Blind level
Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
Total Chips

Flight B

Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/26/2024, 10:57:56 AM

Mai Bien dodges everything

Level 7: 300 / 600 ante: 600

A player from UTG decides to put his remaining 1,000 in the middle as France’s Guillaume Lafont 3-bets it to 2,500 from the +2 position. The action is folded to Mai Bien of Vietnam who defends his BB.

The flop is 2 9 T as Mai checks. Lafont CBets for 2,000 and Mai calls. The turn is the T and this time, both check. The river is 2 and both players decide to take it to showdown.

The all-in player shows J 8 for a missed straight while Mai tables 5 5. Lafont mucks and now Mai’s stack nears the 50,000 mark.

Mai BienViet Nam [VNM]Viet Nam
48,200(80 BB)
28,600(48 BB)
Karlo De SottoKarlo De Sotto
11/26/2024, 7:39:31 AM

Lafont gets back at Lee

Level 1: 100 / 100 ante: 100
Lafont Guillame

In an unraised pot between SB Lee Jang kyu of Korea and France’s Guillaume Lafont in the BB, the flop comes 2 K A as Lee checks. Lafont leads out for 300 and gets called. The turn is the 9 and the Korean checks again. Lafont now fires 3,000 and still gets a call from Lee. The river is the 7 and now Lee comes out betting for 8,200 which gets quickly called by the Frenchman.

Lee shows K 9 for two pairs on the turn while Lafont tables A 2 for a higher two pairs on the flop.

Lafont’s stack surges to above 40,000.

42,300(423 BB)
Jangkyu LeeKorea (Republic of) [KOR]Korea (Republic of)
15,000(150 BB)