Seat | Player | Country | Chip count |
YS Yunsheng Sun | China | 6,800,000 | |
NV Nguyen Van Tung | Viet Nam | Busted | |
CB Conor Berry Grimsley | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Busted | |
SS Sia Soon Lee | Malaysia | Busted | |
ND Nguyen Duc Thanh | Viet Nam | Busted | |
WJ Won Jungsun | Korea (Republic of) | Busted | |
MF Mr. Fendy | Indonesia | Busted | |
SC Shim Cong | Malaysia | Busted | |
MT Mike Takayama | Philippines | Busted | |
AZ Anshu Zheng | China | Busted | |
ER Erik Rozhynskyi | Ukraine | Busted | |
SS Santiago Soriano Ramos | Busted | ||
NQ Nguyen Quang Huy | Viet Nam | Busted | |
AR Aladin Reskallah | France | Busted | |
CS Chudapal Siarhei | Belarus | Busted | |
DE David Erquiaga | Philippines | Busted | |
HH Henri Hinds | Ireland | Busted | |
TO Tan Ong Kwan | Busted | ||
NT Ngoc Thai | Busted | ||
SJ Sumin Jang | Korea (Republic of) | Busted | |
HH Hoang Hai Nam | Viet Nam | Busted | |
FK Fujishiro Kazuki | Japan | Busted | |
IF Ilya Firstov | Kazakhstan | Busted | |
QQ Quan Qiu | China | Busted | |
C Chaiwat Prajuabjinda | Busted | ||
WC Wong Chien Fong | Busted | ||
HS Hong Sung Heon | Korea (Republic of) | Busted | |
LN Le Ngoc Minh | Viet Nam | Busted | |
GG Grant Gardner | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Busted | |
MK Minseung Kwak | Korea (Republic of) | Busted | |
HA Ho Anh Tuan | Viet Nam | Busted | |
JH Jhon Hendri | Indonesia | Busted | |
JK Jiyoung Kim | Korea (Republic of) | Busted | |
LQ Li Qinglin | China | Busted | |
GJ Gyeongseok Jeon | Korea (Republic of) | Busted | |
AV Armon Van Wijk | Australia | Busted | |
DH Danny Huynh | Australia | Busted | |
NH Nguyen Hoa Thinh | Viet Nam | Busted | |
MT Michael Truong (2) | United States of America | Busted | |
NH Ngo Hieu | Viet Nam | Busted | |
FL Ferdinand Lu | Philippines | Busted | |
DA Dang Anh Duc | Viet Nam | Busted | |
JM John Matsuda | Philippines | Busted | |
WC Weimei Cai | China | Busted | |
HM Huu Minh Tri Pham | Viet Nam | Busted | |
MJ Mok Jo Seng | Malaysia | Busted | |
LT Ling Teck Oon | Busted | ||
BM Bien Mai | Viet Nam | Busted |