dTh. Hai Chuot bet 100 and got two callers which included Apu Weo. On the 9d turn, it was check, check, all in by Apu Weo. Chuot tanked then called while the other player folded. Apu Weo 3d4d flush, Chuot AsJd top pair, river Ac improved Chuot to trips but it was still behind the flush. Apo Weo up to 730k.

21:10: Tran Tam sends out another

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

Tran Tam was the bane of John Phan and now another has just fallen to him, Tung Nguyen. Tam raised to 50k from utg, Ray Chiu called, SB Tung jammed 430k, Tam called, and Chiu folded. Tam JcJs, Tung AhQs, no hits for Tung expect the rail. Tam up to 1.5M. We are down to 22 players.

20:55: Le Ngoc Khanh takes two, soars to 1.1M

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

Le Ngoc Khanh

Battle of the blinds saw Le Ngoc Khanh raise, Apu Weo defending his big blind with a shove, an snap call by Khanh. Khanh with Ad9h and big blind Apu Weo with Th2c. The board ran JhAcAs7s9c for a double up to Khanh.

Next hand, Khanh shipped in a player’s stack with K-Q dominating K-10 throughout. Khanh quickly zoomed top 1.1M.

20:55: Tran Tam rails John Phan

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

John Phan got the rest of his chips in with ThTs but ran into Tran Tam’s KdKc. Phan failed to improve and was eliminated.

20:50: Dhaval Mudgal vs Romit Advami

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

Dhaval Mudgal raised to 55k and big stacked Romit Advami called. At the flop AcTd4h, Mudgal c-bet 50k, Advami called. On the 4d turn, both players checked, and the river came 3d. Mudgal checked again, Advami bet 120k, Mudgal folded.

20:45: New level begins, 26 remaining

Level 24: Blinds 15000 – 25000 – ante 25000

New round begins. 26 players left in the field. Average stack is 783,462 with 20,370,000 total chips in play.

20:25: Ben Andrews tanks John Phan twice

Level 23: Blinds 10000 – 20000 – ante 20000

John Phan raised to 50k, got popped to 135k by Ben Andrews, then after tanking, Phan folded. Next hand, Phan raised again to 45k. Andrews three-bet to 130k, Phan tanked again. Phan called and the flop ran 5c5d4s. Phan checked, Andrews c-bet a tower of purple chips that pretty much covered Phan’s stack. Phan folded.

20:00: Dylan Wilkerson vs Romit Advami

Level 23: Blinds 10000 – 20000 – ante 20000

Dylan Wilkerson

Dylan Wilkerson raised to 45k and found one caller in Romit Advami. The flop came down Jh6h7d, both checked. On the 4d turn, Wilkerson led out for 135k, and won it.

Looks like we’ve had a bust out at a separate table, we are now down to 27 players.

19:45: Duc Phuong eliminates Bruno Lo

Level 23: Blinds 10000 – 20000 – ante 20000

Short stacked Bruno Lo shoved with 9c8c but ran right into Duc Phuong’s AdKc. The board ran 9dJc6sTsAs to eliminate Lo.

19:40: John Phan burns Ying Lin Chua

Level 22: Blinds 10000 – 15000 – ante 15000

Ying Lin Chua was dealt his last hand here with John Phan taking all of his chips. On a flop 4c7sTs, Chua was all in with 7h6s but was still behind Phan’s Qh7c. The turn Jc and river 3h completed the board.

Just before that hand, Phan tanked for some time that led to him folding and losing some chips to Sajil Agarwal. Agarwal opened with a 30k raise, Phan three-bet to 80k, Agarwal jammed for 270k total. Phan eventually folded.

19:15: Norbert Koh rails one, climbs to 1.9M

Level 22: Blinds 10000 – 15000 – ante 15000

Action folded to the blinds, Norbert Koh raised, BB shoved, and Koh with the snap call. Koh AhQh, BB with Jc2h. The board ran Qs2c3hTs5s to send all the chip to Koh. He is now up to 1.9M. 34 players remaining.

19:00: Yik Yin “Ray” Chiu boots Alok Birewar; leads with 2.2M

Level 22: Blinds 10000 – 15000 – ante 15000

Yik Yin Chiu sent another player out of the running, this time it was Alok Birewar banging the rail. Birewar was all in with A-K but it was no good against Chiu’s 9-8 that found a nine on the board. Chiu is now our leader here with 2.2M.

18:30: Yik Yin “Ray” Chiu knocks out Mike Takayama

Level 21: Blinds 6000 – 12000 – ante 12000

Mike Takayama has fallen out of the running in 39th place and delivering the axe was Yik Yin Chiu. The hand opened with Takayama raising to 28k, hijack player shoved for 190k, Chiu four-bet shoved with 575k, and with less chips, Takayama joined the party for a three-way matchup. HJ has J-J, Takayama A-K, and Chiu 10-10. The board ran out with a 10 showing up and Chiu earned two stacks with his set.

18:25: John Phan with a huge double through Francis Garson

Level 21: Blinds 6000 – 12000 – ante 12000

John Phan5
John Phan

We caught the heavy duty action on a turn board 6s2hKs8h, BB Francis Garson stared down a massive pot in the middle and a bet of 120k from John Phan. It took time for Garson to act and when he did, it was a shove. Phan joined in for his tournament life. Garson KhJh top pair, Phan AdAh. The river Ts completed the board to double up Phan to 700k. Garson dropped to around 25k and busted on the next hand.

18:20: Goonjan Mall earns one

Level 21: Blinds 6000 – 12000 – ante 12000

Just after winning a pot, Norbert Koh called Goonjan Mall’s 25k raise and they went to see the flop with one other caller. The cards ran AdKc8c, Mall c-bet 45k and only Koh called. At the 6s turn, no bets arrived and as well no bets on the Tc river. Mall was first to show, he opened AhTh and won the pot. Koh sits with 1.2M.

18:15: Down to 5 tables, 45 remaining

Level 21: Blinds 6000 – 12000 – ante 12000

From 178 that started the day, we are down to 5 tables with 45 remaining. Hai Chuot leads with 1.5M.

17:40: Hai Chuot dips then soars

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

Hai chuot

Chip leader Hai Chuot continues to lead the Main Event despite having some of his towers shaved. On a flop 9s8h6s, and 140k in the middle, Chuot faced an all in by Duc Phuong amounting to 246k. Chuot tanked for a while then called. Duc had 8c8d set and Chuot with Jc9h top pair. The turn 3c and river 3s secured the double up for Duc.

Just shortly after, we caught Chuot in another big hand with a board showing 5d3c2h8s9h. Hieu Ngo was all in for 305k. This tanked Chuot again but he found the courage to call once more. It was a good one with Ngo on an Ad6d bluff. Chuot won it and climbed to 1.5m with 4d4h as the winning hand.

17:20: Takao Shimizu vs Apu Weo

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

Preflop war saw Takao Shimizu raise from the button, Apu Weo not giving his big blind without a fight three-bet, Shimizu four-bet to add another 200k, and Apu Weo opted to surrender.

17:10: Hai Chuot leads with over 1.2M

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

Hai Chuot is currently the chip leader with over 1.2M. He just won a sizable pot against Raghav Bansal. From UTG, Bansal raised to 23k, and both blinds called with Chuot on the small blind. At the flop Td4hAd, action was checked to the raiser Bansal. He c-bet 45k. Only Chuot called. On the 8d turn, both players checked to bring down the river card Ac. Chuot switched up and led for 125k and Bansal called. Chuot opened AsTh full house.

17:05: John Phan rails Flo Campomanes

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

Flo Campomanes
Flo Campomanes

Flo Campomanes pushed his short stack out front and John Phan called. Campomanes KcTc, Phan AsJc, no hits on the board for either and Campomanes busted. Phan up to 400k

17:00: Goonjan Mall lucks out on Ominami Shiuichi

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

From mid position, Goonjan Mall raised to 20k, Johannes Hoeld called, then Ominami Shiuichi three-bet to 60k. Back to Mall, he called while Hoeld folded. At the flop Tc7cJd, Mall checked, Shiuichi jammed, and Mall called. Shiuichi had AdAs, Mall with Ts9s, the turn Th improved Mall to trips and with the river 4s, Shiuichi fell to 26k and Mall zoomed to 525k. Shiuchi was eliminated on the next hand.

16:50: Random chip update

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

Apu Weo 1M
Raghav Bansal 880k
Romit Advami 610k
Hai Chuot 530k
Norbert Koh 600k
Ben Andrews 620k
Song Wen Long 500k
Johannes Felix Hoeld 570k

16:45: Dylan Wilkerson doubles up through Hieu Ngo

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

UTG+2 Hieu Ngo raised to 25k, BB Dylan Wilkerson three-bet to 80k, Ngo four-bet to 225k, Dylan Wilkerson shoved, snap call by Ngo. Dylan Wilkerson AdAc, Ngo AhKs. No bad beats arrived for a double up to Dylan Wilkerson to 700k.

16:40: Raghav Bansal knocks out Pete Chen

Level 20: Blinds 5000 – 10000 – ante 10000

Raghav Bansal called off Pete Chen’s shove. Bansal with 7c7s, Chen with AhQh, the board ran KsKh5hKc2h, giving Chen the nut flush but it was still behind Bansal’s full house. Bansal up to 880k.

16:30: Break time

Level 19: Blinds 4000 – 8000 – ante 8000

There are 66 players remaining.

16:25: Mike Takayama with another top quads

Level 19: Blinds 4000 – 8000 – ante 8000

Quads again for Mike Takayama!

Mike Takayama doubled up vs Robert Kaggerud with yet another pocket aces improving to quads. Takayama is just below 500k.

15:55: Wenling Gao takes it

Level 19: Blinds 4000 – 8000 – ante 8000

Action folded to button player Mike Takayama, he raised to 17k and both blinds called, Bruno Lo and Wenling Gao. At the flop KhQsQd, Lo checked, Gao bet 17k, and won the pot with Takayama and Lo folding.

15:50: Song Wen Long doubles up

Level 19: Blinds 4000 – 8000 – ante 8000

In a battle of the blinds, the board completed to Qc5d6c2h2s, SB player all in, BB Song Wen Long called. SB opened 3-3 then dropped to 10k after paying Song’s Js2d trips double up.

15:45: Random chip update

Level 19: Blinds 4000 – 8000 – ante 8000

John Phan

Apu Weo – 1M
Mike Takayama – 520k
Norbert Koh – 650k
Hai Chuot – 615k
John Phan 300k
Sam Panzica – 150k
Zarvan Tumboli – 140k
Ying Lin Chua – 240k
Soo Jo Kim – 110k
Wenling Gao – 200k

15:25: Dylan Wilkerson and Mike Takayama meet again

Level 19: Blinds 4000 – 8000 – ante 8000

Dylan Wilkerson and Mike Takayama have been involved in two big hands that had each paying the other a double up. This time, Dylan Wilkerson landed another. On a board 8h2cTc3d, Dylan Wilkerson bet 92k onto a big pot in the middle, Takayama put Dylan Wilkerson all in, Dylan Wilkerson called for his tournament life. Dylan Wilkerson AdAc, Takayama Ts9h. The river 7c sealed the win for Dylan Wilkerson.

15:20: Bubble bursts! Vinh Tran railed by Jason Nguyen

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Vinh Tran

Action folded to the button Vinh Tran who put it all in only to get snap-called by the player beside him, Jason Nguyen on the small blind. Tran Js8s, Nguyen AdKh. Despite Tran’s friends calling out for the cards, it ran Qd2c9h9c5s to send him out as the bubble boy in 86th place. Everyone is now in the money.

15:10: Richard Mari busts

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Richard Mari

We are still at 87 players with no showdowns until now. Richard Mari was all in, called by two players Hieu Ngo and Apu Weo. Both callers checked the board down as it ran 8c4h7cQsKh. Ngo showed Kc4c two pair, Weo mucked, and Mari turned 9h9c to bust out 87th.

15:00: Kazuma Inotsume four-bets Nghia

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Kazuma Inotsume raised to 15k, Nguyen Ngoc Nghia three-bet to 42k, back to Inotsume who shoved his 158k. Nghia folded after several seconds.

14:50: 87 remaining… Tung Nguyen doubles up

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Two spots before the money… players are doubling up. One of them was Tung Nguyen. He was saved on the river, landing a two-outer. He was all in with TsTd and had to fend off Ah8h. The board ran 8s3s6hAs to overtake Nguyen with two pair but with the river Th, Nguyen celebrated the win and doubled up.

14:40: Nguyen Ngoc Nghia railed one

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Another one bites the dust… Nguyen Ngoc Nghia railed one with K-Q finding a queen on the river to overtake J-J. We are down to 92 players.

14:35: Nitin Jain booted by Romit Advami

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

We are very close to the money here with players dropping out. The screens show 94 remaining. Money at 85. Recent bust was Nitin Jain all in with QhJh. He fell to Romit Advami’s AcAd.

14:30: Mike Takayama takes it back from Dylan Wilkerson

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Mike Takayama

What a cooler! Pete Chen raised to 13k, Mike Takayama called, Dylan Wilkerson three-bet to 50k, Chen folded, Takayama shoved, and snap call by Dylan Wilkerson. Takayama AdAc, Dylan Wilkerson KcKh. The board ran a dramatic AsAh8c4c4d for a commanding quads to Takayama and a fast double up. He is up to 440k, Dylan Wilkerson dropped to 52k. Dylan Wilkerson has since chipped up and is at 110k.

14:23: Blinds go up and run for 60 minutes

Level 18: Blinds 3000 – 6000 – ante 6000

Blinds have gone up and so have the running time. Blinds increase every 60 minutes now. 108 players remaining. Bubble round at 86 players.

14:10: Dylan Wilkerson gets full pay from Mike Takayama

Level 17: Blinds 3000 – 5000 – ante 5000

We caught the action on a turn board 7cQc4sAd with 100k in the middle and Mike Takayama with a 59k bet out front. Dylan Wilkerson flat-called. On the river Kh, Takayama bet 43k, Dylan Wilkerson shoved with 96k total, Takayama visibly upset at the river card yet still made the call. Dylan Wilkerson opened QsQd set and doubled up. Takayama told Dylan Wilkerson he had A-Q. Takayama down to 250k, Dylan Wilkerson charged up to 406k.

13:55: Apu Weo knock one out

Level 17: Blinds 3000 – 5000 – ante 5000

We caught the action as Apu Weo was celebrating while the player beside him got up to leave. Apu Weo had 3-3 and bounced out a player with A-J on a board that ran 8-3-J-6-6 for a full house.

13:45: Victor Chong in action

Level 17: Blinds 3000 – 5000 – ante 5000

On a flop 5d5c7h and a pot of 36k pre-brewed, Victor Chong checked, Song Wen Long bet 10k, Chong called. On the 5h turn, Chong checked again, this time Song shoved, and Chong opted to give up his stake on the pot.

The next hand turned out much different. Aman Dhamita moved all in for 54k, Chong called with exactly the same stack. Dhamita KdJd, Chong with 6c6s. The board ran AsTsKsAh7s for a winning flush to Chong.

13:40: Board counterfeits Nguyen Manh Tuan’s hand

Level 17: Blinds 3000 – 5000 – ante 5000

Tran Duc Phuong was all in with KsQc and Nguyen Manh Tuan had him well covered with TdTs. When the board ran JdAdJs2dAs, Tuan’s pair was counterfeited and Phuong doubled up. Pretty sick.

13:35: Norbert Koh into 800k

Level 17: Blinds 3000 – 5000 – ante 5000

Norbert Koh

We were kindly stopped by one of Norbert Koh’s friends to let us know that the Singaporean pro has racked up a mighty stack. He sure has. Koh started the day with 307k and is now the chip leader with 800k. We will keep an eye on him as we get closer and closer to the bubble round.

13:25: Mike Takayama and Wenling Gao leading

Level 16: Blinds 2000 – 4000 – ante 4000

Wenling Gao

Just before we enter the next round looks like Mike Takayama has taken the lead with over 500K. Wenling Gao just won a cooler with aces over Tran Huy Hoang’s kings. She now sits with 440k. Both Takayama and Gao are seated at table 8.

13:15: Zarvan Tumboli rails one

Level 16: Blinds 2000 – 4000 – ante 4000

Zarvan Tumboli raised, one player moved all in, Luen Hei Kwok called, and back to Tumboli with the call. At the flop TsThQd, Tumboli bet 12.5, Luen called. On the Kh turn, both players checked. Then on the Ks river, Tumboli bet 37k, Luen tanked, then gave up his stake at the pots. Tumboli won the side pot and the main with KdQs full house.

13:10: Kyle Lim railed by Yong Quan

Level 16: Blinds 2000 – 4000 – ante 4000

Kyle Lim a large portion of his stack in the previous round though we missed the hand. He met his end moments ago with TsTh falling to Yong Quan’s Ac9c that not only found an ace on the board, it also improved to a flush with three clubs turning up.

13:00: Apu Weo eliminates Huu Dung Nguyen

Level 16: Blinds 2000 – 4000 – ante 4000

Apu Weo

Action folded to the button Huu Dung Nguyen and he announced all in with 66.5k. Two spots over was Apu Weo, the biggest stack at the table. He asked for a count then made the call. Huu opened 5s5h and was visibly shocked to see Weo’s 8d6d call. The board ran 2hQcTh8cAc for a higher pair to Weo and the rail for Huu. Seems Weo is making it known not to steal his big blind. He may just call with his massive stack. Weo at 300k.

12:45: Splitsville! Nguyen Ngoc Nghia vs Nicolas Ragot

Level 16: Blinds 2000 – 4000 – ante 4000

Nicolas Ragot

Nicolas Ragot raised to 10k preflop and BB Nguyen Ngoc Nghia called. When the flop landed 7d6sQh, things began to heat up. Nghia checked, Ragot bet 11k, Nghia raised to 28k, Ragot three-bet to 60k, Nghia shoved, and called by Ragot. Both players turned over K-Q and split the pot with the turn Jh and river 3h.

12:40: Blinds up

Level 16: Blinds 2000 – 4000 – ante 4000

We are into a new level. Looks like 25 players have fallen in the previous round with 153 remaining.

12:35: Hai Chuot sends one out

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

The seat beside Hai Chuot had just been vacated with Lim Yohwan falling early today. The seat was then filled by another player who was also sent packing. Catching the action at the flop Jd7h4s, SB Hai Chuot check-raised and the BB called. On the 8c turn, Chuot led for 20k, BB shoved, Chuot called. Chuot had JcTs while BB had 9s7c. The river Kd completed the board and top pair held.

Chuot lost a little of it on the next hand against Flo Campomanes. Action folded to the button Chuot. He raised to 7500. SB Campomanes three-bet to 22.5k. Chuot folded.

12:25: Phan Hoang Tu rails Paul Hockin

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

It was a quick day for Paul Hockin. He was all in with A-J but Phan Hoang Tu had his number with J-J. The board bricked. Tu also won the next hand with a three-bet. Sahil Agarwal raised to 6k, Tu re-raised to 17k, Agarwal folded. Tu showed his hand, pocket jacks again.

12:20: Julien Tran wins some off Pape

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

Julien Tran raised to 7k and big blind Piet Pape defended. On the flop Qd7s3h, Pape checked to the aggressor Tran who fired 6k, Pape called. On the 9c turn, Pape checked again, Tran sent out 13k, and this time he won the pot with Pape folding.

12:15: Tran Duc Dong gets a boost from Huu Dung Nguyen

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

Tran Duc Dong raised to 11k and big blind Huu Dung Nguyen defended. At the flop XxTcQc, Huu was quickly all in and Dong risked it with his lesser stack. Dong was ahead with AdAh but Huu had a beauty draw KcJc straight flush draw. The turn Ks and river 7h were misses for Huu and Dong doubled up.

12:10: Vinod Megalmani doubled up by Tran Duc Phuong

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

Big hands tabled with Vinod Megalmani all in holding AhKd and Tran Duc Phuong calling with AsQd. No hits for either for a double up to Megalmani.

12:05: Tran Hung Manh tanks John Phan

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

WSOP double bracelet champion John Phan raised to 7500 then tanked for some time with Tran Hung Manh shoving his 83.5k stack. Phan eventually folded.

12:00: Tran Hanh kicks it off

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

First deal of the day, we hunted down the chip leader who is at table 12. His table has quite the power lineup with SJ Kim, Chang Gon Lee, Le Ngoc Khanh, Vu Duc Trung, Raghav Bansal, and Bruno Lo. Hanh kicked off the first hand of the day with a raise to 6500 and won it with no callers.

12:00: Shuffle up and deal!

Level 15: Blinds 1500 – 3000 – ante 3000

WPT Vietnam

Day 2 is in full swing here at the Pro Poker Club with returning players back from the Day 1 flights. 178 advanced though it looks like some are still missing in action. Players will start off with the usual 40-minute blinds then starting Level 18, they jump to 60-minutes. Agenda for today is to play down to the Final 9 players or the maximum of 12 rounds.

Charging in with a stack that dwarfs all others is Austria’s Tran Hanh with 437,000. Hanh is a decorated WSOP champion having won this year at a 2-7 Lowball event. Coming in second is Nguyen Thai Duong with 315,500 followed by Norbert Koh with 307,000.

Other pros high in the count are WSOP bracelet winner Mike Takayama with 281,500 and Gao Wenling at 255,500. Of course there are many familiar names and faces out there. Ones to watch out for among the local force are Huu Dung Nguyen, Apu Weo, Le Anh Tien, Hai Chuot, and Le Duc Anh. We will track them and many others throughout the day and bring you as many hands as possible.

The Main Event drew in a combined 679 entries over the course of three starting days. With each buy-in at VND 22M, this generated a record-breaking prizepool of VND 13,172,600. This is the largest poker prize pool the country has ever seen. For sure, the money will be reached today with 85 paid. The biggest chunk of the pot won’t be claimed until tomorrow but here is what they’ll all be hunting down – VND 2,427,580 (~US$104,000).

With that said, good luck to all!

WPT Vietnam Main Event – Day 2 Seat Draw

A total of 178 has made it to Day 2 of WPT Vietnam Main Event. Action will resume at 12pm at Pro Poker Club. Seat draw below:

Day 2 Seat Draw

Day 1C End of the day chip counts

1 – Mike Takayama – 281,500
2 – Birewar Alok Pradip – 263,000
3 – Gao Wen Ling – 255,500
4 – Takao Shimizu – 226,000
5 – Francis Garson – 214,500
6 – Lê Đức Anh – 213,000
7 – Nguyen Ngoc Nghia – 211,500
8 – Apuweo – 210,500
9 – Đỗ Hoàng Long – 194,000
10 – Trần Sơn Thạch – 190,500
11 – Trần Thanh Vân – 87,500
12 – Yeap Shiqiang – 187,500
13 – Ominami Shuichi – 176,000
14 – Kevin Phillip Ayow – 174,000
15 – Trần Huy Tiến – 173,500
16 – Aigars Plives – 167,000
17 – Sam Panzica – 158,500
18 – Jason Lau – 155,000
19 – Phạm Đình Thi – 155,000
20 – Foo Yong Cheong – 154,500
21 – Hai Chuot 147,000
22 – Suri Jaswinder Singh – 139,000
23 – Nguyễn Thiện Tâm – 138,500
24 – Piet Pape – 136,000
25 – Chua Ying Lin – 133,500
26 – Lau King Lun Alan – 132,500
27 – Đinh Văn Thanh – 131,000
28 – Tan Chin Sun – 131,000
29 – Mai Enwei – 126,000
30 – Phan John – 119,500
31 – James Jarod Minphiri – 118,000
32 – Jason Nguyễn – 116,000
33 – Hoàng Hồng Giang – 115,500
34 – Chan Tsun Ming – 115,000
35 – Nguyễn Văn Phinh – 114,000
36 – I Cheng Lin – 112,500
37 – Kok Jun Yan – 109,500
38 – Campomanes Florencio Iv – 108,500
39 – Thomas Gicquel – 106,500
40 – Sonbatchcheo – 106,500
41 – Thang Md – 105,000
42 – Ben Andrews – 104,500
43 – Trần Thanh Vinh – 102,000
44 – Trần Cao Tâm – 101,500
45 – Raghav Bansal – 99,500
46 – Trịnh Anh Dũng – 98,000
47 – Phan Hoàng Tú – 97,000
48 – Lê Tấn Lộc – 95,000
49 – Benedict Koh Gek Chiang – 94,000
50 – Pang Leo – 94,000
51 – Nguyễn Tuấn Anh – 93,000
52 – Kaniska Vpreti – 92,000
53 – Chang Gon Lee – 91,500
54 – Ken Okada – 91,500
55 – Ngụy Xuân Hồng – 89,000
56 – Wittawas Charassang – 89,000
57 – Nguyễn Vũ Thạnh – 88,500
58 – Dhaval Mudgal – 86,000
59 – Yuta Noguchi – 86,000
60 – Dan Phan – 85,000
61 – Nguyễn Văn Trung – 83,000
62 – Hisashi Ogi – 78,000
63 – Lim Hwan – 73,000
64 – Quang Nguyễn – 70,000
65 – Nguyễn Thanh Hùng – 65,000
66 – Lee Wei Chan – 61,500
67 – Wilson Lim – 60,000
68 – Phạm Duy Hưng – 58,500
69 – Nguyen Nam Duong – 57,000
70 – Nguyễn Tân – 57,000
71 – Chua Shan Hui – 55,500
72 – Nicolas Ragot – 55,500
73 – Nguyễn Tiến Sơn – 52,500
74 – Sahil Agarwal – 50,000
75 – Stig Erik Goran Billgren – 47,000
76 – Hoang Van Long – 45,000
77 – Sj Kim – 44,000
78 – Phạm Ngọc Quốc Bảo – 44,000
79 – Tomomitsu Ono – 41,000
80 – Tai Hsing Hsiung – 40,000
81 – Trần Đức Đông – 40,000
82 – Nguyễn Duy Vũ – 38,000
83 – Nguyễn Trọng Liêm – 33,000
84 – Wei Cheng Yin – 32,000
85 – Lê Hoàn Công – 29,000
86 – Brion Adrian – 26,500
87 – Nguyễn Hoàng Tôn – 24,000
88 – Yar Gin Wee – 23,500
89 – Kentaro Somekawa – 22,000
90 – Bradley Paul Evans – 14,500
91 – Li Xiao Ling – 5,000

23:10: Day 1C ends!

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Mike Takayama

We will have the official count for you shortly. Looks like Mike Takayama may have bagged up the lead with 282,500, Alok Birewar 263k, and Wenling Gao with 255,500.

22:45: Alok Birewar vs Piet Pape

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Piet Pape raised to 6k then faced a raise from Alok Birewar to 17k. Pape called. At the flop Th8s8h, Pape checked, Birewar c-bet 15k, and claimed the pot with Pape folding.

22:40: John Phan pays a double

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

John Phan raised to 8k, the player next to him shoved, and Phan called. Phan had JhJc but was behind his opponent’s QdQc. The board ran low and Phan paid the double up of 57.5k.

Nguyen Hoang Ton was the next to three-bet shove on Phan. Phan tanked until the clock was called. He was timed out.

22:30: Last level of the day

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Current leaders are Apu Weo, Mike Takayama, and Wenling Gao.

22:15: Linh Tran eliminated

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

Linh Tran three-bet all in and original raiser called. Tran KcJd and had to get past ThTs, but with the board running 2s8c8d9s2c, it was the rail instead.

22:10: Chan Tsun Ming eliminates Nghia Le

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

Nghia Le was all in with QcQh and faced Chan Tsun Ming with AsJs. The board ran Ah3h7cTc2c for a higher pair to Ming and the exit for Le.

22:05: Peter Lim rails one

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

All in preflop saw a short stack with A-K and Peter Lim with 10-10. The board ran 10-2-4-K-7 and Lim shipped it while raling one.

22:00: Thang D finds courage to call Lee

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

UTG Thang D raised then down the orbit Chang Gon Lee three-bet to 10.5k, Thang called. At the flop 8dJh4s, Thang checked, Lee pushed sending Thang tanking for some time. Thang found the courage to risk it all and was in disbelief upon seeing Lee’s 7d4d. He slapped open hi KsJc top pair. The turn [“poker card =10c”] and river [“poker card =5c”] completed the board for a double up to Thang.

21:40: Pham Bao hits six outer vs Wenling Gao

Level 12: Blinds 800 – 1600 – ante 1600

Three-way action at table 1 with Wenling Gao initiating the action preflop. Button Marvin Rettenmaier called and so did the big blind. At the flop 7h5hJc, Pham checked, Gao bet, Rettenmaier folded, Pham shoved, snap-called by Gao. Pham had 9s8d gutshot draw while Gao had top pair QhJh and a flush draw the turn 2s had no effect but the river 6s gave Pham his six-outer to avoid the rail and double up.

21:10: John Phan tanks

Level 12: Blinds 800 – 1600 – ante 1600

On a 12.2k pot, the flop came down 3c6h5h, UTG John Phan bet 6800 then faced a raise to 15k by CO Nam Nguyen. Phan tanked then finally called. The turn 5d saw Phan check, Nguyen shoved his 23.5k stack, Phan tanked again, but this time he opted to surrender his stake on the pot. Nguyen shipped it.

21:00: Marvin Rettenmaier

Level 12: Blinds 800 – 1600 – ante 1600

Marvin Rettenmaier

One player was all in on the flop Qh9d6s with two players calling. MP player checked to Marvin Rettenmaier who bet 8700, no call was made. Rettenmaier with KhKs, at risk player TcJd straight draw. The turn Qd and river Qs ended the hand to boot one out.

20:50: Pham Bao and Dhaval Mudgal

Level 11: 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

Catching the action on a complete board 3cAc4sJhQh and 30k weighing down the middle, Pham Bao was all in with 20.5k sending Dhaval Mudgal tanking. A few minutes went by and Mudgal opted to fold.

Next hand blinds went up to 800 – 1600 ante 1600, Bao min-raised to 3200, DB called, then SB Mudgal three-bet to 15.8k. Back to Pham, he folded and DB followed suit.

20:30: Payouts are in!

Level 11: 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

The Main Event will pay out the top 85 places. The eventual champion will take home VND 2,427,580,000 (~US$104,000).

20:10: Main Event sets new prize pool record of VND 13.1 BN

Level 11: 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

Numbers are in! A new record set by WPT Vietnam! The Main Event finalized with 679 entries! With the entry fee at VND 22M, that drove the prize pool up to VND 13,172,600,000 (|~US$564,750). This is the largest-ever live tournament poker prize pool seen in Vietnam.

20:00: Marvin Rettenmaier doubles up

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – 1000

MP player raised to 2300, called by another, all in by CO player German pro Marvin Rettenmaier, fold by the initial raiser, but called by the last player. Rettenmaier 7d7s, caller AsJs, board bricked for double up to the pro.

Next hand, Benedict Koh raised to 2300 from CO position, Rettenmaier called from the button, and BB player joined in. The flop ran Qs9s3d, action was checked to Rettenmaier, he bet 3200, and won the pot.

19:45: Registration closed

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – 1000

Registration closed! We will have the official tally up as soon as we have it. Play continues until the end of Level 14.

19:30: Bobbe Suri knocks out two

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Just before the break, three players were all in. One had KsKh, another with AcJc, and Bobbe Suri with JcJd. When the board ran 7h9hJh, Suri jumped out front with a set. On the Qh turn, he was overtaken by a flush. But the river was still to come and when it did, the Qd paired the board to improve Suri to a full house. He shipped it, sending two out simultaneously, and is now at 115k .

19:30: Jae Wook Shin wins a pot

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Huy Pham raised to 1800 and found three callers down the round. At the flop 5h4h5c, no bets arrived. On the 3h turn, still no bets. On the river 9s, BB Jae Wook Shin took a stab and bet 3200. Everyone folded.

19:25: Ian Brion doubles up

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Ian Brion shoved his short stack but found no callers. On his second shove, he got the call. His TcTs was good for a double up with his challenger AcKc missing the board. Brion up to 45k.

19:20: Eugene Co railed by Peter Lim

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Eugene Co shoved with K-Q but Peter Lim had his number calling with A-Q. Though not needed, the board spiked an ace. Co has a chance to re-enter with registration still open.

18:55: Jae Wook Shin saved by the river

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

On a board 7c4s9cJh, one player was all in with 9d7d two pair and Jae Wook Shin called for his tournament life with Js8s top pair. The river 4h paired the board to save Shin from elimination. He doubled up to 50k.

18:45: Random chip counts

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

Piet Pape 165k
Apu Weo 160k
Linh Tran 68k
Mike Takayama 145k
Lim Yohwan 12k
John Phan 70k
Marvin Rettenmaier 30k
Wilson Lim 45k
Soo Jo Kim 63k
Raghav Bansal 43k
Alan King Lun Lau 55k
Wenling Gao 60k
Sam Panzica 55k
Ying Lin Chua 25k
Kunal Patni 30k
Ben Loo 150k

18:30: Linh Tran doubles up

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

While Ben Loo was in action, the table nextdoor saw Linh Tran shipping in a double up. Tran had 3h3s that turned quads with the board running 3c3d4h7s9h.

18:30: Ben Loo over 140k

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

In an earlier hand, Ben Loo doubled up through Hai Chuot with his pocket threes improving to a full house against Chuot’s straight. He won another pot at the table to bring his stack to over 140k. Action began with Loo raising to 1500 that was called by the SB player. At the flop 6d3d9s, Loo bet 2200 and the SB check-called. On the 2c turn, both checked for a free river 3h. SB bet 6k and Loo called. SB opened Th8d bluff and Loo won it with Js6s pair.

18:20: Alan Lau exposes Josh McCully’s bluff

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

Alan Lau

Catching the action on board 4h7s5c3h and a pot of 6900 already swimming in the middle, BB Josh McCully bet 3600 and around the bend, Alan King Lun Lau called. On the 4c river, McCully continued with an 8700 bet and Lau called. McCully showed his Ts8d missed draw bluff and lost the pot to Lau’s 6d5d straight.

18:10: Level 8 begins

Level 8: Blnds 300 – 600 – ante 600

303 entries, 194 remaining. Late registration closes at the beginning of Level 10.

18:00: Piet Pape loses some to Peter Lim

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Piet Pape is one of the big stacks at his table with around 130k. According to one of the players at the table, Pape won a big pot with his set of nines over a players two pair with king-nine. We stuck around to try and catch him win a hand instead we saw him lose a bit to Peter Lim.

The hand kicked off with Lim raising to 2k, called by Pape and the SB player. At the flop 2h9d8s, all checked. On the 9c turn, SB checked, Lim bet 3600, Pape called, SB folded. On the 6h river, Lim bet 6400 and Pape folded.

17:50: Ryo Soo shoves on Kevin Law

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Catching the action on the flop 5d6h3h, SB Mike Takayama checked, BB Kevin Law bet 1200, down the orbit Ryo Soo called, and back to Takayama with a call. On the [“10c”] turn, check again by Takayama, 4300 bet by Law, Ryo called but this time Takayama folded. On the 5h river, Law slowed down and checked, Soo shoved with 11.2k remaining, Law had the chips to call but opted to fold instead.

17:45: John Phan takes one

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

On a raised pot preflop, four players stared down a flop 5dKcKd and no one took a stab. On the Jh turn, everyone checked to the button who bet 3k, John Phan raised to 6k, and claimed it with everyone folding.

17:30: Aggressive bets by Dinh Van Thanh

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Dinh Van Thanh

With the main floor up to capacity, three tables have been running upstairs. We dropped in to check out the action and caught Do Hoang Quan and Dinh Van Thanh in a heated battle for a pot. Quan limped from cutoff, DB player limped as well, then SB Thanh raised to 5k. This sent the action back to Quan who called. DB folded.

At the flop 7c4hJd, Thanh bet 12k and Quan called. On the 9s turn, Thanh fired 25k, and again Quan called. On the Qh river, Thanh shoved well covering Quan’s stack. Quick-fold by Quan. Thanh climbed to 132k.

17:15: Break time

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

WPT Vietnam – Break

Second break of the day, 289 entries as we close out Level 6. Three more rounds of late registration open. The Filipino contingent has been battling it out at the felt. Among them are WSOP bracelet winner Mike Takayama, Eugene Co, Ian Brion, and Flo Campomanes.

17:00: Chang Gon Lee doubles up in cooler

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Chang Gon Lee fired both of his bullets yesterday and failed to advance. He came back today and is once again on his second bullet. He just doubled up with A-A over K-K on a dry board.

16:50: Danny Tang pays Mr Hai

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Danny Tang defended his big blind by calling a 1k raise by Mr Hai. At the flop Ad7c9c, both checked. On the 5s turn, Tang led for 1600 and was called. On the 8d river, Tang quickly shoved and still the call was made. Tang opens Th8s though it was no good against AcAh set. Mr Hai doubled up.

16:40: Dhanesh Chainani steals it from Linh Tran

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Linh Tran raised to 1k and found three callers joining him to the flop As7h8d. Action was checked to him on the hijack seat. He bet 1500, button player folded, SB Dhanesh Chainani raised to 4500, and Chainani won it with Tran folding up.

16:30: Michael Kim Falcon at 100K

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Michael Kim Falcon is one of the bigger stacks out there with 100k. We caught him winning a pot against Nikita Luther. On a flop 3dJcTd, Falcon bet 1500 and Luther folded. Falcon showed his Qd4d flush draw.

16:20: Passed Day 1B turnout

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

Day 1B had a sweet 250 turnout but Day 1C has just surpassed it with the numbers ticking upwards. At this time we are at 260 entries.

16:10: Nutty cooler! Jason Nguyen, I Cheng Lin, and Aso Seitaro

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

jason nguyen

Big hand here kicked off with UTG Aso Seitaro all in for 2800, called by UTG+1 I Cheng Lin, then down the orbit DB Jason Nguyen three-bet to 6k. Action went back to UTG+1 Lin, he called. At the flop KcAd8h, Lin checked, Nguyen bet 2k, Lin called. On the 6c turn, both players checked. The river 5s saw Lin check again, Nguyen bet 6k, and flat call by Lin.

When the cards flipped open, Nguyen won the side pot with AhAc set over Lin’s KhKd set. Seitaro was eliminated with his QsQd way behind.

16:00: Tran Kim Dong takes from Nguyen Tien Son

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

UTG player bumped it up to 800, Tran Kim Dong called followed by Nguyen Tien Son. At the flop, Ad2h5h, everyone checked. On the Qd turn, Dong bet 1.5k and only Son called. On the Jh river, Dong fired another 3k out and Son called. Dong opened Ah6d to win it as Son mucked.

15:55: Nguyen Tuan Anh pushes

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

Nguyen Tuan Anh raised to 1k, one caller, BB player three-bet to 3.6k, Anh four-bet to 10.5k, player folds, BB called. The flop ran 2sQs2h, no bets arrived. On the 5c turn, BB checked, Anh bet 6k, BB called. On the 6h river, check by BB, push bet 30k by Anh, and after tanking, BB folded.

15:45: Apu Weo still ahead

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Our chip leader is still Apu Weo who now has 200k in chips.

15:40: Nguyen Duy Vu busts one

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Action began with a raise to 600 by a MP player, Nguyen Duy Vu and the CO player called. Action on the SB who three-bet to 2900. Back to the original raiser who opted to fold, Vu called, and the CO also joined to see the flop. The cards landed 7d7s9d, SB bet 5700, only Vu called. On the 5d turn, SB checked, Vu bet 40k (well covering the SB player). SB tanked then eventually put his tournament life at risk. Vu 9h7h, SB JhJc. With the river 6d, it was a bust and Vu climbed to 78k.

15:10: More notables in action today

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Linh Tran

Seen at the felt: Ying Lin Chua, Linh Tran, Chua Shan Hui, Piet Pape, Dhanesh Chainani, Duong Nguyen, Thi Nguyen, Trinh Huy Thong, Tuan La, Linh Nguyen, and famous Vietnamese singer Nguyen Hoang Ton. WSOP bracelet winner Nikita Luther is also at the races.

15:00: Records broken, records set!

Level 3: Blinds 100 -200 – ante 100

The previous level has ended and as it stands, WPT Vietnam is setting the bar for the highest Main Event prize pool ever seen in the country. With 187 in the tally, that brings us to 542 so far with six more levels of late registration open. We are now over VND 10BN and climbing. WPT Vietnam has also crushed the WPT India Main Event attendance. What a fantastic turnout for this inaugural event!

14:45: Four-way all in! Ominami Shiuichi’s aces hold

Level 3: Blinds 100 -200 – ante 100

Action packed table saw four players standing up and all in. Hands were KdKc versus 9d9h versus AcKh, and Ominami Shiuichi with AdAs. Usually with multiple players all in against aces, the odds for the nut hole cards aren’t so good however with the board running 5hAh5dQhKc, aces held and improved to a dominating full house to bounce out two players and scoop the pot. He now sits with 60k.

14:30: Wenling Gao falls on a bluff to Pham Thanh Tung

Level 3: Blinds 100 -200 – ante 100

Wenling Gao

Chinese pro Wenling Gao walked straight to registration after falling on a bluff to Pham Thanh Tung. Catching the action on the flop, 3800 was already pre-brewed with three players in the hand. Flop Tc9dQd, BB checked, UTG Gao bet 1500, MP player Pham Thanh Tung called, and BB folded.

At the turn 3s, Gao continued to beef up the pot with a 4500 bet, Pham called. On the river 9h, Gao didn’t bother counting and slid her 25k stack out front. Pham would not be bullied and he made the call with more chips. Gao opened AhJh missed draw, Pham won the pot with KcJd to send Gao up and out. Pham climbed to 65k.

14:20: New level, ante stage begins

Level 3: Blinds 100 -200 – ante 100

We have reached the ante stage of the tournament. Unlike most big blind antes, this one is less than the big blind. Numbers are now at 163. 10 more and we’ve set a new Asia WPT Main Event record. Keep it coming!

14:15: Chang Gon Lee and John Phan go at it

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

Chang Gon Lee is back from his crazy swings in Day 1B. He is tabled with John Phan where both were seen going at it. The first hand had a raised pot in the middle and a flop Td4sQc. SB Phan bet 2700 and won it with Lee folding.

Next hand, Lee limped in, Phan raised from the button to 1k, Lee called. On the flop 9dQd9s, Lee check-called Phan’s 1200 bet. On the 6s turn, both checked. Then on the river 2s, Lee switched up and led for 3500. This was enough to win it with Phan doing the folding.

14:00: Into 500 combined entries…

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

As predicted, we will surpass the Asia WPT Main Event set in India of 527 entries. We have just crossed into 500 combined entries with over 145 already signed up today. Among the latest walk-ins were John Phan, Marvin Rettenmaier, Wenling Gao, Chang Gon Lee, Nghia Le, and Nguyen Tuan Anh.

13:55: Apu Weo quadruple stack

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

Apu Weo

By the looks of it, Apu Weo has jumped to a big lead here. He already has 120k to play with. Starting stack was 30k. We can safely assume he’s been the hatchet man at his table with three players booted.

13:45: Notables in action

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

A big local force has come in to attend today. The only ones we recognize at the moment are Cao Ngoc Anh and Tran Kim Dong. As for the international brood, we have Tzai Wei Phua back from yesterday.

13:40: We have reached 100 entries!

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

WPT VietnamDay1C
WPT Vietnam Day 1 C

And just like that the room is rockin’! 105 entries pumped in for the first level. That’s the total of Day 1A. We now enter round 2. More tables are opening with a line of players waiting to get in.

13:15: Seen at the felt…

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

71 players and climbing… looks like we’ve already had a bust out in the first ten minutes. That player has re-entered. Seen at the tables are Yohwan Lim, Kunal Patni, Erik Billgren, Shyh Chyn Lim, Nicholas Dixon, Nguyen Dang Toan, and a few Japanese newcomers, Hisashi Ogi, Ken Okada, and Go Mori. One Vietnamese player, Tran Son Thach, held the biggest stack entering the last two rounds of Day 1B but somehow lost it. He is back for another attempt.

13:00: Day 1C underway!

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

The final starting day of the WPT Vietnam Main Event has begun! The past two days brought in 355 total entries and if we continue on that pace, we will smash the WPT Asia Main Event record set in India of 527 runners. A total of 87 players advanced to Day 2.

Today’s sights are set on the VND 8 Billion Guaranteed prize pool. To try for a piece, jump in. Entry fee is VND 22,000,000. Only one re-entry will be allowed. Players begin with a deep 30K stack. Plan is to play to the end of Level 14. Blind duration is 40 minutes.

Good luck to all! Live updates will be running throughout the day right here on Somuchpoker.

Day 1B End of the day chip counts

1 – Nguyen Thai Duong – 315,500
2 – Nobert Koh – 307,000
3 – Le Anh Tien – 279,500
4 – Phan Tri Cuong – 233000
5 – Hieu Ngo – 217,000
6 – Nguyen Manh Tuan – 207,000
7 – Kyle Patrick Lim – 203,000
8 – Ju Le – 197,000
9 – Bui Anh Khoa – 180,000
10 – Richard Mari – 178,000
11 – Zarvan Tumrou – 177,000
12 – Yik Yin Ray Chiu – 172,000
13 – Tran Duc Phuong – 170,000
14 – Natalie Teh Siuw Lo – 166,500
15 – Hjohamre S Hoeld – 158000
16 – Kwok Luen Hei – 154,000
17 – Song Wen Long – 153,500
18 – Gonzva Benjamin – 151,000
19 – Tan Yong Quan – 146,500
20 – Nguyen Duc Bien – 146,500
21 – Low Kar Ooi – 146,500
22 – Dang Van Hien – 146,000
23 – Chong Kian Weng – 142,000
24 – Satal Gopta – 138,000
25 – Tzu Chich Lo – 136,000
26 – Tung Nguyen – 117,000
27 – Lee Xiang Wai Aiex – 114,500
28 – Pham Hung Cuong – 113,500
29 – Orjan Skommo – 112,500
30 – Aman Preet Sinah – 109,500
31 – Vu Duc Trung – 109,500
32 – Nitin Jain – 109,000
33 – Derek Chrisholm – 106,000
34 – Markus Garbbr6 – 104,500
35 – Sebastian Tan – 99000
36 – Huu Dung Nguyen – 94,000
37 – The Anh – 94,000
38 – Nguyen Van Dung – 92,000
39 – See Soo Chaw – 89,000
40 – Aman Dhamita – 88,000
41 – Dinh Xuan Dinh – 85,500
42 – Tran Hung Manh – 85,000
43 – Frederic Bolliet – 84,500
44 – Loo Jimzhong – 78,000
45 – Gjoon Tan Mall – 74,500
46 – Nick Lim – 74,000
47 – Warren Asher – 67,500
48 – Dulan Wakerson – 63,000
49 – Chales Joe Ambrogi – 62,000
50 – Paul Hong – 62,000
51 – Romit Advani – 60,000
52 – Le Ngoc Khanh – 57,500
53 – Victor Chong – 57,000
54 – Lin Hung Sheng – 54,000
55 – Vivek Runham – 53,500
56 – Phan Tuan Vinh – 51,000
57 – Phung Ngoc Son – 46,500
58 – Abhivav Iyer – 45,000
59 – Philipe Lam – 38,000
60 – Ting Hung Wang – 31,000
61 – Nguyen Ngoc Nghia – 13,000

23:00: Day 1B ends!

Nguyen Thai Duong

That’s a wrap! Day 1B is officially over. 61 players officially made it through the day. The chip leader is Nguyen Thai Duong with 315.5K followed by Norbert Koh with 307k. We will have a recap and chip counts available shortly.

22:50: Victor Chong pays Sajal Gupta

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Preflop raise war led to Sajal Gupta all in and Victor Chong making the call. Gupta 9c9h, Chong KdQd, the board bricked. Chong down to 65k, Gupta over 180k.

22:45: Yong Quan with another double up

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Yong Quan had a beauty hand earlier, a rare straight flush to stay in the game, He double up again, this time with AhJc trips over a player’s TcTs on a board of JhJd7c3sKd. He is up to 140k.

22:30: Wu Lam boots out two

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Double knockout for Wu Lam. He had QsQh, another player with 8c8h, and the third one with QdTd. The board ran 2s3s9d6sAs for a winning flush to the already ahead Wu. With that, we are down to 71 players.

22:25: Sick hand! Straight flush for Yong Quan

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – 2000

Short stacked Yong Quan was all in with 9h8h and Kyle Lim called with JhJc. The flop was a big game changer with it running 6hTh7h for a straight flush to Quan. That pretty much ended the hand. The turn Qc and river Js improved Lim to a set but still had to pay the double up.

22:20: Nguyen Thai Duong into 300K

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – 2000

Nguyen Thai Duong is now the clear leader with over 300k. On a flop Th9s5c, a player was all in with QsJd and Dong challenged with AcQc. The turn 5h and river 4c were bunk and ace high was good for Duong to sweep it.

22:00: Tu Le doubles up through Nick Gorman

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – 2000

Nick Gorman raised to 6k and got three callers to join him to the flop of QsTd6c. Action was checked to Gorman bet 12k and only Tu Le called. On the Ah turn, Gorman checked, Le bet 23.5k, Gorman shoved, and snap call by Le. Gorman AcTh two pair, Le 6s6h set. The river 9d didn’t improve Gorman and he paid the double up. Le climbed to 165k, Gorman down to 70k.

21:55: Chang Gon Lee on aggro mode

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – 2000

Chang Gon Lee is one of the more aggressive players out there. His stack has been swinging all day and he may even be on his second bullet. This level kicked off with Lee putting the heat on thick winning a couple of pots back to back. The meatier one was a three-way pot that saw a flop 9s2s3d. BB checked, Lee bet 15k, Eric Tsai called, and BB folded. On the 2h turn, Lee fired 20k, and Tsai called, On the 5d river, Lee dropped in 30k and this time Tsai surrendered. Lee is up to around 200k.

21:50: Entering last two levels

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – 2000

Players are back from the last break of the day. Two more levels to play before they bag up. 91 remaining. Current leader is still Kyle Patrick Lim though he has dropped in chips. He sits with around 260k. Second chip leader is Nguyen Thai Duong with 215k.

21:10: Alex Lee charging upwards

Level 12: Blinds 800 -1600 – ante 1600

Alex Lee

In the previous level, Alex Lee won a pot with his Q-8 full house on a board of Q-2-2-8-8. In this round, he piped in another 40k to his stack in this hand. Action began with an MP player raising to 3500, SB Lee three-bet to 8500, MP called. On the flop 2c3s2s, Lee bet 8k and was called. On the 8d turn, Lee fired 25k and again he was called. On the river Tc, Lee put it all out front sending the MP player tanking for nearly five minutes. The clock was called and MP folded. Lee won the pot to around 150k.

21:00: Official Day 1B numbers

Level 12: Blinds 800 -1600 – ante 1600

It has taken us a while to get this up but we now have the official numbers for Day 1B. There were 202 players, 48 re-entered, for a total of 250 entries. At the time of writing, 99 players remaining.

20:50: Kyle Lim knocks out another

Level 12: Blinds 800 -1600 – ante 1600

And the rich get richer…. Kyle Patrick Lim woke up on the big blind with AcAd to the dismay of the all in player with 3d3h. The board ran clean and Lim booted out another.

20:40: Kyle Patrick Lim takes the lead

Level 11: Blinds 600 -1200 – ante 1200

Kyle Patrick Lim

We have a new chip leader and he is one of the few Filipino players that made the trip to Vietnam. Kyle Patrick Lim shipped a mountain of chips to drive his stack to over 290k. We caught the action when the small blind player moved all in with 18.9k, big blind call, and as well on UTG. At the flop Jh9d4h, BB check-called Lim’s 20k bet for a side pot. On the 7d turn, action was the same with another 20k check-called by the BB. On the river Th, it was checked down. All three players showed. SB As5s for bust; BB AhQc for ace high; and Lim AdJd pair to scoop it all up.

20:30: Vu Duc Trung muscles Richard Mari

Level 11: Blinds 600 -1200 – ante 1200

Three players limped in before Richard Mari on the button. He raised to 6500 and two limpers called, Vu Duc Trung and Do Hoang Quan. At the flop Qh9s2s, action was checked to the raiser Mari, he c-bet 6500, Trung raised to 14k, Quan folded, and Mari flat-called. On the 9d turn, Trung shoved his 30.1k stack sending Mari tanking. Mari folded.

20:15: New level…. 116 players and dropping

Level 11: Blinds 600 -1200 – ante 1200

With registration closed, instead of seeing the numbers climbing, they are now dropping with players falling by the wayside. We are down to 116 players.

20:00: Nick Gorman spikes it to burn Abhisek Panda

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Ouch! Nasty river sends Abhisek Panda out at the hands of Nick Gorman. On a flop JsTdJc and a pot of 16.5k pre-brewed, Gorman checked, Panda bet 5500, Gorman shoved with a stack that well covered Panda. Panda tanked for some time then called for his tournament life. Gorman opened KdQs draw while Panda held KcKs two pair. The turn Tc still had Panda ahead but the river As improved Gorman to a straight to burn Panda’s two pair. Gorman climbed to 137k.

19:45: Victor Chong bumps one, climbs to 120k

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Victor Chong

On a flop 5sJd7d, a short stack was all in for 7k and Victor Chong made the call. Chong had Ad3d flush draw and the at risk player with Kc7c second pair. The turn 3h was safe for the short stack but the river 4d granted Chong the flush to ship it in while bumping one out.

19:40: Wang Ting Hung rails Lim Yohwan

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Lim Yohwan was on his second bullet and still couldn’t make it happen. He shoved with A-Q and fell to Wang Ting Hung’s Q-Q on a dry board.

19:20: Tran Son Thach rails Ragot, zooms to 240k

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

UTG+ 2 Tran Son Thach was already one of the biggest stacks when he shipped in all of Nicolas Ragot’s chips to zoom to 240k. The hand began with Thach raising to 2500, Ragot re-raised to 5500, and Thach called. At the flop Kd9hTd, both players checked. The turn 4h saw Thach check again, Ragot bet 6k, and Thach called. On the river 8d, Thach checked, Nicolas bet 10k, Thach check-raised 24k, then Nicolas pushed. With only 12k more for Thach to call, he tossed it in. Nicolas had AdKc for top pair but it was no good against Thach’s 8s8h set.

19:00: Huu Dung Nguyen rails En Ching Wu

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Huu Dung Nguyen raised to 2k then went ahead and called En Ching Wu’s all in. Wu had AsJd, Huu with AhQs, the board ran low with no hits for either. Huu railed Wu and climbed to 100k.

18:55: Mike Takayama takes a big hit, Hieu Ngo ships it

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Mike takayama

Mike Takayama has enjoyed a steady rise at his table, one of his recent wins, he shoved on the big blind and shipped in a pretty good pot. That hand initially saw an MP player raise to 2500 which was called by four players before action was on Takayama.

However, several hands later, Takayama ran into one of the sickest spreads that sent his stack spiraling down to 15k. Up against Hieu Ngo who limped in, Takayama raised to 5k, Ngo three-bet to 14k, Takayama shoved, Ngo called. Takayama had QcQs, Ngo with 6h6d, the board ran a crazy Qh8s4s6c6s for a double up to Ngo to 80k.

18:50: Eric Tsai claims one

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

From UTG+1, Nick Gorman raised to 2k, got called by both the button and big blind Eric Tsai. The flop Td6d5h had Tsai pass to Gorman who c-bet 3500, called by both players. On the 7s turn, all checked and the river came Ts. Tsai led for 11.7k and claimed the pot with no callers.

18:40: Last level to enter

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

This is the last level to enter. After this round, remaining players will play to the end of Level 14.

18:25: Nguyen Tuan Anh wins a sizable pot

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

Nguyen Tuan Anh

Action kicked off with four players in on an unraised pot, the flop landed 9h8dQc, SB checked, BB Victor Chong checked, UTG Nguyen Tuan Anh bet 1700, DB called, SB folded, and Chong called to bring it to three to the turn Td. Action proceeded, Chong checked, Anh checked, DB bet 3200, both Chong and Anh called. On the river Jc – straight showing – Chong checked, Anh bet 22k, no calls followed to award him the pot. Anh climbed to 85k.

18:10: Markus Garberg loses some to Abhisek Panda

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

From the cutoff seat, Markus Garberg raised to 1500 and got one caller in the small blind Abhisek Panda. At the flop 2s2hQs, both players checked. On the 8h turn, Panda took a stab and bet 1700, Garberg called. On fifth street 6c, Panda sent out 4300 and Garberg paid to see. Panda opened KsQc and won it with Garberg mucking. Panda up to 62k.

17:55: Sun Tan boots one out

Level 8: Blinds 300 – 600 – ante 600

On a flop 9s7s5d, two players were all in, one of them Sun Tan. Tan had AsJs and his opponent had 8c8s. The turn Jh gave Tan the lead, and with the river 7d, he won the pot while sending one out of the running. Tan at 65k.

17:50: Richard Mari doubles up through Song

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Song RichardMari
Song and Richard Mari

We missed the action but winning player Richard Mari filled in some of the details. Action began with a raise in the middle of the orbit, SB Wu Kui Song three-bet, BB Mari four-bet to 16k, and only Song called. At the flop J-10-8 with two diamonds, Song checked, Mari shoved, and Song called. Mari AsKc, Song AdQd. The turn and river 7-Q gave Mari a straight, and with neither of them a diamond, Mari shipped a double up to cross into 100k. Song fell to 16k.

17:40: Current leaders

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Two players stand out with big stacks, Tran Son Thach and Do Hoang Quan both have roughly 130k.

17:35: Richard Mari answers back

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Nice pot for Richard Mari here. Action was initiated by Sumit Sapra with a raise to 1200, called by the lady next door, and as well by BB Richard Mari. At the flop Jh9hKd, all three checked. On the Kc turn, Mari led for 2500, Sapra folded, lady raised to 5600, Mari three-bet to 13.5k, and Mari won it with no call, Mari now at 42k.

17:30: Wu Kui Song over 70k

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Wu Kui Song picked up a couple of pots to bring his stack to 70k. His first one saw him all in with QdJc against a player with A-K on a board showing Qs6c2dQc. His opponent was drawing dead. The river Jh improved Song though not needed.

Next hand was a smaller one. He raised from the button to 1300 and Duy Anh defended on the big blind. At the flop 3sAhJd, Anh checked, Song c-bet 1100, and claimed it. He is now at 70k.

17:15: New level, 227 entries

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Level 7 has kicked off. There are 227 total entries – 193 uniques and 34 re-entries. There are 186 players currently on the floor. The teams event has also taken off with two tables running. We will have the lowdown on that event in our evening recap.

17:15: New level, 227 entries

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Level 7 has kicked off. There are 227 total entries – 193 uniques and 34 re-entries. There are 186 players currently on the floor. The teams event has also taken off with two tables running. We will have the lowdown on that event in our evening recap.

17:00: Vu Duc Trung ships a triple!

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

We arrived at the table with three players all in and a flop showing 4cTh7d. One player held 8d9d draw, another with JhTd top pair, and Vu Duc Trung with 6c5d straight. The turn Ac and river 8h kept Trung ahead to ship a triple and boot one out in the process. Trung climbed to 50k.

16:50: Amanpreet Singh takes from Dhanesh Chainani

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Dhanesh Chainani is in action here today. One of his recent hands saw him raise to 1k, called by the blinds, SB Amanpreet Singh and BB player. At the flop AcXx3d, Singh checked, BB bet 2k, Chainani called, Singh raised to 8k, BB folded, and back to Chainani with a call. On the Xx turn and 5d river, no bets by either and Singh won with AdTh two pair. He is up to 45k.

16:40: Dhaval Mudgal on his second bullet

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Dhaval Mudgal is on his second bullet and if he busts, he will have to return tomorrow if he wants in on the pot. We chanced upon him all in with a short stack of 16k. He had AcKs up against 7c7d. The board ran well for him 8sAhTdKcKh.

16:35: 210 entries and climbing…

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Danny McDonagh has just announced that we have doubled the Day 1A numbers with 210 flashing on the screens. Among the newcomers were WSOP bracelet winner Mike Takayama. Also at the felt are Markus Garberg, Victor Chong, and Eric Tsai.

16:25: Luen Hei Kwok doubles up

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Heavy pre-flop betting began with a button raise by Luen Hei Kwok, three-bet to 2K by the SB player, back to Luen who four-bet 7500, and SB called. The flop spread 7s9s6c, SB bet 5k, Luen shoved his 12.5k total stack and got called. Luen KcKd, SB TcTh, the turn 3s and river Qs, completed the board for a double up to Luen.

16:15: Tzai Wei Phua in action

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

Tzai Wei Phua

UTG Tzai Wei Phua raised to 600 and found three callers to join him to the flop. The cards landed Kh8c4d, everyone checked. On the Tc turn, Tzai bet 1200, got two callers. On the river 2c, Tzai bet 1600, one caller raised to 3200k, one folded, Tza called. Tzai showed KsJh and won it. He is up to 45k.

16:10: Pham Bao back on stage

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

No rest for the champion. Not long after winning the Bounty Event, Pham Bao jumped in the main and drew a seat at the feature table where we caught him win a sizable pot. Action began with UTG+2 raising to 900, DB called, and SB Pham called. On the flop 5dQh7h, action was sent to the raiser who c-bet 1800. DB folded while Pham called. On the turn 6s, Pham led for 3500 and took it down without a challenge.

16:00: Zarvan Tumboli and Nguyen Tuan Anh double up

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

A couple of players at one of the outer tables have doubled up, Zarvan Tumboli and Nguyen Tuan Anh. First one to ship a double was Tumboli with KdKs paid by a player with Kc6c that saw the board complete 3d7c8c8d6h, all in on the flop.

For Anh, he pushed his short stack holding 7d9d and got called by a player with Ac2c. The board ran JhAsTd8d for a straight to Anh, and with the river 5h, he shipped a double up. He is still very low though with just 6.2k.

15:45: Duy Anh triples up!

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

Duy Anh

Unfortunately we missed all the action prior to the turn board 4d3h2hAs with three players with all their stacks out front. The biggest stack was Hai Chuot with JcJd, second stack Sumit Sapra with KcKd, and shortest was Duy Anh with 5s5d straight. The river 3d ensured the win for Duy for a sweet triple up. He is at 60k.

15:30: Wang Ting Hung earns a good one

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Action began with Wang Ting Hung open 500 that saw four players call. At the flop 2hKdTc, it was checked to the raiser Wang, he bet 1k and got one caller from the HJ player to his left. The turn 2s produced heavier betting with Wang sliding out 2600, HJ raised to 5700, Wang called. On the river Ah, both checked, Wang opened AsTd for two pair to defeat AcQh. Wang up to 45k.

15:15: Hinh Van Thanh takes it with a three-bet

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Four players were in on a raised pot to 600 preflop. The flop landed Ah5h3c. Action checked to the CO player Hinh Van Thanh, he bet 1k, SB player check-raised to 4K, BB folded, UTG folded, back to Thanh who three-bet to 11k, and with that, he won it. SB folded.

15:10: Pham Bao wins the Bounty Event

Pham Bao

The Bounty Event completed with Pham Bao taking it down. He shipped the VND 142,450,000 first prize along with a 12 bounty rewards totalling VND 24,000,000. Congratulations to Pham! We will have those results for you at the end of the day.

15:05: New level, 164 entries

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Entering the new round, we are now up to 164 entries- 154 players and 10 re-entries. Those on the fence, time to jump in. Lots of great action here today. Among the newcomers are Choong Kian Weng, En- Ching Wu, Huu Dung Nguyen, Dang Van Hien, Sun Tan, Zarvan Tumboli, Hung Sheng Lin, and Norbert Koh.

14:50: Win some lose some for Indian pro Raghav Bansal

Level 3: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 100

We caught a couple of hands with one of India’s top ranking pros, Raghav Bansal. The first one had 19.2k in the middle and the board was 6c5dTh4c, SB player was deep in thought as she faced MP player Bansal who had 23.8k out in front. Bansal won it with no call made.

Next pot the board completed to 5cQd7cAc9d, CO player bet 1500 to a small pot and Bansal decided to toss in the call to see the hand. CO opened KcKs. Bansal mucked. Bansal has 72k.

14:35: Hai Chuot vs Dhaval Mudgal

Level 3: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 100

Dhaval Mudgal
Hai Chuot vs Dhaval Mudgal

BB player raised to 600, SB Hai Chuot called, BB Dhaval Mudgal three-bet to 3k, DB folded and Chuot called. At the flop 6d7h6h, Chuot check-raised Mudgal’s 2500 bet to bring it up to 6100. Mudgal called. On the Qs turn, Chuot led for 10k, Mudgal flat-called. On the Jh river, Chuot was all in and Mudgal folded. Chuot up to 51k, Mudgal drops to 10.2k.

14:20: Ante stage begins

Level 3: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 100

Players have now entered the ante stage. Numbers continue to climb with 14 tables running. There are 131 unique players, 4 re-entries, for 135 total so far. Recent Manila champion Lim Yohwan aka Boxer has taken a seat.

14:05: Ryo Soo wins some off Vincent Chauve

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

Vincent Chauve and Ryo Soo

Ryo Soo earned himself a pot but before doing so, he was put to to the test by Vincent Chauve. Catching the action at the flop Td4c2h and a pot of 1600 pre-brewed, sb Chauve checked, checked by BB Ryo, bet of 700 by the mid position player, back to Chauve who called, Ryo raised to 2k, MP player folded, Chauve three-bet to 5300, and after tanking, Ryo called.

The turn Qs saw Chauve jump out with a 7k bet and once this time Ryo went deeper into the tank then eventually called. On the 7c river, both checked. Chauve with As3s, Ryo won the pot with Th9h pair. Ryo climbed to 55k.

14:00: Day 1B exceeds Day 1A numbers

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

Halfway through round 2 and we’ve already surpassed Day 1A’s 105 total entries. We are currently at 119 uniques plus 2 re-entries. Among the newcomers are Alan King Lun Lau, Kunal Patni, Soo Jo Kim, Wilson Lim, Nguyen Dang Toan (Welcome Event winner), Hai Chuot, and Tuan La.

13:40: New round, 99 entries

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

Players have just finished the first level of the day. The goal is to survive Day 1B’s scheduled 14 rounds. Each round is 40 minutes. The screens currently show 99 entries. Players that bust out will have one extra bullet allowed.

13:35: Good call by Phong Ngoc Son

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

Phong Ngoc Son

Nice pot earned by Phong Ngoc Son. He limped in from mid-position, two players joined in, big blind raised to 600, back to Son who called along with the button player for a three-way look at the flop. The flop 7c2s3s saw the aggressive BB player fire 1100, and both Son and BB called. On the turn 5s, another quick 2k was fired again by BB and this time only Son called. On the river 9d, BB tossed in 4k, Son tanked, then finally mustered the courage to call. BB had 4s4d, Son had 4c6c straight to scoop the pot. Son chipped up to 61k.

13:20: Bounty Event resumes

Running alongside the main is the Bounty Event with 9 players back at 1230pm. We will have those results for you at the end of day recap.

13:15: Notables getting an early start

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

Among the crowd are Thinh Nu, Le Ngoc Khanh, Nick Gorman, Michael Kim Falcon, and Erik Billgren. There are currently 75 players and climbing.

13:00: Cards in the air for Day 1B

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

APT Vietnam Main Event Day 1B

Welcome to Day 1B of the WPT Vietnam MAIN EVENT – VND 8 Billion Guaranteed! Action has already begun with six tables running here at Pro Poker Club. WPT anticipates this event will set a new WPT Asia record. WPT India’s 527 entries is the number to beat. We will bring all the action to your screens via our live updates. Good luck to all the players!

Day 1A End of the day chip counts

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1 – Tran Hanh – 437,000
2 – Kazuma Ihotsume – 203,000
3 – Dao Duc Phuong – 72,000
4 – Tran Huu Khoi – 162,000
5 – Nguyen Chi Thinh – 147,500
6 – Nguyen Manh Truong -140,000
7 – Nguyen Thanh Phong -139,000
8 – Tran Huy Hoang -137,000
9 – Cuong Trinh – 137,000
10 – Nguyen Duc Hop – 117,500
11 – Ta Duy Quoc Chinh – 104,500
12 – Niel Ho – 103,000
13 – Simon Burns – 99,000
14 – Yidwath Shetti – 99,000
15 – Shao Yin He – 99,000
16 – Tran Van Quan – 98,000
17 – Robert Kaggerud – 91,500
18 – Jul Tran – 89,000
19- Vinod. R.Megalmani- 86,000
20 – Nishant Sharma – 85,500
21 – Yen Han Chen – 84,500
22 – Huynh Duc Tai – 79,500
23 – Paul Hockin -76,000
24 – Iori Yogo – 62,000
25 – Henrik Tollefsen – 60,500
26 – Chiraag Patel – 41,500

22:45: Day 1A is over! 26 bagged up

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Tran Duc Hanh

Day 1A has been bagged and tagged. Only 26 players remained out of the 105 entries. Amassing an enormous stack was Austria’s Tran Hanh with 437,000. No one came close to his stack. We will have a recap for you on the day’s action shortly. For now, enjoy the updates and relive some of the action that went down in Day 1A.

22:30: Tran Duc Hanh steamrollin’

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Tran Duc Hanh has held the chip lead for a majority of the day and by the looks of it, he will close out the day as the leader. Hanh just railed two players to bring the field down to 27 players. His first victim had JcJs, Hanh with AsKc, the board ran KsTs4cQcKd for a dominating trips.

The next bust out was a smaller take with the short stack pushing with 9s4s. Hanh had Ad9h and shipped it when the board ran 9dJh6cKs3h. His stack is well within the 400k range.

22:20: Tran Huy Hoang rails Tin Chan

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

Action folded to the button Simon Burns, he raised to 5k. Sb Tin Chan jammed his 57k stack, bb Tran Huy Hoang followed suit with his 71.5k stack, sending the action back to Burns who folded. Chan had AhJd, Hoang with KsQs, the board ran 9d2s3c5sQd for a pair spiked by Hoang to eliminate Chan. Hoang climbed to 135k. We are down to 30 players.

22:05: Last level of the day

Level 14: Blinds 1500 – 2500 – ante 2500

We have entered the last level of the day. 31 players remaining.

22:00: Kazuma Inotsume doubles up

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

Early in the day, Kazuma Inotsume was about to walk out when the community board felted a straight to keep him in the game. He has since brought his stack up and landed a double up to send him up to 146k. The hand kicked off with a raise to 8k by Ta Duy Quoc Chinh, Inotsume shoved on the big blind, Chinh called. Inotsume AsKs, Chinh TcTs, the board dragged out 4c2dKdXx3h.

21: 50: Soo Jo Kim eliminated by Ta Duy Quoc Chinh

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

Soo Jo Kim nursed his short stack for as long as he could and put it all in with 6h6s however he ran smack into Ta Duy Quoc Chinh’s KhKs. With the board throwing blanks, Kim was eliminated. Chinh climbed to 160k.

21:35: Iori Yogo doubles up through Hockin again

Level 13: Blinds 1000 – 2000 – ante 2000

Action folded to the button player Nishant Sharma, he raised to 4500. Sb Iori Yogo shoved with 33.5k remaining. Bb Paul Hockin shoved as well. Sharma folded.

Yogo 8d8h Hockin AhJc same hand against Yogo previously

The board favored Yogo again running Kh7cTh8s4s to improve him to a set (though not needed), to double up. Yogo rose to 74k, Hockin dropped to 42k.

21:20: Break Time

Level 12: Blinds 800 – 1600 – ante 1600

The last break of the day. There are 36 players remaining. The chip leader is still Tran Duc Hanh with 312k followed by Nishant Sharma with 175k, and Nguyen Chi Thinh with 164k.

21:00: Ta Duy Quoc Chinh rails Vivek Rughani

Level 12: Blinds 800 – 1600 – ante 1600

Vivek Rughani had a swinging stack all day but couldn’t keep it above water. He shoved with a desperate QsJdput ran into Ta Duy Quoc Chinh’s KcKd. The board bricked to send Rughani out. Chinh up to 140k.

20:50: Iori Yogo doubled up by Hockin

Level 12: Blinds 800 – 1600 – ante 1600

Two limpers before action reached sb Iori Yogo who shoved his 12.1k short stack. Big blind Paul Hockin three-bet to around 50k pushing out the limpers for a head to head. Yogo As6s, Hockin AcJd, the board ran 7sJhJs for trips to Hockin, but Yogo had outs. The turn 6d wasn’t it but the 2s river was one of the gems he needed to stay in the game. Hockin dropped to 80k, Yogo just below starting stack.

20:30: Orjan Skommo doubles up

Level 11: Blinds 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

Orjan Skommo

On a flop 5dKsJs, Pete Chen bet 5400, three spots over a player raised to 15k, then on the button was Orjan Skommo moving all in, Chen quickly folded while a call was made by the raiser. Skommo with AsQs straight flush draw, and his opponent with AcKh top pair. The turn Td granted Skommo a straight to overtake, and with the 3s river, he improved further to flush for a double up.

20:25: Simon Burns shoves

Level 11: Blinds 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

After a couple of double ups dished out, Simon Burns had a stack down to around 50k. It dropped further to 27k which he three-bet shoved on top of player’s 2500 raise. No call was made and he won the pot.

20:20: Nishant Sharma claims the pot

Level 11: Blinds 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

Nishant Sharma

Button player Nishant Sharma raised to 2600, sb Iori Yogo and bb Paul Hockin called. The flop Ah8sAc, action checked to Sharma who c-bet 2400. Only Yogo called. On the Qh turn, Sharma again firing sending out 8200. A quick fold from Yogo.

20:15: Tran Duc Hanh ascending

Level 11: Blinds 600 – 1200 – ante 1200

Tran Duc Hanh continues to dust the competition, climbing to 315k after railing Eric Tsai in a sick hand. Action preflop saw one player raise, Tran three-bet from the small blind, Tsai call from the big blind, and the opener folded for heads up between the blinds. At the flop JdAsQs, Tran checked, Tsai bet 8k, Tran raised, all in by Tsai, and snap call by Tran.

Tsai KhTh straight
Tran QcQd set

The turn Ah improved Tran to a full house and Tsai was drawing dead. The river 7c was inconsequential.

20:00: Nguyen Chi Thinh three-bets to take it

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Nguyen Chi Thinh raised to 2600 from low-jack position, called by the button player and big blind Eric Tsai. At the flop 6c2cKh, everyone checked. On the Qh turn, Nguyen bet 3500, button raised to 7200, bb Tsai check-folded, back to Nguyen with a three-bet to 35k, and that ended the hand with button tank-folding.

19:55: Nguyen Thanh Phong pays two

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Nguyen Thanh Phong is sitting as the biggest stack at his table with around 170k to play with. He took a couple of hits though to drop just bit. The first pot he raised to 2500 on the button and the big blind defended. At the flop KdJd9d, both players checked. On the turn Qh, bb bet 4k and Nguyen folded.

The subsequent hand saw a short stack jam with 13.9k, snap call by Nguyen. Short stack with AdAc that held against Nguyen’s AsKc. Nguyen dropped to 150k.

19:50: Nishant Sharma with aggressive bets

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Nishant Sharma raised to 2700 and the player on the small blind called. At the flop QdJh5c, action was sent to Sharma who c-bet 2200, he was called. On the 4d turn, Sharma fired 4200, and this time he won it with no call.

19:30: Registration closed!

Level 10: Blinds 500 – 1000 – ante 1000

Registration has closed. The official tally is 105 entries – 81 players, 24 re-entries. There are 55 remaining. Game continues until the end of Level 14.

19:20: Players on a break; registration closing

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Players are on another 10-minute break. Last chance to sign up. We picked up several Norwegian players in Level 9, among them Henrik Tollefsen and Markus Garberg.

Current chip leaders are:

Tran Duc Hanh – 274k
Vidwath Shetty – 150k
Vinod Megalmani – 140k

19:15: Vinod Megalmani rails one and zooms to 140k

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

We caught the action only at the shipping with one player holding ThTc and Vinod Megalmani with JdJh. The board ran a wild JsAdQcKd for a straight to the lower pockets but with the river Kh, Megalmani went back on top with a full house to win it and send his opponent packing. Megalmani zoomed to 140k.

19:10: Tin Chan doubles up through Burns

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

On a flop 5s2s6c, Simon Burns pushed and beside him Tin Chan called for his tournament life. Burns opened 4d6d pair and Chan with 5h5c set. The turn 9c and river 2d completed the board for a double up to Chan. He is now at 76k.

19:00: Registration closing in 20 minutes

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Late registration closes at the end of this round. Those on the rail, time to jump in. The current tally is 76 players and 24 re-entries for a total of 100 entries so far. 53 players remaining.

18:50: Cuong Trinh triples up!

Level 9: Blinds 400 – 800 – ante 800

Cuong Trinh

Three-way action with two players all in. Short-stacked player with 9c9h, Cuong Trinh with AhKc, and the biggest stack with 3d3s. The board ran 8cKsJhKd8d for full house to Cuong and a triple up. He climbed to 75k.

18:45: Congratulations to Zarvan Tumboli!

India’s Zarvan Tumboli defeated Luat Tran at heads up of the WPT Ho Chi Minh Cup! He shipped in the VND 246,950,000 first place prize money. We will have the results of that event in our end of day recap.

18:25: Kazuma Inotsume saved

Level 8: 300 – 600 – ante 600

What a nutty hand! On a flop AhTh9h, Kazuma Inotsume moved all in with Ad8d top pair and was called by a player with 4h5h flush. Getting up to leave, the turn 8h and river 7h, saved Inotsume with a higher flush on the board for a split pot. He sat back down happy to have renewed life.

18:20: Simon Burns boots out Alan Lau

Level 8: 300 – 600 – ante 600

Alan King Lun Lau was on his second bullet and kicked it off with a quick double up however, it didn’t last. The Hong Kong pro began to drop in chips and pushed it all in with AhQd. Simon Burns called with Th9h. The board ran Qh6h7dKh6c for a winning flush to Burns and Lau the boot. Burns at 130K.

18:15: Paul Hockin’s kings cracked

Level 8: 300 – 600 – ante 600

Paul Hockin

Paul Hockin had KsKd and a short-stacked player had AcQc. The board ran a doozy 6cKc4c for a set to Hockin but an instant nut flush to the shorty. The turn 9c and river Ad didn’t pair the board and Hockin had to pay the double up. Hockin dropped to 47k..

17:55: Tran Van Quan pushes for the pot

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Tran Van Quan

Immediately after Vidwath Shetty’s win, the next hand saw Tran Van Quan in the pot once again. He opened with a raise then called a three-bet to 3500 by the button player. At the flop Th9dKh, Tran checked then called a c-bet by the button aggressor. On the turn 4c, Tran jammed his remaining 19.5k to send his opponent tanking. After a minute, Tran was shipped the pot with no call made. His opponent showed Kc for top pair and Tran returned the gesture showing As.

17:50: Vidwath Shetty wins the war

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Vidwath Shetty

Heated preflop action began with a raise to 1200 by cutoff Tran Van Quan, button Vidwath Shetty three-bet to 3500, big blind Eric Tsai four-bet to 8300, Quan folded, then Shetty five-bet to 23k. Tsai folded. Good win by Shetty. He is up to 150K.

17:45: Kunal Patni tanks Nishant Sharma

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Catching the action on a board 5d7sKhQh, Kunal Patni had his remaining 9900 stack pushed out front with a 16k pot already pre-brewed. This sent fellow countryman Nishant Sharma to the tank. Though he had more than enough to cover the bet, he opted to fold and Patni scooped it up.

17:30: Second bullet good for Alan Lau

Level 7: Blinds 300 – 500 – ante 500

Alan King Lun Lau was one of the 17 players that utilized their second bullet. Looks like it was good decision having picked up a fast double up with pocket tens holding against ace-queen.

17:20: Players on their second break

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Main Event players are on their second 10-minute break. The screens currently have the entries up to 86 with 67 remaining. Victor Chong and Paul Hockin have joined the action at the previous round. Registration is still open for those that want to jump in. A buy-in of VND 22,000,000 gets you a 30K starting stack. Registration closes at the start of Level 10. Remaining players will bag up at the end of Level 14.

17:00: Vivek Rughani doubles up with aces

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

There’s a strong showing of players from India here at the Main Event. One of them is Vivek Rughani who just landed a double up with his pocket aces holding against pocket 8s. He is still under starting stack though sitting with around 20k.

16:50: Simon Burns leads with 145k

Level 6: Blinds 200 – 400 – ante 400

Simon Burns

UK’s Simon Burns is back at the WPT felt. He had a very successful run at the Korean leg of the WPT Asia Swing. He won the Super High Roller 2 and made it to the final table of the Main Event. He is currently our chip leader here with 145k.

16:20: Alan King Lun Lau nosedives

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

Alan King Lun Lau

Alan King Lun Lau took a big loss to his stack. On a three-way raised pot preflop, the board showed Kc3h4c, Do Hoang Quan checked, Tran Duc Hanh bet 2500, Lau called, and back to Quan who called. At the As turn, betting action was the same with Tran’s 6k bet called by both players. On the river 4s, check by Quan, 14k bet by Tran, Lau all in for just above 20k, called by Tran. Lau showed AcJc but was behind Tran’s AdKd top two pair. Tran zoomed to over 70k while Lau nosedived to just 500. Lau was eliminated shortly after.

15:55: Nguyen Dang Long busts, Erik Billgren doubles up

Level 5: Blinds 200 – 300 – ante 300

In our attempt to get a hand on Sam Panzica, instead we saw the quick rise and fall of Nguyen Dang Long. Nguyen entered three consecutive pots that sent him tumbling to the rail. The first hand was a good one for him. Panzica raised to 800 preflop, three players called. At the flop 8d4s6c, Nguyen checked, one player fired 1200, called by another, then check-raised to 3600 by Nguyen. One player called and the turn landed 3s. Nguyen fired another 4200 and this time he won it with no challenge.

The next hand would cost Nguyen. Four players were in preflop to build up a pot to 12k. On the flop JhTcJs, big blind Erik Billgren bet 4100, Panzica called, sb Nguyen check-raised to 12.5k, Billgren shoved, and Nguyen called after Panzica folded. Billgren ThTs full house over Nguyen’s AhJc trips. The turn 2c and river 9s completed the board and Billgren doubled up to 75k.

Down to a very short stack, Nguyen shoved on the next hand with K-Q and fell to a player’s 9-9 with no hits on the board.

15:35: Tu Le doubles up to 65k

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

On a flop TdQc2d, two players were all in, one with AsQh, and Tu Le with AcAh. The turn 4s and river 6s completed the board for a double up to Le. He now has 65k.

15:30: Sam Panzica in the house

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Sam Panzica

WPT multi champion Sam Panzica has joined the action. Panzica has numerous titles under his belt earned mostly in his home country USA. He has over $4M in live tournament earnings with $1.37M of that won in 2017 at the WPT Shooting Star Main Event in San Jose, California. We’ll be tracking him today and see how he shapes up against the Asian force.

Other late arrivals were Nishant Sharma, Soo Jo Kim,and Pete Chen.

15:10: 61 players and climbing…

Level 4: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 200

Players have returned from the first break of the day. There are 61 entries so far with 7 tables running. Plenty of time for players to jump in. Starting stack is 30,000. That’s still very deep compared to the blinds. In the previous level, Vincent Li busted after just spending 20 minutes at the table. We will likely see him use his second bullet sometime today.

14:55: Ng Pui Cheng vs Dang Xuan Canh

Level 3: Blinds 100 – 200

Immediately after the hand below, UTG Ng Pui Cheng and UTG+1 Dang Xuan Canh went head to head for a pot. On a raised pot preflop to 2k, both players saw the cards land 7sTc7d. No bets arrived. The turn 6h re-ignited the action with Cheng laying out 1500, Dang raised to 6k, and Cheng with the call. On the river 2s, both checked and Cheng won with 9d9c. Dang mucked.

14:50: Suen Kam Sang picks up a splashy pot

Level 3: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 100

Suen Kam Sang

Table 3 is seeing some good betting action with sizable pots being won. Suen Kam Sang was the beneficiary of one of those pots. Action began with hijack player Dang Xuan Canh limping in, cutoff joined, then button player raised to 1k. Big blind Sang defended, and it was a four way look at the flop with Dang and cutoff also calling. The flop Ah7c7h, everyone checked. On the 9s turn, action was checked to Dang who bet 2200. Cutoff and button called while Sang check-raised all in for a total of 17.7k. Dang and cutoff quickly folded but the button player tanked. He eventually folded showing AdQh. Sang scooped up the pot and kindly showed his As7s full house.

14:20: New level brings in more pros

Level 3: Blinds 100 – 200 – ante 100

iori yogo
Iori Yogo

Level 3 has kicked off which means players have now entered the ante stage. We are up to 7 tables with more soon to open up. More pros have jumped in, some of them coming off the WPT Ho Chi Minh Cup. Among the notables are Dhaval Mudgal, Iori Yogo, Alan King Lun Lau, and Vincent Li. Huy Coshet is also on his way to the felt. Another player seen frequenting the Asian circuit these past couple months, Kazuma Inotsume, is also in action here at the main.

14:10: Double knockout for Tran Huy Hoang

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

Tran Huy Hoang is our leader at the moment with 73k. He knocked out two players simultaneously in a three-way showdown holding A-A vs K-K vs K-Q. It was all in preflop. Aces held. Also with a big stack is Do Hoang Quan with 64k seated at a separate table.

14:00: Julien Tran wins one

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

julien tran wpt2018
Julien Tran

A lady player from the hijack seat limped in, cutoff Julien Tran raised to 800, button player called, and after the blinds folded, the hijack player joined in for three-way look at the flop. The flop ran 4s2s5d. Hijack checked, Tran c-bet 1100, button folded, hijack called. On the [7h] turn, no bets landed and the river felted 8s. Hijack checked, Tran bet 3100, Tran won the pot with no call. Tran has 32K.

13:40: Four tables…

Level 2: Blinds 100 – 200

We are now up to four tables here. Blinds have gone up. Registration stays open until the start of Level 10. For those thinking about entering, buy-in of VND 22,000,000 gets you a deep 30K starting stack.

13:30: WPT Ho Chi Minh Cup resumes

While the Main Event is taking flight, the WPT Ho Chi Minh Cup is on its final day with 28 players remaining out of 207 entries. Only 26 reach the money which means two players will bounce out empty-handed. We will have the results of that event as it concludes. Good luck to all those players!

13:20: Notables on the felt

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

notables fields
WPT goodies

We’ve had a light start here with just two tables running at the moment. Players are trickling in though unlike the rain that’s coming down outside. Currently at the felt are Julien Tran, Dang Xuan Canh, and Kunal Patni. The first 100 players will get a free WPT cap and they’re pretty cool.

13:00: Shuffle up and Deal! WPT Vietnam Main Event begins!

Level 1: Blinds 100 – 100

Card are in the air in the Main Event

And we’re off! WPT Vietnam Main Event first deal is underway! This is the event everyone has been gearing up for with the hefty VND 8 Billion guarantee attracting all kinds of attention. Buy-in is VND 22,000,000. The plan for the day is to play a total of 14 levels, level duration is 40 minutes. Only one re-entry is allowed per starting day so make those bullets count! Registration closes at the start of Level 10.

Good luck to all the players!

1 - Yik Yin Ray Chiu - 2,430,000
2 - Dhaval Mudgal - 2,355,000
3 - Hai Chuot - 2,245,000
4 - Tran Huu Khoi - 1,680,000
5 - Nguyen Hanh Phong - 1,590,000
6 - Tai Hsing Hsiung - 1,470,000
7 - Trần Cao Tâm - 1,335,000
8 - Johannes Felix Hoeld - 1,180,000
9 - Ben Andrews - 1,150,000
10 - Norbert Koh - 1,135,000
11 - Dao Duc Phuong - 1,025,000
12 - Takao Shimizu - 805,000
13 - Le Ngoc Chanh - 790,000
14 - Apu Weo - 620,000
15 - Low Kar Ooi - 560,000

1 - Mike Takayama - 281,500
2 - Birewar Alok Pradip - 263,000
3 - Gao Wen Ling - 255,500
4 - Takao Shimizu - 226,000
5 - Francis Garson - 214,500
6 - Lê Đức Anh - 213,000
7 - Nguyen Ngoc Nghia - 211,500
8 - Apuweo - 210,500
9 - Đỗ Hoàng Long - 194,000
10 - Trần Sơn Thạch - 190,500
11 - Trần Thanh Vân - 87,500
12 - Yeap Shiqiang - 187,500
13 - Ominami Shuichi - 176,000
14 - Kevin Phillip Ayow - 174,000
15 - Trần Huy Tiến - 173,500
16 - Aigars Plives - 167,000
17 - Sam Panzica - 158,500
18 - Jason Lau - 155,000
19 - Phạm Đình Thi - 155,000
20 - Foo Yong Cheong - 154,500
21 - Hai Chuot 147,000
22 - Suri Jaswinder Singh - 139,000
23 - Nguyễn Thiện Tâm - 138,500
24 - Piet Pape - 136,000
25 - Chua Ying Lin - 133,500
26 - Lau King Lun Alan - 132,500
27 - Đinh Văn Thanh - 131,000
28 - Tan Chin Sun - 131,000
29 - Mai Enwei - 126,000
30 - Phan John - 119,500
31 - James Jarod Minphiri - 118,000
32 - Jason Nguyễn - 116,000
33 - Hoàng Hồng Giang - 115,500
34 - Chan Tsun Ming - 115,000
35 - Nguyễn Văn Phinh - 114,000
36 - I Cheng Lin - 112,500
37 - Kok Jun Yan - 109,500
38 - Campomanes Florencio Iv - 108,500
39 - Thomas Gicquel - 106,500
40 - Sonbatchcheo - 106,500
41 - Thang Md - 105,000
42 - Ben Andrews - 104,500
43 - Trần Thanh Vinh - 102,000
44 - Trần Cao Tâm - 101,500
45 - Raghav Bansal - 99,500
46 - Trịnh Anh Dũng - 98,000
47 - Phan Hoàng Tú - 97,000
48 - Lê Tấn Lộc - 95,000
49 - Benedict Koh Gek Chiang - 94,000
50 - Pang Leo - 94,000
51 - Nguyễn Tuấn Anh - 93,000
52 - Kaniska Vpreti - 92,000
53 - Chang Gon Lee - 91,500
54 - Ken Okada - 91,500
55 - Ngụy Xuân Hồng - 89,000
56 - Wittawas Charassang - 89,000
57 - Nguyễn Vũ Thạnh - 88,500
58 - Dhaval Mudgal - 86,000
59 - Yuta Noguchi - 86,000
60 - Dan Phan - 85,000
61 - Nguyễn Văn Trung - 83,000
62 - Hisashi Ogi - 78,000
63 - Lim Hwan - 73,000
64 - Quang Nguyễn - 70,000
65 - Nguyễn Thanh Hùng - 65,000
66 - Lee Wei Chan - 61,500
67 - Wilson Lim - 60,000
68 - Phạm Duy Hưng - 58,500
69 - Nguyen Nam Duong - 57,000
70 - Nguyễn Tân - 57,000
71 - Chua Shan Hui - 55,500
72 - Nicolas Ragot - 55,500
73 - Nguyễn Tiến Sơn - 52,500
74 - Sahil Agarwal - 50,000
75 - Stig Erik Goran Billgren - 47,000
76 - Hoang Van Long - 45,000
77 - Sj Kim - 44,000
78 - Phạm Ngọc Quốc Bảo - 44,000
79 - Tomomitsu Ono - 41,000
80 - Tai Hsing Hsiung - 40,000
81 - Trần Đức Đông - 40,000
82 - Nguyễn Duy Vũ - 38,000
83 - Nguyễn Trọng Liêm - 33,000
84 - Wei Cheng Yin - 32,000
85 - Lê Hoàn Công - 29,000
86 - Brion Adrian - 26,500
87 - Nguyễn Hoàng Tôn - 24,000
88 - Yar Gin Wee - 23,500
89 - Kentaro Somekawa - 22,000
90 - Bradley Paul Evans - 14,500
91 - Li Xiao Ling - 5,000

1 - Nguyen Thai Duong - 315,500
2 - Nobert Koh - 307,000
3 - Le Anh Tien - 279,500
4 - Phan Tri Cuong - 233000
5 - Hieu Ngo - 217,000
6 - Nguyen Manh Tuan - 207,000
7 - Kyle Patrick Lim - 203,000
8 - Ju Le - 197,000
9 - Bui Anh Khoa - 180,000
10 - Richard Mari - 178,000
11 - Zarvan Tumrou - 177,000
12 - Yik Yin Ray Chiu - 172,000
13 - Tran Duc Phuong - 170,000
14 - Natalie Teh Siuw Lo - 166,500
15 - Hjohamre S Hoeld - 158000
16 - Kwok Luen Hei - 154,000
17 - Song Wen Long - 153,500
18 - Gonzva Benjamin - 151,000
19 - Tan Yong Quan - 146,500
20 - Nguyen Duc Bien - 146,500
21 - Low Kar Ooi - 146,500
22 - Dang Van Hien - 146,000
23 - Chong Kian Weng - 142,000
24 - Satal Gopta - 138,000
25 - Tzu Chich Lo - 136,000
26 - Tung Nguyen - 117,000
27 - Lee Xiang Wai Aiex - 114,500
28 - Pham Hung Cuong - 113,500
29 - Orjan Skommo - 112,500
30 - Aman Preet Sinah - 109,500
31 - Vu Duc Trung - 109,500
32 - Nitin Jain - 109,000
33 - Derek Chrisholm - 106,000
34 - Markus Garbbr6 - 104,500
35 - Sebastian Tan - 99000
36 - Huu Dung Nguyen - 94,000
37 - The Anh - 94,000
38 - Nguyen Van Dung - 92,000
39 - See Soo Chaw - 89,000
40 - Aman Dhamita - 88,000
41 - Dinh Xuan Dinh - 85,500
42 - Tran Hung Manh - 85,000
43 - Frederic Bolliet - 84,500
44 - Loo Jimzhong - 78,000
45 - Gjoon Tan Mall - 74,500
46 - Nick Lim - 74,000
47 - Warren Asher - 67,500
48 - Dulan Wakerson - 63,000
49 - Chales Joe Ambrogi - 62,000
50 - Paul Hong - 62,000
51 - Romit Advani - 60,000
52 - Le Ngoc Khanh - 57,500
53 - Victor Chong - 57,000
54 - Lin Hung Sheng - 54,000
55 - Vivek Runham - 53,500
56 - Phan Tuan Vinh - 51,000
57 - Phung Ngoc Son - 46,500
58 - Abhivav Iyer - 45,000
59 - Philipe Lam - 38,000
60 - Ting Hung Wang - 31,000
61 - Nguyen Ngoc Nghia - 13,000

1 - Tran Hanh - 437,000
2 - Kazuma Ihotsume - 203,000
3 - Dao Duc Phuong - 72,000
4 - Tran Huu Khoi - 162,000
5 - Nguyen Chi Thinh - 147,500
6 - Nguyen Manh Truong -140,000
7 - Nguyen Thanh Phong -139,000
8 - Tran Huy Hoang -137,000
9 - Cuong Trinh - 137,000
10 - Nguyen Duc Hop - 117,500
11 - Ta Duy Quoc Chinh - 104,500
12 - Niel Ho - 103,000
13 - Simon Burns - 99,000
14 - Yidwath Shetti - 99,000
15 - Shao Yin He - 99,000
16 - Tran Van Quan - 98,000
17 - Robert Kaggerud - 91,500
18 - Jul Tran - 89,000
19- Vinod. R.Megalmani- 86,000
20 - Nishant Sharma - 85,500
21 - Yen Han Chen - 84,500
22 - Huynh Duc Tai - 79,500
23 - Paul Hockin -76,000
24 - Iori Yogo - 62,000
25 - Henrik Tollefsen - 60,500
26 - Chiraag Patel - 41,500

1st - Dhaval Mudgal - Pro 2,427,580,000
2nd - Takao Shimizu - Pro 1,702,030,000
3rd - Tai Hsing Hsiung - Pro 1,097,540,000
4th - Tran Cao Tam - Pro 802,340,000
5th - Nguyen Duc Hai - Pro 613,840,000
6th - Hanh Phong - Pro 490,420,000
7th - Nguyen Hoang Nam - Pro 406,240,000
8th - Norbert Koh - Pro 323,390,000
9th - Dao Duc Phuong - Pro 242,770,000

Overall poker festival dates are:

Wednesday, September 26 - Thursday, October 4, 2018

WPT Vietnam Main Event dates are:

Friday, September 28 - Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Main Event Schedule

Day 1A - September 28 at 1:00 pm

Day 1B - September 29 at 1:00 pm

Day 1C - September 30 at 1:00 pm

Day 2 - October 1 at 12:00 pm

Final - October 2 at 1:00 pm

Buy In

22M (20M+2M) VND

Prize Pool

8B VND Guarantee

Event News & info - Schedule