Day1B Ends - 24 Survivors
Player | Chips |
XT Xin Tang | 576,000(58 BB) |
YS Yakiv Syzghanov | 573,000(57 BB) |
U Unknown | 550,000(55 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 528,000(53 BB) |
DC David Copeland | 527,000(53 BB) |
NZ Neng Zhao | 495,000(50 BB) |
RM Renji Mao | 474,000(47 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 457,000(46 BB) |
391,000(39 BB) | |
366,000(37 BB) | |
QS Quek Sechariah Sheng | 348,000(35 BB) |
DM Dhaval Mudgal | 314,000(31 BB) |
DC Daniel Charlton | 298,000(30 BB) |
JJ Jeremy Jehanne | 276,000(28 BB) |
CN Cao Ngoc Anh | 214,000(21 BB) |
SS Suguru Sawada | 212,000(21 BB) |
DT Dang Thi Hue | 207,000(21 BB) |
NA Najeem Ajez | 203,000(20 BB) |
YL Yongjia Lin | 157,000(16 BB) |
TV Tom Verbruggen | 126,000(13 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 121,000(12 BB) |
ER Erwan Regnault | 110,000(11 BB) |
YG Yamen Ghanem | 93,000(9 BB) |
HM Hugo Machado | 59,000(6 BB) |
Tom Verbruggen Sweeps the Table

Tien Vu Do flicked in his last 27,500 (3 BB) on the cutoff and saw Tom Verbruggen push likewise on the small blind for a bigger 60,000 (7 BB). Daniel Charlton right behind, put in the final call, making it a three way showdown.
Board J♥ K♥ 6♣ 8♥ 5♥ ran four hearts, which neither of the three had in their hands, leaving Verbruggen's top set good to take it all.
Player | Hand | Chips |
TV Tom Verbruggen | K♦K♣ SB | 155,500(19 BB) |
DC Daniel Charlton | A♦T♠BB | 292,000(37 BB) |
TV Tien Vu Do | 5♠5♣ CO | busted |
Double Barrel Works for Daniel Charlton

Daniel Charlton opened 10,000 utg+1 and saw Amin Riyazati defend his big blind.
On board 9♦ T♠6♥ A♣ , Charlton double barreled - 15,000 and 55,000, leaving Riyazati unable to continue by the turn.
Player | Chips |
DC Daniel Charlton | 432,000(86 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 219,500(44 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
DC Daniel Charlton | 382,000(96 BB) |
NA Najeem Ajez | 365,000(91 BB) |
QQ Quan Qiu | 340,000(85 BB) |
AA Arjun Agrawal | 332,000(83 BB) |
AV Andres Vasquez | 302,000(76 BB) |
AR Amin Riyazati | 298,000(75 BB) |
SS Suguru Sawada | 264,000(66 BB) |
DT Dang Thi Hue | 264,000(66 BB) |
QS Quek Sechariah Sheng | 262,000(66 BB) |
MJ Marc Joseph | 253,000(63 BB) |
VT Van Tien Dinh | 201,000(50 BB) |
198,000(50 BB) | |
YS Yakiv Syzghanov | 193,000(48 BB) |
XZ Xiaosheng Zheng | 192,000(48 BB) |
RM Renji Mao | 176,000(44 BB) |
174,000(44 BB) | |
JL Jun Li | 172,500(43 BB) |
JK Jon Kyte | 171,500(43 BB) |
CN Cao Ngoc Anh | 168,000(42 BB) |
HC Hon Cheong Lee | 165,000(41 BB) |
NK Nishant Kumar | 160,000(40 BB) |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 160,000(40 BB) |
YL Yongjia Lin | 145,000(36 BB) |
Top Chip Counts
Player | Chips |
AS | 189,900(119 BB) |
180,900(113 BB) | |
CN Cao Ngoc Anh | 157,100(98 BB) |
VT Van Tien Dinh | 156,700(98 BB) |
153,500(96 BB) | |
AR Azizjon Rakhimov | 151,900(95 BB) |
DC David Copeland | 145,700(91 BB) |
MT Minh Tien Ngo | 142,500(89 BB) |
TE Tom Eady | 142,100(89 BB) |
SN Somashekar Nahadeva | 132,200(83 BB) |
AA Arjun Agrawal | 130,800(82 BB) |
YG Yamen Ghanem | 130,100(81 BB) |
AA Ankit Ahuja | 129,500(81 BB) |
AM Ashik Morar | 129,300(81 BB) |
AV Andres Vasquez | 122,500(77 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 117,800(74 BB) |
115,400(72 BB) | |
DC Daniel Charlton | 111,700(70 BB) |
NB Nazar Buhaiov | 110,500(69 BB) |
MK Maxim Kuznetsov | 103,500(65 BB) |
95,600(60 BB) | |
SS Sumit Sapra | 93,900(59 BB) |
JK Jon Kyte | 92,800(58 BB) |
NT Nguyen Thi Bao An | 90,500(57 BB) |
Ziad Zebib's Pair Gets Countered

Daniel Charlton stuffed his last 9,500 (12 BB) utg+1, called by Ziad Zebib on the button. Nazar Buhaiov put in a raise to 19,000, and Zebib completed.
On flop 9♣ 8♣ 7♠, Buhaiov check folded after Zebib fired all-in, leaving the two to showdown.
Charlton A♦ 5♦
Zebib 6♥ 6♣
Charlton at risk, managed to catch up on runout 9♦ 7♣ after Zebib's pocket pair was countered, seeing his ace kicker good for the triple up.
Player | Chips |
NB Nazar Buhaiov | 149,800(187 BB) |
62,400(78 BB) | |
DC Daniel Charlton | 30,100(38 BB) |
Daniel Charlton Gets Value for Top Pair

On a board of 9♥ 2♥ 3♠7♠, Daniel Charlton led out a pot sized bet of 2,300 and was called by Luc Ramos behind. Charlton went for another 6,500 on river 3♦, and arrived at showdown after Ramos put in the final call.
Charlton showed two pair Jâ™ 9â™ and Ramos mucked.
Player | Chips |
DC Daniel Charlton | 46,000(460 BB) |
LR Luc Ramos | 29,800(298 BB) |
Early in the Mix
Player | Chips |
40,000(400 BB) | |
TH Todd Hansen | 40,000(400 BB) |
MF Michael Falcon | 40,000(400 BB) |
YL Yuhan Liu | 40,000(400 BB) |
DC Daniel Charlton | 40,000(400 BB) |
TC Tony Chaya | 40,000(400 BB) |
PK Peter Kiem | 40,000(400 BB) |
LR Luc Ramos | 40,000(400 BB) |
AH Ali Hassan | 40,000(400 BB) |
JL Juyeol Lee | 40,000(400 BB) |
JY Jia Yi Low | 40,000(400 BB) |
AA Alfie Adam | 40,000(400 BB) |
PS Patrik Selin | 40,000(400 BB) |