Championship Warm Up D1A Ends - 27 Survivors
Player | Chips |
TL Tero Laurila | 930,000(155 BB) |
DM David Murphy | 616,000(103 BB) |
530,000(88 BB) | |
TM Tom Maguire | 520,000(87 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 390,000(65 BB) |
DM Dhaval Mudgal | 354,000(59 BB) |
CL Chi Ling Tsang | 350,000(58 BB) |
EW Eric Wasylenko | 327,000(55 BB) |
PB Padraig Burns | 323,000(54 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 322,000(54 BB) |
318,000(53 BB) | |
PD Patrik Demus | 249,000(42 BB) |
VT Van Tien Dinh | 248,000(41 BB) |
TS Thomas Scheld | 241,000(40 BB) |
WY Wallace Yuen | 239,000(40 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 224,000(37 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 214,000(36 BB) |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 210,000(35 BB) |
TK | 179,000(30 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 163,000(27 BB) |
DF Daijiro Fukuoka | 144,000(24 BB) |
RA Ray Adam | 141,500(24 BB) |
MG Maxime Gobron | 117,000(20 BB) |
105,000(18 BB) | |
MT Maxime Tantaro | 94,000(16 BB) |
JL Joseph Lane | 76,000(13 BB) |
PS Patrik Selin | 64,000(11 BB) |
Sho Shiroma Delivers Double Bust

Andres Fajardo open shoved 25,500 on the cutoff, called behind by Sho Shiroma. Petteri Miettinen on the small blind, reshoved for a bigger 102,000, and saw Shiroma put in the final call for a three way showdown.
Board K♠9♠7♥ 8♣ 2♠landed in favor of Shiroma, giving him top pair to send both opponents packing.
Player | Hand | Chips |
K♥J♥ D | 436,500(109 BB) | |
PM Petteri Miettinen | A♠Q♦ SB | busted |
5♥5♣ CO | busted |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
XL Xinping Liao | 245,000(123 BB) |
KC Kyoungseok Chai | 228,500(114 BB) |
MJ Maurice Jeevanji | 220,000(110 BB) |
WY Wallace Yuen | 212,000(106 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 205,000(103 BB) |
203,500(102 BB) | |
TM Tom Maguire | 192,000(96 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 188,000(94 BB) |
DF Daijiro Fukuoka | 170,500(85 BB) |
NC Nikesh Chawla | 168,500(84 BB) |
EA Edgar Antezana | 162,500(81 BB) |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 162,000(81 BB) |
HK Haile Kuo | 161,000(81 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 148,500(74 BB) |
DM David Murphy | 142,500(71 BB) |
PD Patrik Demus | 141,500(71 BB) |
DK Denny Kruezi | 136,000(68 BB) |
130,000(65 BB) | |
PB Padraig Burns | 129,000(65 BB) |
CL Chi Ling Tsang | 126,000(63 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 122,000(61 BB) |
VT Van Tien Dinh | 121,000(61 BB) |
PS Patrik Selin | 117,000(59 BB) |
TS Thomas Scheld | 115,500(58 BB) |
MJ Marc Joseph | 113,500(57 BB) |
112,500(56 BB) | |
PD Paul De Thomasson | 110,500(55 BB) |
110,000(55 BB) | |
108,500(54 BB) | |
LZ Lei Zhang | 108,000(54 BB) |
Sho Shiroma Shoves for the Win

Vying for a pot of 24,000 across flop J♥ Q♦ 7♦ , Keith Armstrong led out a bet of 16,000 off the big blind, and saw Shi Shiroma behind raise all-in. Armstrong gave it a thought, yet eventually found the fold, shipping Shiroma the boost to crack the six-digit mark.
Player | Chips |
108,500(109 BB) | |
KA Keith Armstrong | 105,500(106 BB) |
Patrik Selin Cracks Kings, Doubles Through Sho Shiroma

Patrik Selin opened utg+1 and went on to fourbet jam his entire 26,400 against Sho Shiroma's raise behind. Shiroma happily obliged, putting Selin at risk.
In search of an ace, Selin immediately found one on board A♥ J♣ 9♥ 4♣ 9♦ , keeping him in the Championship Warm Up games.
Player | Hand | Chips |
PS Patrik Selin | A♠K♣ UTG+1 | 55,300(55 BB) |
K♦K♥ MP | 85,000(85 BB) |