Blind level
Level 17: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000
Total Chips
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/16/2025, 3:09:28 PM
Updated Counts in the Field
Level 15: 3,000 / 6,000 ante: 6,000
Player | Chips |
CH Carlos Hidalgo | 670,000(112 BB) |
AP Alexander Puchalski | 600,000(100 BB) |
RM Remy Murcia | 530,000(88 BB) |
TS Tobias Schwecht | 450,000(75 BB) |
MC Manuel Carvalho | 330,000(55 BB) |
MT Mike Takayama | 330,000(55 BB) |
VL Vadzim Lipauka | 300,000(50 BB) |
JH Jeffrey Haas | 290,000(48 BB) |
ST Satoshi Tanaka | 275,000(46 BB) |
SO Shiina Okamoto | 270,000(45 BB) |
JH Jhon Hendri | 250,000(42 BB) |
AI Abhinav Iyer | 245,000(41 BB) |
GT George Tomescu | 185,000(31 BB) |
AA Alfie Adam | 160,000(27 BB) |
TM Tom Maguire | 145,000(24 BB) |
JS Joseph Sandaev | 140,000(23 BB) |
KP Kunal Patni | 70,000(12 BB) |
CH Christian Harder | busted |
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/16/2025, 9:23:39 AM
Chun Ping David Lo Leads the Field at the Break with 243,000
Level 7: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

A scan of the field during the break turned up eight players with at least 150K in chips, creating an unofficial leaderboard:
Player | Chips |
CP Chun Ping Lo | 243,000(243 BB) |
DK Daniel King | 205,100(205 BB) |
MK Michael Kim Falcon | 184,000(184 BB) |
DI Dmitrii Ippolitov | 176,700(177 BB) |
AA Amir Abbas | 174,200(174 BB) |
CC Cecil Chipo Moagi | 174,200(174 BB) |
MS Muhammad Shamsudin | 174,100(174 BB) |
ST Satoshi Tanaka | 163,300(163 BB) |
Blaise de LeonBlaise de Leon
2/16/2025, 8:19:04 AM
Aleksei Zhukov Chips Up Without Showdown
Level 5: 300 / 600 ante: 600
With 1,500 each to the flop of Q♣ 9♠2♦ , the action checks around to the J♠turn. Aleksei Zhukov in the big blind bets 3,000, initial raiser Gim Shen Gimo Ng calls and Hugues Girard folds.
Zhukov bets another 10,000 on the 7♦ river and Ng folds.
Player | Chips |
ST Satoshi Tanaka | 165,000(275 BB) |
SN Shen Ng | 130,000(217 BB) |
AZ Aleksei Zhukov | 70,000(117 BB) |
HG Hugues Girard | 33,000(55 BB) |