Day 2

10/15/2023, 5:40:00 PM

Tran Viet Hoang catapults to 3M, Sriharsha Doddapaneni plunges

Level 20: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 2,000

tranviethoang 3

Cutoff Tran Viet Hoang opens 40,000, blinds call, flop comes 4 A 6 . Tran c-bets 50,000, small blind Nguyen The Anh folds, big blind Sriharsha Doddapaneni check-raises 165,000, Tran calls. On the turn 7 , Doddapaneni leads out 310,000, Tran flats. The river 2 , Doddapaneni shoves 1,400,000, Tran with less chips goes deep in the tank and uses three time banks. Tran calls. Doddapaneni shows 7 5 , Tran ships a huge double up with A K .

Chip Counts

3,000,000(150 BB)
390,000(20 BB)