Discover Poker Palace Sydney: Australia's Premier Poker Room
The Poker Palace has been around for almost a decade and can be considered as the first brick and mortar poker room outside a casino. The Poker Palace is located right outside The Star Sydney Casino and claims to be the first to offer high buy-in games as well as poker variations like HOP, OMAHA, HOPS, Shot Clock, Mix Max and Six Max events and Hyper Spin Sit and Go’s in the country.
It is home to the Marconi Cup Carnival which has been running for quite a few years. They run cash games as well as weekly tournaments but require players to register as members to partake of any poker action. The good news is that membership is FREE.
Cash Games:
Games offered include Texas Holdem, HOP, OMAHA, HOPS, Shot Clock, Mix Max and Six Max events and Hyper Spin Sit and Go’s.
Tournament schedule can be found here:
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Events at Poker Palace Sydney