Updated Counts and Casualties
Player | Chips |
IK Ivan Karatayeu | 555,000(222 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 390,000(156 BB) |
DN Daniel Neilson | 385,000(154 BB) |
DD Dylan DeStefano | 330,000(132 BB) |
FC Florencio Campomanes | 300,000(120 BB) |
EA Edgar Antezana | 255,000(102 BB) |
DN Dominik Nitsche | 250,000(100 BB) |
DG Deepankur Gupta | 235,000(94 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 230,000(92 BB) |
YS Yunsheng Sun | 215,000(86 BB) |
YL Yuhan Liu | 175,000(70 BB) |
CH Christian Harder | 175,000(70 BB) |
TE Travis Endersby | 175,000(70 BB) |
DC Daniel Charlton | 160,000(64 BB) |
DF Dylan Foster | 155,000(62 BB) |
CT Chao Ting Cheng | 145,000(58 BB) |
NY Nariman Yaghmai | 140,000(56 BB) |
AP Alexander Puchalski | 125,000(50 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 120,000(48 BB) |
CN Cao Ngoc Anh | busted |
RM Remy Murcia | busted |
RC Rayan Chamas | busted |
GA Gicovanu Alexandru | busted |
Christian Harder Eliminated by Xinhong Chen During the Break

After some preflop action, Christian Harder moves all in from the button for84,600, and Xinhong Chen tanks for several minutes into the break before he calls from middle position with J♥ J♣ .
Harder turns over Q♠Q♣ , and needs it to hold to stay alive.
The board comes A♥ J♠4♦ 6♥ 7♦ , and Chen flops a set of jacks to win the pot and eliminate Harger.
Player | Chips |
XC Xinhong Chen | 257,000(171 BB) |
CH Christian Harder | busted |
Christian Harder Forces Out Noppon Taengruen

Christian Harder enters Day 1b not long ago and then fires three barrels against Noppon Taengruen. The turn bet is worth 7,000 on K♥ Q♥ 2♠5♦ and he then makes it another 35,000 to go on the 6♦ river.
Taengruen only has 16,400 behind and reluctantly folds.
Player | Chips |
CH Christian Harder | 65,000(130 BB) |
NT Noppon Taengruen | 16,400(33 BB) |
Christian Harder Sends One Packing
Christian Harder three-bets, initial raiser four-bets, Harder jams, gets called then shows Q♣ Q♦ which is ahead of 9♦ 9♠. The flop 9♣ 4♦ Q♥ improves both with Harder way ahead and delivers the boot after the turn A♥ and river 4♠.
Player | Chips |
CH Christian Harder | 89,400(112 BB) |