Lord’s Palace Poker

Discover Luxury at Lord’s Palace Poker in Cyprus

Lord’s Palace Hotel, Casino & Spa in Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus, offers a luxurious poker experience for players looking for high-quality games in a sophisticated setting. The poker room at Lord’s Palace focuses on No Limit Hold’em (NLHE) cash games, catering to a wide range of players, from casual participants to more experienced professionals. The stakes vary depending on demand, ensuring that players of all levels can find suitable games.

In addition to cash games, the casino frequently hosts NLHE poker tournaments with various buy-ins, providing opportunities for both recreational players and serious competitors to showcase their skills. Lord’s Palace is known for its excellent service, professional dealers, and top-notch facilities, making it a top destination for poker enthusiasts in the region.

The casino includes 31 live gaming tables, 260 slot machines, a VIP area, and poker room.

Cash Games:

  • Hold’em:
    $5/5 (min $250)
    $5/10 (min $500)
    $10/25 (min $1000)
    $25/50 (min $2000)
  • Omaha:
    $5/10 (min $500)
    $10/25 (min $1000)
    $25/50 (min $2000)


  • Currently no information


  • Currently no information

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Lord’s Palace Poker
CountryCyprusCyprus [CYP]
Phone+90 (392) 650 35 00
CurrencyEuro [EUR] €