Blind level
Level 15: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Total Chips
Player | Chips |
BH Bohao Huang | 260,500(163 BB) |
CS Chudapal Siarhei | 256,500(160 BB) |
242,000(151 BB) | |
AG Asish Ghosh | 227,500(142 BB) |
223,000(139 BB) | |
AA Ankit Ahuja | 220,000(138 BB) |
JS Jaemoon Seok | 212,000(133 BB) |
JH Jae Han (2) | 210,500(132 BB) |
179,500(112 BB) | |
158,500(99 BB) | |
AR Amin Riyazati | 156,500(98 BB) |
155,000(97 BB) | |
QT Quang Trinh Do | 146,500(92 BB) |
AA Amir Abbas | 142,500(89 BB) |
YS Yakiv Syzganov | 142,500(89 BB) |
AI | 141,000(88 BB) |
DK Denny Kruezi | 137,500(86 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 136,000(85 BB) |
HW Hwang Wei Choong | 135,600(85 BB) |
DK David Kozma | 132,500(83 BB) |
127,500(80 BB) | |
KI Ko Isayama | 127,000(79 BB) |
NM Nguyen Manh Truong | 123,500(77 BB) |
TH Trung Ha Nguyen | 123,500(77 BB) |
PL Pheeratham Lerdthammatavee | 122,000(76 BB) |
ND Nemiroysky Dmitry | 120,500(75 BB) |
SP Shane Pearce | 118,000(74 BB) |
DC David Copeland (2) | 115,000(72 BB) |
KT Koki Tokuda | 115,000(72 BB) |
WF Wendy Freedman | 112,500(70 BB) |
VF Valeriy Fokin | 112,000(70 BB) |
LJ Li Jun | 110,000(69 BB) |
Player | Chips |
BH Bohao Huang | 244,300(305 BB) |
MS Martin Sedlak | 217,000(271 BB) |
201,200(252 BB) | |
151,600(190 BB) | |
VF Valeriy Fokin | 145,600(182 BB) |
MP Michael Pearce | 143,200(179 BB) |
139,800(175 BB) | |
JT Jian Tan (2) | 136,600(171 BB) |
128,300(160 BB) | |
SG Soo Ghee Lim | 123,600(155 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 121,400(152 BB) |
JH Jae Han (2) | 118,900(149 BB) |
LJ Li Jun | 118,900(149 BB) |
117,700(147 BB) | |
117,700(147 BB) | |
AG Asish Ghosh | 112,900(141 BB) |
DC David Chiv | 106,600(133 BB) |
AA Ankit Ahuja | 101,000(126 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 98,800(124 BB) |
KW Kaifan Wang | 98,700(123 BB) |
DG Deepankur Gupta | 93,700(117 BB) |
92,800(116 BB) | |
RK Robert Kiss | 92,200(115 BB) |
TL Thanakrit Lachaima | 90,800(114 BB) |
QT Quang Trinh Do | 90,000(113 BB) |
2/8/2025, 9:52:01 AM
King-high good for Rann
Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800

From the utg+2 position, James Paul Rann of England opens for 2,000 and the actions folds all the way to the bb of Korean Sim Wanseop who 3-bets to 4,200. Rann calls.
The flop is 7♣ 5♦ T♦ as both check. The turn is the 5♠ and once again both players opt to skip the betting street. The river is the 7♦ and further action ensues.
Rann turns over K♥ 8♥ while Sim mucks. Rann takes down the pot with King high.
Player | Chips |
139,100(174 BB) | |
JR James Rann | 62,100(78 BB) |
2/8/2025, 8:00:50 AM
Kim takes command on turn
Level 5: 300 / 600 ante: 600

In blind versus blind action, China’s Sun Jianfeng in the sb raises it to 2,200 and gets the bb defense from Kim Wanseop of Korea.
The flop comes T♠ 8♣ 5♠ as Sun Cbets for 800 and gets quickly called by the Korean. The turn is the Q♠ and this time the Chinese player slow down to check. Kim takes the initiative and fires 3,200. Sun folds
Player | Chips |
137,000(228 BB) | |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 111,500(186 BB) |
Player | Chips |
BH Bohao Huang | 265,000(663 BB) |
DV Duong Vu (3) | 133,000(333 BB) |
131,600(329 BB) | |
LJ Li Jun | 127,800(320 BB) |
JS Jianfeng Sun | 119,700(299 BB) |
116,900(292 BB) | |
AG Asish Ghosh | 109,700(274 BB) |
DC David Copeland | 104,900(262 BB) |
92,500(231 BB) | |
DG Deepankur Gupta | 89,000(223 BB) |
DV Duong Vu (3) | 87,600(219 BB) |
KM Koji Matsumoto | 81,200(203 BB) |
DC David Chiv | 78,500(196 BB) |
AK Andres Korn | 77,600(194 BB) |
HW Hwang Wei Choong | 75,800(190 BB) |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 75,200(188 BB) |
JH Jae Han (2) | 74,900(187 BB) |