Kevin Martin

Canada [CAN]Canada
Kevin Martin’s Life: Net Worth, Biggest Profits, Losses and Private Life

Kevin Martin’s Life: Net Worth, Biggest Profits, Losses and Private Life

Kevin Martin is a Canadian professional poker player and streamer. He was born on January 3rd, 1993 in Calgary, Canada.
People News: McDonald’s chess bet; Negreanu about VPNs; RIP Sam Grizzle; Trickett & Elias fathers; Seidel’s first podcast interview; Kevin Martin folds the nuts

People News: McDonald’s chess bet; Negreanu about VPNs; RIP Sam Grizzle; Trickett & Elias fathers; Seidel’s first podcast interview; Kevin Martin folds the nuts

In this column, we deliver you the latest and most interesting news and gossip from our favourite poker people. Mike McDonald’s chess bet The basketball is still warm and already Mike McDonald has been involved in prop bet talks on Twitter. This time it’s about chess. It all started with Vegas pro Dan Smith tweeting […]
People News: Lex Veldhuis streams again; Polk & Negreanu drama; JRB’s half drama; Gus Hansen domesticated?; Kevin Martin & JNandez join GGSquad; Vegas vloggers are back

People News: Lex Veldhuis streams again; Polk & Negreanu drama; JRB’s half drama; Gus Hansen domesticated?; Kevin Martin & JNandez join GGSquad; Vegas vloggers are back

In this column, we deliver you the latest and most interesting news and gossip from our favourite poker people. Lex Veldhuis streams again On 8th October, after two months of absence poker legend Lex Veldhuis announced his return to the Twitch world with a tweet. STREAM 3.0A new chapter begins this Sunday — Lex […]