Day 1C ends!
Day 1C End of the day chip counts
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
MT Mike Takayama | 281,500 | 281,500 |
BA Birewar Alok Pradip | 263,000 | 263,000 |
GW Gao Wen Ling | 255,500 | 255,500 |
TS Takao Shimizu | 226,000 | 226,000 |
FG Francis Garson | 214,500 | 214,500 |
LĐ Lê Đức Anh | 213,000 | 213,000 |
NN Nguyen Ngoc Nghia | 211,500 | 198,500 |
A Apuweo | 210,500 | 210,500 |
ĐH Đỗ Hoàng Long | 194,000 | 194,000 |
TS Trần Sơn Thạch | 190,500 | 190,500 |
YS Yeap Shiqiang | 187,500 | 187,500 |
SO Shuichi Ominami | 176,000 | 176,000 |
KP Kevin Phillip Ayow | 174,000 | 174,000 |
TH Trần Huy Tiến | 173,500 | 173,500 |
AP Aigars Plives | 167,000 | 167,000 |
SP Sam Panzica | 158,500 | 158,500 |
JL Jason Lau | 155,000 | 155,000 |
PĐ Phạm Đình Thi | 155,000 | 155,000 |
FY Foo Yong Cheong | 154,500 | 154,500 |
SJ Suri Jaswinder Singh | 139,000 | 139,000 |
NT Nguyễn Thiện Tâm | 138,500 | 138,500 |
PP Piet Pape | 136,000 | 136,000 |
CY Chua Ying Lin | 133,500 | 133,500 |
LK Lau King Lun Alan | 132,500 | 132,500 |
ĐV Đinh Văn Thanh | 131,000 | 131,000 |
TC Tan Chin Sun | 131,000 | 131,000 |
ME Mai Enwei | 126,000 | 126,000 |
PJ Phan John | 119,500 | 119,500 |
JJ James Jarod Minphiri | 118,000 | 118,000 |
JN Jason Nguyễn | 116,000 | 116,000 |
HH Hoàng Hồng Giang | 115,500 | 115,500 |
CT Chan Tsun Ming | 115,000 | 115,000 |
NV Nguyễn Văn Phinh | 114,000 | 114,000 |
IC I Cheng Lin | 112,500 | 112,500 |
KJ Kok Jun Yan | 109,500 | 109,500 |
CF Campomanes Florencio | 108,500 | 108,500 |
TG Thomas Gicquel | 106,500 | 106,500 |
S Sonbatchcheo | 106,500 | 106,500 |
TM Thang Md | 105,000 | 105,000 |
BA Ben Andrews | 104,500 | 104,500 |
TT Trần Thanh Vinh | 102,000 | 102,000 |
TC Trần Cao Tâm | 101,500 | 101,500 |
RB Raghav Bansal | 99,500 | 99,500 |
TA Trịnh Anh Dũng | 98,000 | 98,000 |
PH Phan Hoàng Tú | 97,000 | 97,000 |
LT Lê Tấn Lộc | 95,000 | 95,000 |
BK Benedict Koh Gek Chiang | 94,000 | 94,000 |
PL Pang Leo | 94,000 | 94,000 |
NA Nguyễn Anh Tuấn | 93,000 | 93,000 |
KV Kaniska Vpreti | 92,000 | 92,000 |
CG Chang Gon Lee | 91,500 | 91,500 |
KO Ken Okada | 91,500 | 91,500 |
NX Ngụy Xuân Hồng | 89,000 | 89,000 |
WC Wittawas Charassang | 89,000 | 89,000 |
NV Nguyễn Vũ Thạnh | 88,500 | 88,500 |
TT Trần Thanh Vân | 87,500 | 87,500 |
DM Dhaval Mudgal | 86,000 | 86,000 |
YN Yuta Noguchi | 86,000 | 86,000 |
AP An Phan | 85,000 | 85,000 |
NV Nguyễn Văn Trung | 83,000 | 83,000 |
HO Hisashi Ogi | 78,000 | 78,000 |
LH Lim Hwan | 73,000 | 73,000 |
QN Quang Nguyễn | 70,000 | 70,000 |
NT Nguyễn Thanh Hùng | 65,000 | 65,000 |
LW Lee Wei Chan | 61,500 | 61,500 |
WL Wilson Lim | 60,000 | 60,000 |
PD Phạm Duy Hưng | 58,500 | 58,500 |
NN Nguyen Nam Duong | 57,000 | 57,000 |
NT Nguyễn Tân | 57,000 | 57,000 |
CS Chua Shan Hui | 55,500 | 55,500 |
NR Nicolas Ragot | 55,500 | 55,500 |
NT Nguyễn Tiến Sơn | 52,500 | 52,500 |
SA Sahil Agarwal | 50,000 | 50,000 |
SE Stig Erik Goran Billgren | 47,000 | 47,000 |
HV Hoang Van Long | 45,000 | 45,000 |
SK Sj Kim | 44,000 | 44,000 |
PN Phạm Ngọc Quốc Bảo | 44,000 | 44,000 |
TO Tomomitsu Ono | 41,000 | 41,000 |
TH Tai Hsing Hsiung | 40,000 | 40,000 |
TĐ Trần Đức Đông | 40,000 | 40,000 |
ND Nguyễn Duy Vũ | 38,000 | 38,000 |
NT Nguyễn Trọng Liêm | 33,000 | 33,000 |
WC Wei Cheng Yin | 32,000 | 32,000 |
LH Lê Hoàn Công | 29,000 | 29,000 |
AB Adrian Brion | 26,500 | 26,500 |
NH Nguyễn Hoàng Tôn | 24,000 | 24,000 |
YG Yar Gin Wee | 23,500 | 23,500 |
KS Kentaro Somekawa | 22,000 | 22,000 |
BP Bradley Paul Evans | 14,500 | 14,500 |
LX Li Xiao Ling | 5,000 | 5,000 |
Mike Takayama
- ante 2500
We will have the official count for you shortly. Looks like may have bagged up the lead with 282,500, Alok Birewar 263k, and Wenling Gao with 255,500.
Alok Birewar vs Piet Pape
- ante 2500
Piet Pape raised to 6k then faced a raise from Alok Birewar to 17k. Pape called. At the flop T♥ 8♠ 8♥ , Pape checked, Birewar c-bet 15k, and claimed the pot with Pape folding.
John Phan pays a double
- ante 2500
John Phan raised to 8k, the player next to him shoved, and Phan called. Phan had J♥ J♣ but was behind his opponent’s Q♦ Q♣ . The board ran low and Phan paid the double up of 57.5k.
Nguyen Hoang Ton was the next to three-bet shove on Phan. Phan tanked until the clock was called. He was timed out.
Last level of the day
- ante 2500
Current leaders are Apu Weo, Mike Takayama, and Wenling Gao.
Linh Tran eliminated
- ante 2000
Linh Tran three-bet all in and original raiser called. Tran K♣ J♦ and had to get past T♥ T♠ , but with the board running 2♠ 8♣ 8♦ 9♠ 2♣ , it was the rail instead.
Chan Tsun Ming eliminates Nghia Le
- ante 2000
Nghia Le was all in with Q♣ Q♥ and faced Chan Tsun Ming with A♠ J♠ . The board ran A♥ 3♥ 7♣ T♣ 2♣ for a higher pair to Ming and the exit for Le.
Peter Lim rails one
- ante 2000
All in preflop saw a short stack with A-K and Peter Lim with 10-10. The board ran 10-2-4-K-7 and Lim shipped it while raling one.
Thang D finds courage to call Lee
- ante 2000
UTG Thang D raised then down the orbit Chang Gon Lee three-bet to 10.5k, Thang called. At the flop 8♦ J♥ 4♠ , Thang checked, Lee pushed sending Thang tanking for some time. Thang found the courage to risk it all and was in disbelief upon seeing Lee’s 7♦ 4♦ . He slapped open hi K♠ J♣ top pair. The turn [“poker card =10c”] and river [“poker card =5c”] completed the board for a double up to Thang.
Pham Bao hits six outer vs Wenling Gao
- ante 1600
Three-way action at table 1 with Wenling Gao initiating the action preflop. Button Marvin Rettenmaier called and so did the big blind. At the flop 7♥ 5♥ J♣ , Pham checked, Gao bet, Rettenmaier folded, Pham shoved, snap-called by Gao. Pham had 9♠ 8♦ gutshot draw while Gao had top pair Q♥ J♥ and a flush draw the turn 2♠ had no effect but the river 6♠ gave Pham his six-outer to avoid the rail and double up.
John Phan tanks
- ante 1600
On a 12.2k pot, the flop came down 3♣ 6♥ 5♥ , UTG John Phan bet 6800 then faced a raise to 15k by CO Nam Nguyen. Phan tanked then finally called. The turn 5♦ saw Phan check, Nguyen shoved his 23.5k stack, Phan tanked again, but this time he opted to surrender his stake on the pot. Nguyen shipped it.
Marvin Rettenmaier
- ante 1600
One player was all in on the flop Q♥ 9♦ 6♠ with two players calling. MP player checked to Marvin Rettenmaier who bet 8700, no call was made. Rettenmaier with K♥ K♠ , at risk player T♣ J♦ straight draw. The turn Q♦ and river Q♠ ended the hand to boot one out.
Pham Bao and Dhaval Mudgal
- ante 1200
Catching the action on a complete board 3♣ A♣ 4♠ J♥ Q♥ and 30k weighing down the middle, Pham Bao was all in with 20.5k sending Dhaval Mudgal tanking. A few minutes went by and Mudgal opted to fold.
Next hand blinds went up to 800 - 1600 ante 1600, Bao min-raised to 3200, DB called, then SB Mudgal three-bet to 15.8k. Back to Pham, he folded and DB followed suit.
Payouts are in!
- ante 1200
The Main Event will pay out the top 85 places. The eventual champion will take home VND 2,427,580,000 (~US$104,000).
Main Event sets new prize pool record of VND 13.1 BN
- ante 1200
Numbers are in! A new record set by WPT Vietnam! The Main Event finalized with 679 entries! With the entry fee at VND 22M, that drove the prize pool up to VND 13,172,600,000 (|~US$564,750). This is the largest-ever live tournament poker prize pool seen in Vietnam.
Marvin Rettenmaier doubles up
- 1000
MP player raised to 2300, called by another, all in by CO player German pro Marvin Rettenmaier, fold by the initial raiser, but called by the last player. Rettenmaier 7♦ 7♠ , caller A♠ J♠ , board bricked for double up to the pro.
Next hand, Benedict Koh raised to 2300 from CO position, Rettenmaier called from the button, and BB player joined in. The flop ran Q♠ 9♠ 3♦ , action was checked to Rettenmaier, he bet 3200, and won the pot.
Registration closed
- 1000
Registration closed! We will have the official tally up as soon as we have it. Play continues until the end of Level 14.
Bobbe Suri knocks out two
- ante 800
Just before the break, three players were all in. One had K♠ K♥ , another with A♣ J♣ , and Bobbe Suri with J♣ J♦ . When the board ran 7♥ 9♥ J♥ , Suri jumped out front with a set. On the Q♥ turn, he was overtaken by a flush. But the river was still to come and when it did, the Q♦ paired the board to improve Suri to a full house. He shipped it, sending two out simultaneously, and is now at 115k .
Jae Wook Shin wins a pot
- ante 800
Huy Pham raised to 1800 and found three callers down the round. At the flop 5♥ 4♥ 5♣ , no bets arrived. On the 3♥ turn, still no bets. On the river 9♠ , BB Jae Wook Shin took a stab and bet 3200. Everyone folded.
Ian Brion doubles up
- ante 800
Ian Brion shoved his short stack but found no callers. On his second shove, he got the call. His T♣ T♠ was good for a double up with his challenger A♣ K♣ missing the board. Brion up to 45k.
Eugene Co railed by Peter Lim
- ante 800
Eugene Co shoved with K-Q but Peter Lim had his number calling with A-Q. Though not needed, the board spiked an ace. Co has a chance to re-enter with registration still open.
Jae Wook Shin saved by the river
- ante 800
On a board 7♣ 4♠ 9♣ J♥ , one player was all in with 9♦ 7♦ two pair and Jae Wook Shin called for his tournament life with J♠ 8♠ top pair. The river 4♥ paired the board to save Shin from elimination. He doubled up to 50k.
Random chip counts
- ante 600
Piet Pape 165k Apu Weo 160k Linh Tran 68k Mike Takayama 145k Lim Yohwan 12k John Phan 70k Marvin Rettenmaier 30k Wilson Lim 45k Soo Jo Kim 63k Raghav Bansal 43k Alan King Lun Lau 55k Wenling Gao 60k Sam Panzica 55k Ying Lin Chua 25k Kunal Patni 30k Ben Loo 150k
Linh Tran doubles up
- ante 600
While Ben Loo was in action, the table nextdoor saw Linh Tran shipping in a double up. Tran had 3♥ 3♠ that turned quads with the board running 3♣ 3♦ 4♥ 7♠ 9♥ .
Ben Loo over 140k
- ante 600
In an earlier hand, Ben Loo doubled up through Hai Chuot with his pocket threes improving to a full house against Chuot’s straight. He won another pot at the table to bring his stack to over 140k. Action began with Loo raising to 1500 that was called by the SB player. At the flop 6♦ 3♦ 9♠ , Loo bet 2200 and the SB check-called. On the 2♣ turn, both checked for a free river 3♥ . SB bet 6k and Loo called. SB opened T♥ 8♦ bluff and Loo won it with J♠ 6♠ pair.
Alan Lau exposes Josh McCully’s bluff
- ante 600
Catching the action on board 4♥ 7♠ 5♣ 3♥ and a pot of 6900 already swimming in the middle, BB Josh McCully bet 3600 and around the bend, Alan King Lun Lau called. On the 4♣ river, McCully continued with an 8700 bet and Lau called. McCully showed his T♠ 8♦ missed draw bluff and lost the pot to Lau’s 6♦ 5♦ straight.
Level 8 begins
Level 8: Blnds 300 - 600 - ante 600
303 entries, 194 remaining. Late registration closes at the beginning of Level 10.
Piet Pape loses some to Peter Lim
- ante 500
Piet Pape is one of the big stacks at his table with around 130k. According to one of the players at the table, Pape won a big pot with his set of nines over a players two pair with king-nine. We stuck around to try and catch him win a hand instead we saw him lose a bit to Peter Lim.
The hand kicked off with Lim raising to 2k, called by Pape and the SB player. At the flop 2♥ 9♦ 8♠ , all checked. On the 9♣ turn, SB checked, Lim bet 3600, Pape called, SB folded. On the 6♥ river, Lim bet 6400 and Pape folded.
Ryo Soo shoves on Kevin Law
- ante 500
Catching the action on the flop 5♦ 6♥ 3♥ , SB Mike Takayama checked, BB Kevin Law bet 1200, down the orbit Ryo Soo called, and back to Takayama with a call. On the [“10c”] turn, check again by Takayama, 4300 bet by Law, Ryo called but this time Takayama folded. On the 5♥ river, Law slowed down and checked, Soo shoved with 11.2k remaining, Law had the chips to call but opted to fold instead.
John Phan takes one
- ante 500
On a raised pot preflop, four players stared down a flop 5♦ K♣ K♦ and no one took a stab. On the J♥ turn, everyone checked to the button who bet 3k, John Phan raised to 6k, and claimed it with everyone folding.
Aggressive bets by Dinh Van Thanh
- ante 500
With the main floor up to capacity, three tables have been running upstairs. We dropped in to check out the action and caught Do Hoang Quan and Dinh Van Thanh in a heated battle for a pot. Quan limped from cutoff, DB player limped as well, then SB Thanh raised to 5k. This sent the action back to Quan who called. DB folded.
At the flop 7♣ 4♥ J♦ , Thanh bet 12k and Quan called. On the 9♠ turn, Thanh fired 25k, and again Quan called. On the Q♥ river, Thanh shoved well covering Quan’s stack. Quick-fold by Quan. Thanh climbed to 132k.
Break time
- ante 400
Second break of the day, 289 entries as we close out Level 6. Three more rounds of late registration open. The Filipino contingent has been battling it out at the felt. Among them are WSOP bracelet winner Mike Takayama, Eugene Co, Ian Brion, and Flo Campomanes.
Chang Gon Lee doubles up in cooler
- ante 400
Chang Gon Lee fired both of his bullets yesterday and failed to advance. He came back today and is once again on his second bullet. He just doubled up with A-A over K-K on a dry board.
Danny Tang pays Mr Hai
- ante 400
Danny Tang defended his big blind by calling a 1k raise by Mr Hai. At the flop A♦ 7♣ 9♣ , both checked. On the 5♠ turn, Tang led for 1600 and was called. On the 8♦ river, Tang quickly shoved and still the call was made. Tang opens T♥ 8♠ though it was no good against A♣ A♥ set. Mr Hai doubled up.
Dhanesh Chainani steals it from Linh Tran
- ante 400
Linh Tran raised to 1k and found three callers joining him to the flop A♠ 7♥ 8♦ . Action was checked to him on the hijack seat. He bet 1500, button player folded, SB Dhanesh Chainani raised to 4500, and Chainani won it with Tran folding up.
Michael Kim Falcon at 100K
- ante 400
Michael Kim Falcon is one of the bigger stacks out there with 100k. We caught him winning a pot against Nikita Luther. On a flop 3♦ J♣ T♦ , Falcon bet 1500 and Luther folded. Falcon showed his Q♦ 4♦ flush draw.
Passed Day 1B turnout
- ante 300
Day 1B had a sweet 250 turnout but Day 1C has just surpassed it with the numbers ticking upwards. At this time we are at 260 entries.
Nutty cooler! Jason Nguyen, I Cheng Lin, and Aso Seitaro
- ante 300
Big hand here kicked off with UTG Aso Seitaro all in for 2800, called by UTG+1 I Cheng Lin, then down the orbit DB Jason Nguyen three-bet to 6k. Action went back to UTG+1 Lin, he called. At the flop K♣ A♦ 8♥ , Lin checked, Nguyen bet 2k, Lin called. On the 6♣ turn, both players checked. The river 5♠ saw Lin check again, Nguyen bet 6k, and flat call by Lin.
When the cards flipped open, Nguyen won the side pot with A♥ A♣ set over Lin’s K♥ K♦ set. Seitaro was eliminated with his Q♠ Q♦ way behind.
Tran Kim Dong takes from Nguyen Tien Son
- ante 300
UTG player bumped it up to 800, Tran Kim Dong called followed by Nguyen Tien Son. At the flop, A♦ 2♥ 5♥ , everyone checked. On the Q♦ turn, Dong bet 1.5k and only Son called. On the J♥ river, Dong fired another 3k out and Son called. Dong opened A♥ 6♦ to win it as Son mucked.
Nguyen Tuan Anh pushes
- ante 300
Nguyen Tuan Anh raised to 1k, one caller, BB player three-bet to 3.6k, Anh four-bet to 10.5k, player folds, BB called. The flop ran 2♠ Q♠ 2♥ , no bets arrived. On the 5♣ turn, BB checked, Anh bet 6k, BB called. On the 6♥ river, check by BB, push bet 30k by Anh, and after tanking, BB folded.
Apu Weo still ahead
- ante 200
Our chip leader is still Apu Weo who now has 200k in chips.
Nguyen Duy Vu busts one
- ante 200
Action began with a raise to 600 by a MP player, Nguyen Duy Vu and the CO player called. Action on the SB who three-bet to 2900. Back to the original raiser who opted to fold, Vu called, and the CO also joined to see the flop. The cards landed 7♦ 7♠ 9♦ , SB bet 5700, only Vu called. On the 5♦ turn, SB checked, Vu bet 40k (well covering the SB player). SB tanked then eventually put his tournament life at risk. Vu 9♥ 7♥ , SB J♥ J♣ . With the river 6♦ , it was a bust and Vu climbed to 78k.
More notables in action today
- ante 200
Seen at the felt: Ying Lin Chua, Linh Tran, Chua Shan Hui, Piet Pape, Dhanesh Chainani, Duong Nguyen, Thi Nguyen, Trinh Huy Thong, Tuan La, Linh Nguyen, and famous Vietnamese singer Nguyen Hoang Ton. WSOP bracelet winner Nikita Luther is also at the races.
Records broken, records set!
- ante 100
The previous level has ended and as it stands, WPT Vietnam is setting the bar for the highest Main Event prize pool ever seen in the country. With 187 in the tally, that brings us to 542 so far with six more levels of late registration open. We are now over VND 10BN and climbing. WPT Vietnam has also crushed the WPT India Main Event attendance. What a fantastic turnout for this inaugural event!
Four-way all in! Ominami Shiuichi’s aces hold
- ante 100
Action packed table saw four players standing up and all in. Hands were K♦ K♣ versus 9♦ 9♥ versus A♣ K♥ , and Ominami Shiuichi with A♦ A♠ . Usually with multiple players all in against aces, the odds for the nut hole cards aren’t so good however with the board running 5♥ A♥ 5♦ Q♥ K♣ , aces held and improved to a dominating full house to bounce out two players and scoop the pot. He now sits with 60k.
Wenling Gao falls on a bluff to Pham Thanh Tung
- ante 100
Chinese pro Wenling Gao walked straight to registration after falling on a bluff to Pham Thanh Tung. Catching the action on the flop, 3800 was already pre-brewed with three players in the hand. Flop T♣ 9♦ Q♦ , BB checked, UTG Gao bet 1500, MP player Pham Thanh Tung called, and BB folded.
At the turn 3♠ , Gao continued to beef up the pot with a 4500 bet, Pham called. On the river 9♥ , Gao didn’t bother counting and slid her 25k stack out front. Pham would not be bullied and he made the call with more chips. Gao opened A♥ J♥ missed draw, Pham won the pot with K♣ J♦ to send Gao up and out. Pham climbed to 65k.
New level, ante stage begins
- ante 100
We have reached the ante stage of the tournament. Unlike most big blind antes, this one is less than the big blind. Numbers are now at 163. 10 more and we’ve set a new Asia WPT Main Event record. Keep it coming!
Chang Gon Lee and John Phan go at it
Chang Gon Lee is back from his crazy swings in Day 1B. He is tabled with John Phan where both were seen going at it. The first hand had a raised pot in the middle and a flop T♦ 4♠ Q♣ . SB Phan bet 2700 and won it with Lee folding.
Next hand, Lee limped in, Phan raised from the button to 1k, Lee called. On the flop 9♦ Q♦ 9♠ , Lee check-called Phan’s 1200 bet. On the 6♠ turn, both checked. Then on the river 2♠ , Lee switched up and led for 3500. This was enough to win it with Phan doing the folding.
Into 500 combined entries…
A♠ predicted, we will surpass the Asia WPT Main Event set in India of 527 entries. We have just crossed into 500 combined entries with over 145 already signed up today. Among the latest walk-ins were John Phan, Marvin Rettenmaier, Wenling Gao, Chang Gon Lee, Nghia Le, and Nguyen Tuan Anh.
Apu Weo quadruple stack
By the looks of it, Apu Weo has jumped to a big lead here. He already has 120k to play with. Starting stack was 30k. We can safely assume he’s been the hatchet man at his table with three players booted.
Notables in action
A big local force has come in to attend today. The only ones we recognize at the moment are Cao Ngoc Anh and Tran Kim Dong. A♠ for the international brood, we have Tzai Wei Phua back from yesterday.
We have reached 100 entries!
And just like that the room is rockin’! 105 entries pumped in for the first level. That’s the total of Day 1A. We now enter round 2. More tables are opening with a line of players waiting to get in.
Seen at the felt…
71 players and climbing… looks like we’ve already had a bust out in the first ten minutes. That player has re-entered. Seen at the tables are Yohwan Lim, Kunal Patni, Erik Billgren, Shyh Chyn Lim, Nicholas Dixon, Nguyen Dang Toan, and a few Japanese newcomers, Hisashi Ogi, Ken Okada, and Go Mori. One Vietnamese player, Tran Son Thach, held the biggest stack entering the last two rounds of Day 1B but somehow lost it. He is back for another attempt.
Day 1C underway!
The final starting day of the WPT Vietnam Main Event has begun! The past two days brought in 355 total entries and if we continue on that pace, we will smash the WPT Asia Main Event record set in India of 527 runners. A total of 87 players advanced to Day 2.
Today’s sights are set on the VND 8 Billion Guaranteed prize pool. To try for a piece, jump in. Entry fee is VND 22,000,000. Only one re-entry will be allowed. Players begin with a deep 30K stack. Plan is to play to the end of Level 14. Blind duration is 40 minutes.
Good luck to all! Live updates will be running throughout the day right here on Somuchpoker.