Hendon Mob to list major online results played under real names

Online Poker

The interesting shift to online poker for major tournaments has brought the focus of the poker community to the world’s leading gaming platforms. Big brand names in the industry have hosted several successful series during this trying time given live poker remains under multiple limitations. With 2020 taking a different route than the previous years, the game of poker is left with no choice but to adapt and evolve in order to keep up with player demands.

For over a decade, poker enthusiasts have tuned in to reputable poker sites such as The Hendon Mob for their reliable ranking and record of live poker results. This year brings a big change as news of Hendon Mob to add results from major online poker festivals played under real names made round this week.

The Hendon Mob

The announcement

Just a couple days ago, the poker community received the exciting news as revealed on The Hendon Mob’s official Twitter account that results of major online poker tournaments will be included in the said database. TheHendonMob.com, put up by a group of four professional poker players Joe Beevers, Barny Boatman, Ross Boatman and Ram Vaswani, maintains the world’s most popular, comprehensive and widely viewed database of live poker tournaments all around the globe. Established in 2000, the website has solely focused on live results alone, only venturing to include online poker achievements this year after almost two decades.

In the Twitter post shared, The Hendon Mob noted that only published results with real names will be accounted for while converting or posting any screen names will not be done by their company. It was further highlighted that, “Online results will NOT count towards any THM money rankings nor count towards GPI points/ rankings.

In other words, existing live rankings will not be affected by the change, with the listing of online results being a separate entity.

In line with the announcement, the credible website showed gratitude to Lance Bradley and his team from PocketFives for their help in the meticulous process. PocketFives.com is a popular online poker forum and community which focuses on online poker tournament play. Working hand in hand, the two websites are working together to ultimately satisfy the overwhelming demand from poker fans.

2020 brings live and online poker a more collaborative future

While the gleam of winning a major live tournament may still be somewhat different from taking down an online one, the news of adding online results to the industry’s leading database is hinting on a more collaborative nature for both poker scenes in the near future. Live poker operators have always partnered with online platforms to host satellites or organize direct events under their brand but this year’s unexpected challenges has paved the online poker scene to take a more significant role.

Two of the most prestigious live poker brands in the industry World Series of Poker (WSOP) and World Poker Tour (WPT) have brought their full schedule of events to respective online platforms, giving way for more players to join their games while simultaneously closing the gap between live and online poker circuits.

Implementing real names, although fairly new has a number of advantages tied to it. This practice allows both players and supporters to identify icons and top level players they used to follow during live events and at the same time, receive the prestige that comes with winning a tournament. Given that many players still play under an alias to protect their own privacy, the new changes provide a peek into a constantly evolving industry and a more modern transition to what it might be in the next couple of years.
