Countdown to USOP Hanoi, just days away! Heads Up Challenge players announced, Tag Team Event open – September 1 to 11 at Crown Poker Club

Live Poker

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The eagerly awaited return of the U Series of Poker (USOP) to Hanoi, Vietnam is just days away! Time to pack your bags for what promises to be a thrilling festival featuring VND 32 Billion – equivalent to USD 1.33 Million – in guaranteed prize pools. This is VND 7 Billion more than its previous visit and the largest announced by the brand.

For those just hearing of USOP, the young brand emerged into the live scene in February 2023, presenting its style of poker to players in Taiwan. Curious to see what the brand had to offer, players poured in for an impressive 1,043 Main Event field. Due to its success, the brand instantly earned itself a spot in players’ calendars.

In April, USOP delivered another smashing festival, this time in Hanoi, Vietnam. It surpassed Taiwan’s numbers with higher attendance and larger festival prize pool of VND 56.9 Billion, roughly USD 2.4 Million.


In a few days, USOP aims to deliver another crushing series in Hanoi. Players can look forward to 38 trophy events, of which 15 feature guaranteed prize pools, top notch high roller action with six events offered, and two new events to conquer. The games run from September 1 to 11, 2023 at the Crown Poker Club.


With USOP just around the corner a long list of players have confirmed their participation including sponsored high roller, Vietnamese Triton Poker champion Dao Minh Phu. He has also confirmed his attendance at the Heads Up Challenge. Other players to expect are USOP Taiwan Main Event champion, Edwin Dela Cruz, and reigning USOP Vietnam Main Event champion Nguyen Ngoc Dai.

Here’s a look at the newest events in the roster. You can also click on the link below for the Player Guide and other info.

USOP Hanoi – Player Guide

Heads Up Challenge

heads up

The high pressuredHeads Up Challenge is one hot ticket, so hot in fact that all 32 spots have been claimed. The first round match-ups will be determined on September 1 and will be livestreamed. Spectators, fans, and of course heads-up players will undoubtedly be awaiting this moment. Once the match-ups are revealed, players have one week to prepare. Heads Up Challenge runs on Friday, September 8, 2023. Buy in is VND 33,000,000 (~USD 1,375). Here are the contenders:

Dao Minh PhuVietnam
Florent RemiFrance
Fabrizio FalzeiItaly
Leo Du BoisbaudryFrance
Tse Ian LeeMalaysia
William JiaAustralia
Leroy FanIreland
Roland KiviEstonia
Tan Kean WeiMalaysia
Sebastian TanSingapore
Dinh Manh HungVietnam
Yohei KitazatoJapan
Lim Shyh ChynMalaysia
Pham Ngoc Quoc BaoVietnam
Wilson TanSingapore
Sua Shung ErMalaysia
Philbert LimSingapore
Anton LuAustralia
Julien TranVietnam
Alan Anh Minh PhamAustralia
Chris TongSingapore
Yeh Hung-WeiTaiwan
Nguyen Huu VinhVietnam
Gaurav SoodIndia
Nguyen Huu TuanVietnam
Nguyen Nang QuangVietnam
David ErquiagaPhilippines
Ankit JajodiaIndia
Nguyen Trung QuanVietnam
Nguyen Quang MinhVietnam
Lim Kar HouMalaysia

Heads Up schedule

Round 1 (32 players) – 1130am
Round 2 (final 16 players) – 230pm
Round 3 (final 8 players) – 530pm
Round 4 (final four players) – 830pm
Round 5 (final 2 players) – 1130pm

heads up format

Tag Team Event

Another new event is the Tag Team Event. This is one of the most enjoyable yet competitive games offered. Strategy is the key. The winning team will receive two trophies, one for each player. Buy in is VND 6,600,000 per player / VND 13,200,000 per team. Teammates must register together. Event takes place on September 8, 2023.

The first 8 levels is individual play with teams battling at separate tables. As soon as Level 9 kicks in, teammates combine their stacks and play Tag Team poker from then on. Teammates can switch off anytime as long as they are not in an active hand.

tag team event

tag team format

Main Event – VND 12 Billion guarantee

The star of the series is of course the Main Event. For this edition, the guarantee is VND 2BN more than previous for a juicyVND 12 Billion prize pool, that’s over half a million USD! Main Event runs fromSeptember 7 to 11, 2023. The buy in has also been increased 20% to VND 25,000,000 (~USD 1,060).

Dai Ngoc Nguyen

Last time the brand was in town, it generated an 851 strong field. The prize pool surged to over VND 16 Billion (USD 700K) and the champion Nguyen Ngoc Daishipped a big chunk worth VND 3.55 BN (~USD 151K). You could be the next multi-billion USOP champion!

High Roller schedule

usop hanoi highroller

Events backed by Guarantees

23MAIN EVENTVND 12,000,000,000September 7 to 11
VND 25,000,000
1MYSTERY BOUNTYVND 3,000,000,000September 1 to 3VND 11,000,000
2MINI HIGH ROLLERVND 1,000,000,000September 1
VND 33,000,000
5HIGH ROLLER : WARM UPVND 1,200,000,000September 2
VND 44,000,000
8SUPERSTACK MADNESSVND 600,000,000September 3VND 6,600,000S
9SUPERSTAR CHALLENGEVND 2,500,000,000September 3 to 4
VND 110,000,000
13MINI MAIN EVENTVND 2,000,000,000September 4 to 6VND 8,800,000
14HIGH ROLLER : SUPERSTACKVND 1,200,000,000September 4
VND 55,000,000
17HIGH ROLLER : MEGASTACKVND 2,000,000,000September 5 to 6
VND 77,000,000
20SUPER HIGH ROLLERVND 2,000,000,000September 6 to 7
VND 88,000,000
24BOUNTY EVENTVND 500,000,000September 7VND 6,600,000
28SUPER DEEPSTACKVND 500,000,000September 8VND 5,500,000
33MEGASTACKVND 1,000,000,000September 10 to 11VND 11,000,000
34HIGH ROLLER : THE FINALEVND 2,000,000,000September 10 to 11
VND 66,000,000
36SUPERSTACK CLOSERVND 500,000,000September 11VND 6,600,000

Early Bird Packages

Without a doubt, this is the ultimate USOP festival to conquer. So no time to waste, start booking your trip now and avail of theEarly Bird Package.

Good news to players, theUSOP and Pullman Hanoi Hotelhave teamed up to provide pocket-friendly prices. There are three types of packages to choose from– Basic, Premium, and Custom,and there are packages as well for High Rollers! See the flyers down below.

To avail or inquire, contact USOP at WhatsApp

USOPHANOI Poster Early Bird PackageSept2023

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U Series of Poker (USOP) returns to Hanoi bigger, fresher, and more lucrative – September 1-11 at Crown Poker Club