Day 2

3/27/2024, 3:29:00 PM

Ian Lee and Andrey L saved by the river

Level 22: 10,000 / 20,000 ante: 20,000
Raju Jaruplavath at USOP Danang 2024
Raju Jaruplavath

Ian Lee min-raises from utg+1, button Junnie Pamplona calls, small blind Andrey L shoves 6 bb, Lee makes it a pair with a shove of 13 bb, Pamplona has them both covered and call.

Andrey L A [js} Lee A 2 Pamplona T T

The board runs 3 8 K 3 A , both Andrey and Lee are saved by the river.

Chip Counts

475,000(24 BB)
250,000(13 BB)
210,000(11 BB)