People News: Chris Moneymaker joins ACR; Galfond Challenge with DNegs?; Full Tilt Poker gossip by former employee; Muskan Sethi leaves Stars

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In this column we deliver you the latest and most interesting news and gossip from our favourite poker people.

Chris Moneymaker joins ACR

moneymaker acr

Just a few weeks ago Chris Moneymaker announced his departure from his 17-year long ambassadorship with PokerStars. Moneymaker stated that he left because he wanted to spend more time with his family.

How much family was a reason for his break-up, if it was because he could simply not bring as much value to Stars anymore, or if he found a new partner, was not known at the time.

What we know now is that America’s Card Room just announced that they have signed the man responsible for the “Moneymaker Effect” and the subsequent poker boom all around the world – but mainly in America.

The “Moneymaker Effect” was Chris Moneymaker’s win of the 2003 WSOP Main Event through a satellite qualification which nudged millions of poker players into hitting the tables and as Moneymaker had qualified through PokerStars, also the rise of this platform.

Despite ACR having the occasional drama attached to them and serving the U.S. through an offshore license, this partnership does make a lot of sense.

Chris Moneymaker stands for the American poker dream and in times of regulatory shifting in the States, here is the chance for ACR to really stand out and keep selling that dream.

Joey Ingram spreads rumour of a possible Galfond Challenge with DNegs

While Doug Polk was finalizing his win over Daniel Negreanu in the High Stakes Grudge Match, Joey Ingram tweeted that he heard there might be a Galfond Challenge against DNegs coming up.

Phil Galfond’s wife Farah replied to the tweet, not denying the rumour, and just sarcastically pointing out that her husband seems to feel bored.

Joey writes in the original tweet that this challenge would not be played in PLO, but that Phil would actually switch to Hold’em.

At the time of writing we could not find a reply by either Daniel Negreanu or Phil Galfond confirming or denying this rumour.

Full Tilt Poker gossip by former employee

If you are still thrilled to find out more details about Black Friday and specifically the glory days and demise of Full Tilt Poker, there is a bit of a delicacy for you on the 2+2 Forum.

full tilt

A former Full Tilt employee has created an “Ask Me Anything” thread, offering to answer any questions people might have about the time Full Tilt Poker was on top of the world and ultimately crashing down.

The member called AnyQuestions21 states in the forum thread that he worked in a senior role for 5 years from 2007 to 2012 and that he is looking forward to answering questions and sharing stories.

AnyQuestions21 shared that Bitar had been in over his head, running the company.
“…Bitar incompetent for sure, there was always a feeling he wasnt capable of running anything without his support network around him.”

He also talks about the wasteful ways how Bitar managed money. Weekend parties at mansions, a Michelin cook in the canteen, money was spent everywhere. So when Black Friday hit it should have been no surprise that more money was spent where it should not have been.

If you are interested in stories like this, check out the 2+2 Forum thread.

Muskan Sethi leaves Stars

Another former PokerStars Team Pro has announced their departure from the ambassador team, Indian player Muskan Sethi. The glamorous Sethi tweeted that it was time to turn a page and start a new chapter.

What that chapter will look like was not mentioned, but the guesses and bets are probably in which poker operator she will pop up next on. It is unlikely to think that she will stop playing poker despite the partially difficult situation in her home country.

Muskan has been making incredible progress in India, improving the image of this game we all love and leaving poker behind does not seem like an option.