Day 2
Lin Yu Eliminates Michael Truong in a Thrilling Showdown
Lin Yu opens with a pre-flop raise to 20,000, but Michael Truong isn't backing down, responding with an all-in three-bet of 70,000. Lin calls, and the players reveal their hands. Lin holds 6♠ 6♣ , while Michael has A♠ 8♦ . The board runs 9♥ 5♠ 2♦ 7♦ J♠ , and Lin's pocket sixes hold strong, securing the win and sending Michael packing in 26th place. What an intense clash.
Player | Chips |
LY Lin Yu | 550,000(55 BB) |
MT Michael Truong (3) | busted |
Joshua Figuerres Wins with Queen Trips
Michael Truong (CO) raises to 16,000, and Joshua Figuerres (BB) calls. The flop brings Q♣ Q♥ 7♣ , and Joshua checks while Michael bets 20,000. Joshua calls. The turn comes T♦ , Joshua checks again, and Michael bets 30,000. Joshua responds with an all-in for 50,000, and Michael calls. Both reveal their hands: Michael has A♥ J♠ , and Joshua holds Q♦ 2♦ . The river card brings J♦ , giving Joshua the win with trips of Queens.
Player | Chips |
MT Michael Truong (3) | 226,000(28 BB) |
JF Joshua Figuerres | 184,000(23 BB) |
Martin Gonzales Wins Big with a Diamond Flush

Martin Gonzales (SB) raises to 24,000, and Michael Truing (BB) calls. The flop comes 7♥ 3♦ 7♦ . Martin checks, Michael bets 20,000, and Martin calls. The turn brings 9♠ . Martin checks again, Michael bets 40,000, and Martin calls. The river brings 5♦ . Martin checks, Michael bets 100,000, and Martin responds with an all-in shove of 218,000, which Michael calls. In the showdown, Martin holds A♦ Q♦ , and Michael has 8♦ T♦ . Martin wins with a higher diamond flush and takes the pot
Player | Chips |
MR Martin Rundulf Gonzales | 612,000(77 BB) |
MT Michael Truong (3) | 301,000(38 BB) |