Single Day High Roller
Nguyen Duc Thanh Takes It On The Turn
Nguyen Duc Thanh opens utg+1 to 3,500 and both the blinds call. Flop comes K♥ 8♥ T♦ and Nguyen bets out again for 5,500 and only Mok Jo Seng calls from the big. The turn brings the 4♥ and Nguyen puts out another bet of 7,500 to take the pot down
Player | Chips |
ND Nguyen Duc Thanh | 124,000(83 BB) |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | 48,100(32 BB) |
Erik Rozhynskyi Gets Help On The Turn

Actions folds around to Mok Jo Seng in the small who opens for 4,500 and Erik Rozhynskyi defends his big. They check the paired flop of 8♣ T♠ T♣ and go to the J♥ turn where Mok leads for 3,500 and Rozhynskyi calls. The river is 3♦ and Mok check calls Rozhynskyi's river bet of 12,500. Rozhynskyi shoes J♣ 9♠ for top pair and Mok mucks.
Player | Chips |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 138,100(92 BB) |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | 70,600(47 BB) |
Erik Rozhynskyi's Five Bet Wins It Pre-Flop
Mok Jo Seng raises utg+1 to 2,500 before Erik Rozhynskyi three bets to 8,000. Mok fires back with a four bet to 22,000 and Rozhynskyi jams. Mok lays it down.
Player | Chips |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 120,500(100 BB) |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | 60,300(50 BB) |
Flipping Sevens Against Ace King

Cutoff opens to 2,600 and button calls before small blind Mok Jo Seng shoves. Erik Rozhynskyi call from the big for remaining 39,100 and the other two players get out of the way. Mok is holding 7♠ 7♥ and Rozhynskyi A♣ K♣ . Rozhynskyi hits the turn on board 2♣ 8♣ 4♣ A♠ 5♦ to double up through Mok.
Player | Chips |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | 84,600(71 BB) |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | 82,300(69 BB) |
Scary Board For Queens
Mok Jo Seng opens utg 2,800 and Fujishiro Kazuki three bets to 10,000. Mok calls and they see a flop of 6♦ 5♣ K♣ . Kazuki bets 9,000 and Mok check calls. They both check turn J♣ and river 2♣ and Mok rolls over Q♣ Q♦ and Kazuki mucks.
Player | Chips |
FK Fujishiro Kazuki | 127,000(106 BB) |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | 119,800(100 BB) |
Mok Jo Seng's Semi Bluff Doesn't Work Out
Utg Ling Teck Oon opens 2,000 and gets called by utg+2 Mok Jo Seng before hijack three bets to 7,000. Both players call and they see a flop of 5♥ A♠ 6♠ . Hijack bet 8,000 and Ling reraises to 25,000 but Mok three bets all in to 66,200. Only Ling calls and shows 6♣ 6♥ for middle set. Mok rolls over Q♠ 9♠ for a flush draw and the board comes Q♥ K♦ . Mok doesn't improve and is busted out.
Player | Chips |
241,700(242 BB) | |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | busted |