Day 1
Mike Takayama rails one, continues to ascend

Mike Takayama adds 9 bb to his stack after calling then railing the short stack. Takayama’s A♥ T♠ stayed ahead of K♣ J♥ that missed the board completely.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,500,000(75 BB) | 200,000 |
Top 5 in chips
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,800,000(90 BB) | -320,000 | |
1,550,000(78 BB) | 500,000 | |
1,300,000(65 BB) | 200,000 | |
1,300,000(65 BB) | ||
900,000(45 BB) | 100,000 |
Mike Takayama pushes for the pot

Three players in on a raised pot, the flop runs K♥ 5♦ 7♠ . Blinds check to utg+2 Nguyen Trung Quan who c-bets 25,000, smal blind Mike Takayama check-raises 76,000, big blind folds, back to Nguyen who three-bets 200,000, Takayama shoves and wins the pot as Nguyen folds.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,100,000(73 BB) | 250,000 | |
570,000(38 BB) | -555,000 |
Small pocket for Mike Takayama
Utg+1 Lin Jian Wei opens and finds two callers. All three check the flop 8♦ 7♥ 4♣ . On the K♦ turn Lin bets 50,000, only cutoff Mike Takayama continues to the river 2♦ . Both check. Lin opens A♣ J♦ , Takayama wins it with 5♥ 5♦ .
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,100,000(73 BB) | 1,100,000 | |
850,000(57 BB) | 850,000 | |
800,000(53 BB) | 280,000 |
Mike Takayama eliminated by Nguyen Trung Quan

Mike Takayama all in for his remaining 9 bb with A♣ 9♥ then falls to Nguyen Trung Quan’s T♦ T♠ on board 5♣ 3♣ 3♦ K♠ 9♦ .
20 players remaining.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,050,000(26 BB) | 150,000 | |
busted | -650,000 |
Dao Minh Phu pumps up the pot then takes it

Two players call Mike Takayama’s 40,000 raise and head to the flop T♠ 8♥ 5♠ . Action checks to cutoff Dao Minh Phu who slides out 70,000. Big blind folds, Takayama calls. Same action on the turn 5♣ and river 7♦ . Takayama check-calls Dao’s 100,000 and 200,00 bets. Dao shows his K♠ T♣ pair, Takayama mucks.
Chip Counts
Player | Chips | Progress |
1,300,000(52 BB) | 600,000 | |
650,000(26 BB) | 650,000 |