Poker Dream Taiwan – MAIN EVENT Day 1A – Live Updates

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Cheng En Hsieh bags the chip lead at Main Event Day 1A

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Just under seven hours of play, the Poker Dream Taiwan Main Event Day 1A concluded with ITM reached. Taiwan’s Cheng-En Hsieh bagged up the chip lead with 442,000, equivalent to 37 big blinds. Hsieh stormed to the top of the counts with a higher flush against Son Pham then went on the eliminate Ori Kossonogi and delivered the bubble by railing Wei Chun Cheng on a flip. The qualifiers now have a four night break before returning to the felt on Saturday, June 24 for Day 2.

End of Day 1A – 4 players

Hsieh Cheng En Taiwan 442,000
Ew Wei Min Singapore 140,000
Yip Kwok Chun Hong Kong 104,000
Lau Wing Yu Hong Kong 94,000

Read up on the Main Event Day 1A action via the live updates posted below. We will be back on Wednesda7, June 21, 2023 for Main Event Day 1B.

Main Event Day 1A

Date: June 20, 2023
Buy in: TWD 11,000 (~USD 360)
Entries: 78 entries
ITM: 4 players
Chips in play: 780,000

18:50: Cheng Wei Chun bubbles!
Level 19: 6000-12000 ante 12000

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After losing a costly showdown, Cheng Wei Chun was down to around 3 bb and managed to double up but on his next shove, he bumped the rail on the bubble. His final hand was 3s3c outflipped by Hsieh Cheng En’s Ac8h on a board 4cAs{kc|}5d4s.

18:45: Ew Wei Min doubles up
Level 19: 6000-12000 ante 12000

On a flop 4dQc9c and 56,000 in the pot, Ew Wei Min goes all in for 53,000 and Cheng Wei Chun tank-calls. Ew has 3c4c, Cheng with KhJh, the turn comes 6h and river Qs for a double up to Ew.

Ew Wei Min – 162,000
Cheng Wei Chun – 32,000

18:40: Hsieh Cheng En rails Ori Kossonogi
Level 19: 6000-12000 ante 12000

All in preflop, Ori Kossonogi KcQh behind Hsieh Cheng En AhQd. The board runs 8s3dJs3c9s to send Kossonogi packing.

Hsieh Cheng En – 310,000
Ori Kossonogi – eliminated

Bubble time!

18:35: Blinds up, 6 remaining
Level 19: 6000-12000 ante 12000

Blinds up again, 6 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

18:30: Ew Wei Min wins the three-way, Chien Hao eliminated
Level 18: 5000-10000 ante 10000

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Three way showdown, Ew Wei Min with 10d6d, Chien Hao with QsJh, and covering them both is Lau Ming Yu with 2h3c. The board runs out Ac8d7cKd9s, Ew improves to a straight to eliminate Chien and double up through Lau.

Ew Wei Min – 108,000
Lau Wing Yu – 95,000
Chien Hao – eliminated

18:25: Son Pham loses the race, Yip Kwok Chun soars
Level 18: 5000-10000 ante 10000

Yip Kwok Chun shoves from mid position and big blind Son Pham calls for all of his chips. Yip has Ah10h, Pham 5h5s for a flip. The board runs Jh10cAc6s8c to end Pham’s run.

Yip Kwok Chun – 182,000
Son Pham – eliminated

18:20: Son Pham scores two double ups
Level 18: 5000-10000 ante 10000

Son Pham is battling his way back in the game with two called-shoves won to rise to 66,000. His first shove was with KcKd over Ew Wei Min’s duty call 6d2s on the big blind. His second all in was AhJc and Ew called again, this time with KdJs. The board was 7s2h3cAs4h.

Son Pham – 66,000
Ew Wei Min – 18,000

18:15: Yip Kwok Chun doubles up through Chien Hao
Level 18: 5000-10000 ante 10000

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Chien Hao shoves with KhQh and is called by Yip Kwok Chun with AcJs. With the board running Jc9hAd4s6h, Yip doubles up.

Yip Kwok Chun – 500,000
Chien Hao – 24,000

18:11: Blinds up, 8 players remaining
Level 18: 5000-10000 ante 10000

Blinds up again, 8 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

18:10: Hsieh Cheng En wins the pot
Level 17: 4000-8000 ante 8000

On a board Ah2h9hAsQs and 74,000 in the pot, Hsieh Cheng En bets 20,000, Cheng Wei Chun tank-folds.

18:05: Hsieh Cheng En zooms, Son Pham nosedives
Level 17: 4000-8000 ante 8000

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On a flop 7c2h5h and a pot of 50,000 brewed, Hsieh Cheng En goes all in, Son Pham tank-calls with slightly more chips. When Hsieh opens Jh9h, Pham is disappointed as he flips open his 10h8h. The turn 4s and river 4h improve them both to a flush with Hsieh having the higher spread.

Hsieh Cheng En – 180,000
Son Pham – 7,000

17:55: Son Pham doubles up
Level 17: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Son Pham all in with Kc10c, Cheng Wei Chun hopes to eliminate with Ac2s. When the board runs 3h10h5hQh8d, Pham fist pumps for the double up.

Son Pham – 104,000
Cheng Wei Chun – 177,000

17:50: Blinds up, 8 players remaining
Level 17: 4000-8000 ante 8000

Blinds up again, 8 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

17:45: Hsieh Cheng En wins the flip
Level 16: 3000-6000 ante 6000

All in preflop, Hsieh Cheng En with kd}Js, Lau Wing Yu 5h5s for a flip. With the river pairing up Hsieh 7dAh7c10cJc, he survives and doubles up.

Hsieh Cheng En – 86,000
Lau Wing Yu – 105,000

17:40: Chien Hao lands two double ups
Level 16: 3000-6000 ante 6000

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Mid position Chien Hao with less than a big blind goes all in with KcJd and is challenged by Yip Kwok Chun on the small blind with Ac9d. The board runs out Ah6sKsJhQh for a double up to Chien.

Shortly after, he goes all in again, and again he has KhJc, Ori Kossonogi shoves with 9d9h, no other takers for a two-way showdown. The board runs out 6hJhJd10c5h for another double up to Chien.

Chien Hao – 63,000
Ori Kossonogi – 65,000
Yip Kwok Chun – 55,000

17:35: Diogo Pinieiro falls to Cheng Wei Chun
Level 16: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Mid position Cheng Wei Chun raises, button Hsieh Cheng En calls, small blind Diogo Pinieiro three-bet jams his last 37,000, Cheng and Hsieh call. At the flop 4c2cKh, Cheng bets 40,000, Hsieh folds. Pinieiro has 9c8c, Hsieh with KcQd top pair. The turn Js and river 4s sends Pinieiro packing.

Cheng Wei Chun – 220,000
Diogo Pinieiro – eliminated

17:30: Hsieh Cheng En outdraws Pinieiro
Level 16: 3000-6000 ante 6000

On a board Ad5h9s5s and 56,000 in the pot, Diogo Pinieiro goes all in, Hsieh Cheng En folds. The two meet up again, Hsieh is all in with Ad8h, Pinieiro with As10h. The board runs out 4d6d8c3cAc for a double up to Hsieh.

Hsieh Cheng En – 76,000
Diogo Pinieiro – 37,000

17:26: Blinds up, 9 remaining
Level 16: 3000-6000 ante 6000

Blinds up again, 9 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

17:25: Tan Ong Kwan eliminated by Lau Wing Yu
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

Tan Ong Kwan all in for his last 23,000 with Ah6s and is put at risk by big stacked Lau Wing Yu with Kc9h. The board runs out 5d8d6h7s4c for a straight to Lau.

Down to the final 9 players. ITM at 4 places.

17:20: Ori Kossonogi hardbets Pinieiro
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

Big pot already brewed and the turn comes Kh3h6hQs. Big blind Ori Kossonogi bets 20,000, button Diogo Pinieiro tank calls. On the river 5h, Kossonogi shoves his last 20,000, Pinieiro folds and hopes for Kossonogi to show but no such luck.

Ori Kossonogi – 108,000
Diogo Pinieiro – 41,000

17:15: Lau Wing Yu rails Elvis Lim
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

Short stacked Elvis Lim all in with Qd5h and falls to Lau Wing Yu with Ks7s on a board of 4sKcQs6sJh

Lau Wing Yu – 105,000
Elvis Lim – eliminated

17:10: Lau Wing Yu jams for the pot
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

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On a flop Ah8d5d, Cheng Wei Chun bets 9000, Lau Wing Yu shoves 39,000. Cheng tank-folds.

17:05: Blinds up, 11 players remaining
Level 15: 3000-5000 ante 5000

Blinds up again, 11 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

17:00: Four-way shove, Ew Wei Min ships, eliminates Lim
Level 14: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Kai Cheng Hsu }ac}Jc
Hsieh Cheng En AdJh
Sangbeom Lim 6h6d
Ew Wei Min 10h10c

Board runs 7s5cKs4c5h for a four way pick up to Ew and Lim is eliminated.

Ew Wei Min – 130,000

16:55: Diogo Pinieiro rivers it
Level 14: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Diogo Pinieiro was getting ready to go when he saw the board complete 10sJs9s7d9d for a straight with his KcQd to dust Ori Kossonogi’s Qc10c.

Diogo Pinieiro – 94,000
Ori Kossonogi – 60,000

16:50: Ew Wei Min doubles up
Level 14: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Action folds to the small blind Kai Cheng Hsu who pushes his stack with 10d6s, shorter stacked Ew Wei Min risks it with 8c8h. No hits on the board for Hsu for snowmen to hold.

Ew Wei Min – 40,000
Kai Cheng Hsu – 28,000

16:45: Son Pham doubles up through Chien Hao
Level 14: 2000-4000 ante 4000

All in preflop, at risk player Son Pham with KdKh, Chien Hao with QdQh, the board stays clean for a double up to Pham.

Son Pham – 92,000
Chien Hao – 25,000

16:40: Blinds up 13 players remaining
Level 14: 2000-4000 ante 4000

Blinds up again, 13 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

16:20: Blinds up, 14 players remaining
Level 13: 1500-3000 ante 3000

Blinds up again, 14 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

16:20: Hsieh Cheng En vs Diogo Pinieiro
Level 12: 1000-2500 ante 2500

On a board showing 3c7h10h4d and 50,000 in the pot, Hsieh Cheng En bets 20,000, Diogo Pinieiro tank-calls. Both players check the river 9c. Hsieh opens 10c8c, Pinieiro mucks.

Hsieh Cheng En – 136,000
Diogo Pinieiro – 75,000

16:15: Tan Ong Kwan doubles throug Gai Lax Lim
Level 12: 1000-2500 ante 2500

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Action folds to the small blind Tan Ong Kwan who shoves with Ks4d, big blind Gai Lax Lim calls with Ac8c. The board runs 7d4sKd10h7h.

Tan Ong Kwan – 58,000
Gai Lax Lim – 10,000

16:10: Sangbeom Lim triples up
Level 12: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Three way action with Sangbeom Lim all in for 6700 and Qs10s to battle with, Kai Sheng Hsu is all in with 6h6s, and Hsieh Cheng En hoping to deliver a double bust with 3c3h. With the board running Kd8dAd4dQc, Lim spikes a higher pair on the river to triple up as Hsu takes the side pot.

Sangbeom Lim – 22,000
Kai Sheng Hsu – 7,700
Hsieh Cheng En – 90,000

16:05: Chien Hao scores a big pot against Lim
Level 12: 1000-2500 ante 2500

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On a board showing Kc9d7d9c4c and a massive pot in the middle, Chien Hao bets 15,000, Sangebeom Lim tanks then finds the courage to call. Hao opens 9h8s, Lim mucks.

Chien Hao – 85,000
Sangbeom Lim – 6,700

16:00: Blinds up, 16 players remaining
Level 12: 1000-2500 ante 2500

Tim Yeh all in with AhQs runs into Son Pham’s AdAc, the board lands 4s7c2d3dQc. Yeh goes bust.

Son Pham – 105,000
Tim Yeh – eliminated

15:55: Ori Kossonogi rails Jonathan Wong, rises to 100K
Level 11: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Ori Kossonogi shoves his big stack on the button with Qd10h, big blind Jonathan Wong risks his short stack with Qc6s. The board brings no help to Wong as it runs out 9d3s10sJh4h.

Ori Kossonogi – 100,000
Jonathan Wong – eliminated

15:50: Hsieh Cheng En up and down
Level 11: 1000-2000 ante 2000

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From utg, Sangbeom Lim opens for 4000, button Tan Ong Kwan calls, small blind Hsieh Cheng En three-bets to 13,000, Lim folds, Tan calls. Both check the flop 7h8c6s, Hsieh bets 11,000 on the turn Qd and wins the pot.

Immediately following the hand, Hsieh raises to 4000 on the button, big blind Sangbeom Lim calls, then both players check to the river 7s10cJd10h3d. Lim bets 3000, Hsieh calls, Lim wins the pot with 7d4d.

Hsieh Cheng En – 70,000

15:45: Blinds up, 18 players remaining
Level 11: 1000-2000 ante 2000

Blinds up again, 18 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

15:40: Random stacks
Level 10: 1000-1500 ante 1500

Nakayama Takumi – 48,000
Joel Hao – 132,000
Sangbeom Lim – 48,000
Hsieh Cheng En – 60,000
Chien Hao – 34,000
Diogo Pinieiro – 130,000
Son Pham – 73,000

15:20: Double KO! Diogo Pinieiro ships a three-way
Level 10: 1000-1500 ante 1500

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Three way all in preflop with Tsai Yu You Ci AsJs, Diogo Pinieiro AcKc, and short stacked Kuo Chun Liang with Ah5h. With the board running 6cAdQd8d9h, Pinieiro ships it while sending two players packing.

Diogo Pinieiro – 130,000
Tsai Yu You Ci – eliminated
Kuo Chun Liang – eliminated

15:15: Blinds up, 19 players remaining
Level 10: 1000-1500 ante 1500

Blinds up, 19 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

15:14: Hsiea Chang Che falls to Pham
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

More shoves preflop with Hsiea Chang Che sending it all in with 8h7h. Big stacked Son Pham calls with AcQc. The board runs 7sJd6hAs6c. Pham ships it as Hsiea ships out.

Son Pham 73,000
Hsiea Chang Che – eliminated

15:10: Yip Kwok Chun doubles up
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

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Yip Kwok Chun all in with 2d2h, big stacked Tsai Yu You Ci calls with As6d. With the board running out Qh4h5s9s5c, it is a double up for the short stack.

Yip Kwok Chun – 34,000
Tsai Yu You Ci – 51,000

15:05: Wei Chun Cheng tanks to Kai Sheng Hsu
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

On a board 10hKh2cJc7h and 14,000 in the pot, Kai Sheng Hsu shoves his 13,000 stack, Wei Chun hen tanks then folds.

Kai Sheng Hsu – 27,000
Wei Chun Cheng – 25,000

15:00: Jonathan Wong claims a pot
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

On a flop 2c4h{7}, small blind Chien Hao check-calls Jonathan Wong’s 2,000 bet. On the turn Kh and river Jc, both check, Chien with 3s3d, Wong wins it with Ac7h.

Jonathan Wong – 28,000

14:55: Blinds up, 27 players remaining
Level 9: 600-1200 ante 1200

Blinds are up, 27 players remaining. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

14:40: Gai Lax Lim rails one
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

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Another all in preflop with Deng Deng Kai at risk with ah}10c against bigger stacked Gai Lax Lim with 9c9d. With the board running dry Qc8sKc3c6h, Lim ships it as Deng falls.

Gai Lax Lim – 28,000
Deng Deng Kai – eliminated

14:35: Players dropping fast, 30 remaining at new level
Level 8: 500-1000 ante 1000

Blinds are up. 11 players dropped out at the previous level leaving 30 in the field. Day 1A plays down to ITM of 5% of the field which is 4 players.

14:30: Short stacked Tung Wing Wong doubles up
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

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All in preflop, short stacked Tung Wing Wong with Qc8d and challenger Ho Chun Kit has Ac8c. The board runs out 9sJhQs9d5s for a pair spiked by Wong to double up.

Tung Wing Wong – 7,000
Ho Chun Kit – 6,000

14:25: Wang En doubles up
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

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Hand opens with utg+1 Tim Yeh raising to 1600, small blind Song Pham calls, big blind Wang En three-bet jams 6700, yeh folds, Pham calls.

Wang 8d8c
Pham As5c

Board runs out 10c4c4sQhKs for a double up to Wang.

Wang En – 10,000
Son Pham – 30,000

14:20: Joel Hao rails Edmond Chim
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Joel Hao all in with QcQh and Edmond Chim calls for all his chips with Ad3s. With the board running 2dAsKhQd[10h}, Chim goes bust.

Joel Hao – 10,000
Edmond Chim – eliminated

14:15: Registration closes at 78 entries, play down to 4 ITM
Level 7: 400-800 ante 800

Day 1A registration closed with 78 entries. There are 41 players remaining and will race for one of the 4 spots into Day 2.

14:00: Break time, last chance to register
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Break time again, 15 minutes for latecomers to get in Day 1A. Currently 71 entries with Sangbeom Lim leading with 55,500. Buy in is TWD 11,000 (~USD 360), the lowest tier of the Main Event. Registration closes at 2:15pm.

13:45: Diogo Pinieiro scores a huge pot
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

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On a board showing 8sJh8h6cQh and a huge pot of 15,500, three players check. One player has Kd10d, Wei Min Ew with Ks9c, Diogo Pinieiro wins the pot with Js10s top pair.

Diogo Pinieiro – 34,000

13:40: Blinds up, 64 entries
Level 6: 300-600 ante 600

Blinds up, 64 entries, this is the last level to enter. There will be a 15-min break after. Registration closes at the start of Level 7 at 2:15pm.

13:35: Sangbeom Lim rails one
Level 5: 300-500 ante 500

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Hung Che Wang wakes up with QsQc and shoves his remaining 4,500 stack, next to him, big stacked Sangbeom Lim looks down at KcKs and snap calls. It is overkill with the board running out KdKh4c2h10h.

Sangbeom Lim – 36,000
Hung Che Wang – eliminated

13:30: Aces give Cheng En Hsien a full boost
Level 5: 300-500 ante 500

Cheng En Hsien is all in on the turn 3dQdQsKc with AcAh, Raymond Chan calls with 10c9d, the river 2d is no help to Chan to pay the double up.

Cheng En Hsien – 15,000
Raymond Chan – 9,000

13:25: Chip leaders update
Level 5: 300-500 ante 500

Wing Yu Lau – 44,000
Wei Min Ew – 44,000
Yuanxi Chen – 34,000
Sangbeom Lim – 31,000
Nien Heng Li – 30,000

13:20: Blinds up, 60 entries
Level 5: 300-500 ante 500

Blinds up again, 60 entries now. Registration closes at the start of Level 7 at 2:15pm. Buy in is TWD 11,000. This flight plays down to ITM of 5% of the field.

13:15: Raymond Chan pairs the ace to survive
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Raymond Chan is all in with AsJh and is up agaiinst Li Wei Kuo with KcKs. With the board running Ac9sQc10s5c, it is a double up for Chan.

Raymond Chan – 20,000
Ki Wei Kuo – 12,500

13:08: Kai Cheng Hsu doubles up with rockets
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

On a turn board 9c9s4d6d and 6,800 in the pot, Kai Cheng Hsu shoves his 3,300 stack, Inkuei Tan calls. Hsu has AsAd, Tan is drawing dead with Ah8c. The river is 10c.

Kai Cheng Hsu – 13,400
Inkuei Tan – 15,300

13:00: Blinds up, 53 entries
Level 4: 200-400 ante 400

Blinds are up and the field has grown to 53 entries. Registration closes at the start of Level 7 at 2:15pm. Buy in is TWD 11,000. This flight plays down to ITM of 5% of the field.

12:55: Nakayama Takumi drags in a big pot
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

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Three players beef up the pot 4,000 each, the flop lands 8sAs4s, Thi Xuan Ha Tran bets 5,100, one player folds, Nakayama Takumi shoves, Tran snap-calls.

Takumi – AcQs
Tran AhJh

The turn 6c and river 6s improves Takumi to a flush to ship a double up.

Nakayama Takumi – 33,000
Thi Xuan Ha Tran – 3,000

12:50: Hsiea Chang Che rails Deng Deng Kai
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Deng Deng Kai three-bet shoves his 6,300 stack and initial raiser Hsiea Chang Che snap-calls. Deng opens Jh10c and needs help against Hsiea’s KcKs. No help comes on a board 3h4c5d9c8c.

Hsiea Chang Che – 14,500
Deng Deng Kai – eliminated

12:45: Ori Kossonogi check-raises with air
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

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On a flop of 2cKh5d and 2,000 in the pot, button Yu Tang Wang bets 500, cutoff Ori Kossonogi check-raises to 1,700. Wang calls. Both players check the turn 8s then on the river Kc Kossonogi leads out for 5,100 and gets called. He opens 8h9h, Wang mucks.

Ori Kossonogi – 18,000
Yu Tang Wang – 4,800

12:43: Ka Wing Leung shoves for the pot
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

On a flop 3cAc4h and 2,300 in the pot, Ka Wing Leung shoves his 2,900 stack, Kao Leong Wong folds.

Ka Wing Leung – 5,200
Kao Leong Wong – 16,000

12:40: Blinds up, 45 entries
Level 3: 200-300 ante 300

Blinds are up again and so are the number of entries to 45. Registration closes at the start of Level 7 which is at 2:15pm. Buy in is TWD 11,000 (~USD 360).

12:35: Ewe Wei Min doubles up through Siow Han Yee
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

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On a flop 3h5c4h and 2,300 in the pot, lojack Siow Han Yee bets 1,300, re-entry player Inkuei Tan folds, button Ew Wei Min raises to 3,500. Siow calls and the turn comes Qs. Ew quickly moves all in for his remaining 5,000, Siow tank-calls and opens Ac3d, Ew is ahead with 5d4d. The river 9c is a double up for Ew as Siow plunges.

Ew Wei Min – 19,500
Siow Han Yee – 2,200

12:20: Blinds up, 28 entries, one casualty
Level 2: 100-200 ante 200

A quick first level has gone by. The field has grown to 28 entries. We also did see our first casualty with Inkuei Tan falling to Thi Xuan Ha Tran. She has now doubled her stack to around 20,000.

12:00: Cards in the air!
Level 1: 100-100 ante 100

Cards are now flying at Day 1A of the inaugural Poker Dream Main Event! 21 players quickly pulled up seats and are eligible for a spin on the lucky draw wheel. Th first 100 players of each Day 1 will receive Poker Dream merchandise.

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After four days of pre-game action the inaugural Poker Dream Taiwan MAIN EVENT is here! The highlight tournament runs for six days from June 20-25, 2023 featuring a TWD 15,000,000 (~USD 488,470) guarantee. It takes place at the newly erected Asia Poker Arena in Taipei City.

For the first time, the Main Event will offer something unique as it caters to all types of bankrolls. Three varying buy ins will be offered – TWD 11,000 (~USD 360), TWD 22,000 (~USD 720), and TWD 33,000 (~USD 1,080) – and a total of ten flights are scheduled to give players plenty of chance to qualify for Day 2. Here are the Day 1A details.

Day 1A
Buy in: TWD 11,000 (~USD 360)
Play down to ITM which is 5% of the field
Registration closes at the start of Level 7, at 2:15pm
Blinds open: 100-100 ante 100
Level intervals: 20 minutes
Starting stack: 10,000

*Other flights with this buy in are Day 1B, Day 1C, Day 1H, starting times vary so make sure to check the schedule.


Day 1D and Day 1F
Buy in: TWD 22,000 (720)|
Level intervals: 30 minutes
Play down to ITM of which is 10% of the field

Day 1E and Day 1G
Buy in: TWD 33,000 (~USD 1,080)
Play down to ITM of which is 15% of the field

Players are encouraged to attempt for multiple stacks and though your lower stack will be removed from play, you will still collect TWD 120,000 for your second stack. For players that bag up a third stack, you will be paid a combined TWD 250,000 for the two stacks removed.

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More incentives for players with the first 100 that sign up per day eligible for a lucky draw with coveted Poker Dream merchandise to aim for – power banks, polo shirts, caps, mini shot clocks, and t-shirts.

Good luck to all!

*All images provided by Poker Dream

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