Blind level
Level 24: 50,000 / 100,000 ante: 100,000
Total Chips

Single Day High Roller

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/29/2024, 10:12:46 AM

Queens Bust Out Two Players

Level 4: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Anshu Zheng

Utg+1 opens to 3,000 and cutoff Ling Teck Oon calls before button three bets 10,000. Big blind Anshu Zheng comes over the top with a four bet jam. Only Ling (80,000) and button (67,200) call. Ling rolls over K K , button has 7 7 , and Zheng has Q Q . The board comes 9 T Q 8 A and Zheng smashes the flop for a set of queens, busting out Ling and the button.

248,000(248 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/29/2024, 10:04:16 AM

Tens Hold For Li Qinglin In Three Way All In

Level 4: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000
Li Qinglin

The pot is currently 34,000 and the flop is 9 8 3 . Small blind Ling Teck Oon bets out for 7,100 and utg+1 Li Qinglin reraises to 25,000. Bien Mai calls but Ling three bets all in. Both Li (121,700) and Bien (55,100) call. Li is holding T T , Bien shows K 7 and Ling has A 5 . The run out comes 4 J and Li's tens hold, busting out Bien.

332,500(333 BB)
87,000(87 BB)
Bien MaiViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/29/2024, 9:52:40 AM

Mok Jo Seng's Semi Bluff Doesn't Work Out

Level 4: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

Utg Ling Teck Oon opens 2,000 and gets called by utg+2 Mok Jo Seng before hijack three bets to 7,000. Both players call and they see a flop of 5 A 6 . Hijack bet 8,000 and Ling reraises to 25,000 but Mok three bets all in to 66,200. Only Ling calls and shows 6 6 for middle set. Mok rolls over Q 9 for a flush draw and the board comes Q K . Mok doesn't improve and is busted out.

241,700(242 BB)
Mok Jo SengMalaysia [MYS]Malaysia
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/29/2024, 9:50:29 AM

Four Way Pot Win For Anshu Zheng

Level 4: 500 / 1,000 ante: 1,000

Ling Teck Oon opens utg+2 to 2,000 and gets called by button Anshu Zheng and both the blinds. Four ways to a flop and turn of 2 T 7 3 which checks through. River is A and Zheng bets 6,000. Ling calls and Zheng shows down 4 5 and takes it down.

119,000(119 BB)
110,000(110 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/29/2024, 8:47:20 AM

Ling Teck Oon Keeps Foot On The Gas

Level 2: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Ling Teck Oon

Ling Teck Oon raises utg+1 to 1,000 and is called by button and big blind Nguyen Van Tung. Flop comes 2 4 K and Lin continues for 1,500, only Nguyen check calls. 9 drops on turn and Nguyen check calls another bet of 3,000 from Ling. The river brings 6 and Ling fires again for 7,000 to push Nguyen out of the pot.

120,500(241 BB)
95,300(191 BB)