Blind level
Level 15: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Total Chips


2/8/2025, 11:01:11 AM

Lachaima bounces Falcon

Level 8: 600 / 1,200 ante: 1,200
Thanakrit Lachaima

The pot is already at 44,000 and the board showing T T 6 6 , Michael Falcon of Italy declares he is all-in from the bb for this remaining stack of 24,800. At the utg position, Thailand’s Thanakrit Lachaima makes the call and the third player in the hijack gets out of the way.

Falcon shows 9 3 for a flush draw while Lachiama has Q Q for an overpair to the board.

The river card is the 5 as Falcon misses everything and is sent walking.

138,500(115 BB)
2/8/2025, 9:31:43 AM

Falcon grounds Syzghanov

Level 6: 400 / 800 ante: 800
Michael Falcon

Italy’s Michael Falcon raises it to 1,600 from utg and when the action gets folded to the hijack of Yakiv Syzghanov, the Ukrainian greets him with a 3-bet to 4,600. Falcon then 4-bets to 13,500 to which Syzghanov opts to just call.

The flop is 9 7 5 . Falcon’s next move is to shove and it becomes uncallable for Syzghanov who just folds and is only left with less than 10,000.

97,500(122 BB)
19,500(24 BB)
2/8/2025, 7:45:30 AM

Ladies give Rann needed double up

Level 5: 300 / 600 ante: 600
James Paul Rann

A preflop raising war ends up in a showdown between Vietnam’s Quang Trinh Do who tables 2 2 and James Paul Rann of England who brandishes Q Q .

The runout goes: 9 3 3 T 4 to give Rann a lifeline and cripple Quang’s stack to less than 8,000.

James RannUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [GBR]United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
66,700(111 BB)
51,200(85 BB)
7,100(12 BB)