Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Flight B

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/26/2024, 10:17:47 AM

Nguyen takes from Kwak

Level 6: 300 / 500 ante: 500
Nguyen Duc Than

The action is opened by Nguyen Duc Thanh from the +1 position for 1,100 and it is folded all the way to the BB of Korea’s Kwak Minseung who defends.

The flop is 4 9 Q as Kwak checks. Nguyen CBets 1,100 and gets called. The turn is the A. The Korean checks again and Nguyen unloads 3,000. Kwak still calls. The river is the 2 and both players take it to showdown.

Kwak shows Q 7 for top pair on the flop while the Vietnamese player tables A 8 for top pair on the turn.

Minseung KwakKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
87,000(174 BB)
27,000(54 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/26/2024, 10:05:46 AM

Chip count

Level 6: 300 / 500 ante: 500
131,000(262 BB)
80,300(161 BB)
67,400(135 BB)
64,000(128 BB)
57,000(114 BB)
46,300(93 BB)
Mai BienViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
46,000(92 BB)
Minseung KwakKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
45,000(90 BB)
44,000(88 BB)
42,200(84 BB)
39,000(78 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/26/2024, 9:30:20 AM

Kwak fills up for double up

Level 4: 200 / 300 ante: 300
Kwak Minseung

Bulgaria’s Slavin Popov opens from the +2 position for 700 as Lee Jangkyu of Korea makes the call from the SB. Another Korean in Kwak Minseung re-raises from the BB to 3,300 and gets both to call.

The flop is J 6 A as Lee checks. Kwak bombs away for 3,000 and still gets called by both Popov and Lee. The turn is the 6 as Lee and this time Kwak opt to check. Popov then bets 11,500. Lee folds as Kwak calls all-in for his remaining 11,300.

Popov shows K T for a flush draw while the Korean has him drawing dead as he turns over J J for a full house on the turn.

The river of the 4 makes Kwak’s double up off of the Bulgarian official.

Minseung KwakKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
41,800(139 BB)
35,200(117 BB)
Jangkyu LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
27,700(92 BB)