Championship Warm Up D1A Ends - 27 Survivors
Player | Chips |
TL Tero Laurila | 930,000(155 BB) |
DM David Murphy | 616,000(103 BB) |
530,000(88 BB) | |
TM Tom Maguire | 520,000(87 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 390,000(65 BB) |
DM Dhaval Mudgal | 354,000(59 BB) |
CL Chi Ling Tsang | 350,000(58 BB) |
EW Eric Wasylenko | 327,000(55 BB) |
PB Padraig Burns | 323,000(54 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 322,000(54 BB) |
318,000(53 BB) | |
PD Patrik Demus | 249,000(42 BB) |
VT Van Tien Dinh | 248,000(41 BB) |
TS Thomas Scheld | 241,000(40 BB) |
WY Wallace Yuen | 239,000(40 BB) |
RH Ronald Haverkamp | 224,000(37 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 214,000(36 BB) |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 210,000(35 BB) |
TK | 179,000(30 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 163,000(27 BB) |
DF Daijiro Fukuoka | 144,000(24 BB) |
RA Ray Adam | 141,500(24 BB) |
MG Maxime Gobron | 117,000(20 BB) |
105,000(18 BB) | |
MT Maxime Tantaro | 94,000(16 BB) |
JL Joseph Lane | 76,000(13 BB) |
PS Patrik Selin | 64,000(11 BB) |
Tero Laurila Nearing 1 Million Mark

Keisuke Tajiri firstly opened 15,000 utg+1 yet folded after Tero Laurila fired a three bet from the big blind.
On the next deal, Tajiri min opened utg and saw Laurila come along from the small blind onto flop 8♥ 2♦ A♦ . Tajiri continued for 12,000, check called by the chip leader. Both checked turn 2♠through to river 3♥ , where Laurila led 10,000. Tajiri shot out a raise to 40,000, but again surrendered after Laurila clapped back for 200,000 more.
Laurila showed 7♥ as he raked in another boost.
Player | Chips |
TL Tero Laurila | 927,000(155 BB) |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 278,000(46 BB) |
Thi Kim Surrenders

Thi Kim opened 10,000 utg and was called by Keisuke Tajiri on the button, along with the small blind.
On flop 7♠8♥ 4♣ , Kim continued for 15,000, raised Tajiri to 45,000. Both opponents slipped the fold, shipping Tajiri the pot.
Player | Chips |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 373,000(75 BB) |
TK | 286,000(57 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 435,500(109 BB) |
WY Wallace Yuen | 354,000(89 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 318,500(80 BB) |
TL Tero Laurila | 311,000(78 BB) |
XL Xinping Liao | 301,000(75 BB) |
TS Thomas Scheld | 255,000(64 BB) |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 246,000(62 BB) |
KC Kyoungseok Chai | 236,500(59 BB) |
CL Chi Ling Tsang | 223,500(56 BB) |
PB Padraig Burns | 218,000(55 BB) |
NC Nikesh Chawla | 211,000(53 BB) |
MJ Marc Joseph | 208,000(52 BB) |
AZ Aleksei Zhukov | 205,500(51 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 205,000(51 BB) |
PD Patrik Demus | 204,000(51 BB) |
DM David Murphy | 192,000(48 BB) |
JL Joseph Lane | 186,000(47 BB) |
185,500(46 BB) | |
MJ Maurice Jeevanji | 170,000(43 BB) |
LZ Lei Zhang | 170,000(43 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
XL Xinping Liao | 245,000(123 BB) |
KC Kyoungseok Chai | 228,500(114 BB) |
MJ Maurice Jeevanji | 220,000(110 BB) |
WY Wallace Yuen | 212,000(106 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 205,000(103 BB) |
203,500(102 BB) | |
TM Tom Maguire | 192,000(96 BB) |
AR Aladin Reskallah | 188,000(94 BB) |
DF Daijiro Fukuoka | 170,500(85 BB) |
NC Nikesh Chawla | 168,500(84 BB) |
EA Edgar Antezana | 162,500(81 BB) |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 162,000(81 BB) |
HK Haile Kuo | 161,000(81 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 148,500(74 BB) |
DM David Murphy | 142,500(71 BB) |
PD Patrik Demus | 141,500(71 BB) |
DK Denny Kruezi | 136,000(68 BB) |
130,000(65 BB) | |
PB Padraig Burns | 129,000(65 BB) |
CL Chi Ling Tsang | 126,000(63 BB) |
LS Leo Soma | 122,000(61 BB) |
VT Van Tien Dinh | 121,000(61 BB) |
PS Patrik Selin | 117,000(59 BB) |
TS Thomas Scheld | 115,500(58 BB) |
MJ Marc Joseph | 113,500(57 BB) |
112,500(56 BB) | |
PD Paul De Thomasson | 110,500(55 BB) |
110,000(55 BB) | |
108,500(54 BB) | |
LZ Lei Zhang | 108,000(54 BB) |
Keisuke Tajiri Checks to Showdown

Kyle Bao Diep limped in on the hijack and saw three more limpers follow behind. Keisuke Tajiri on the big blind, put in a raise to 10,000, leaving only Bao Diep to continue onto flop J♠7♠Q♣ .
Tajiri led 8,000, and merited a call once more from his opponent. Both checked down turn T♦ and river T♠, revealing Tajiri's two pair K♠Q♦ for the win.
Player | Chips |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 128,000(80 BB) |
KB Kyle Bao Diep | 55,600(35 BB) |
Keisuke Tajiri Wins Preflop War
Following an open and a call, Kohki Iwata lodged a three bet to 12,500 on the cutoff, and saw initial raiser Keisuke Tajiri come back with an all-in. Both opponents surrendered, shipping Tajiri the dead money in the middle.
Player | Chips |
KT Keisuke Tajiri | 97,500(81 BB) |
63,800(53 BB) |